This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 153 The five major corps are established! The new map is officially opened!

"This is the secret recipe for refining special herbal seeds!"

The flower demon twins were surprised. Although it was only the first level, it was of blue quality. Even in a large star city-state like Shengcang City, the value of a formula of this quality could usually reach about three to five thousand magic crystals.

Bai Mu, the master pharmacist, has mastered the refining of two types of medicine: Dragon Mark Bone Strengthening Pill and Dragon Mark Essence Blood Pill.

It would be of great significance if the materials could be cultivated in batches, enough to become the flagship product of the Luoshui City Medicine Refining Workshop!

By boosting the performance of the entire workshop, it will be of great benefit to both Uncle Baimu and the two sisters. It will also increase the territory’s heritage and enhance its competitiveness!

Hang Yu: "I found these two formulas when I returned to Shengcang City this time. Their market price is 6,000 magic crystals. I can give them to you sisters for 3,000 magic crystals."

The most important thing about a management team is clear rewards and punishments.

Although the Flower Demon sisters are employees of the territory, without outstanding contributions, Hang Yu cannot directly grant the formula to them for free, otherwise it will be unfair to other employees.

Take Shiraki for example.

The medicine formula he mastered was learned at his own expense.

It wouldn't be fair to Shiraki if the two sisters got a high-value formula for free.

Of course, Hang Yu will not sell to employees at full price, but will make money in this area. After all, employees are creating value for themselves and have signed long-term contracts with the territory. As a boss, they should also share part of the training costs as benefits to win people's hearts.

When Hang Yu bought two formulas from a Lich Lord, the market price at that time was indeed 6,000 magic crystals, but he was bargained down to 5,000 magic crystals. Now that they are being transferred for 3,000 magic crystals, the two sisters must be Not at a disadvantage.

This fee can be paid on credit and paid back over time, or deducted from contributions.

"Thank you Lord for your cultivation!" The two sisters were very excited. Although receiving the formula was not free, even a fool knew that this was definitely a benefit that was guaranteed to make money!

Let’s not talk about it.

This ability has no time limit and will not disappear.

Even if something happens in the territory in the future and you can no longer work here, this is an ability that will not be lost. You can put it in your resume when looking for a job, thereby gaining higher workplace competitiveness and benefits.

Once the two of them successfully cultivate a batch of seeds, the performance of the medicine refining workshop may double or triple in the future. This learning cost and price can be easily earned back!

Isn't it just 3000 magic crystals?

Sisters Hua Yue and Hua Xing come from the largest flower demon family in Shengcang City.

This little magic crystal is nothing to them, they can pay it off directly without even needing a credit.

As for using contribution points to pay for magic crystals?

That is absolutely impossible, only a fool would do such a thing!

Although the territory occasionally provides a service for recharging magic crystals and contribution points, this kind of benefit is not common and is limited. Almost all contribution points can be exchanged for abyss essence, and the value of the two is not at the same level.

Hang Yu asked: "How many seeds can you cultivate in a day at most?"

Huayue replied: "If there are enough raw materials, with our current cultivation level and working hard, we can refine about 500 seeds every day."

Five hundred coins for one person, one thousand coins for two people, and ten thousand coins in ten days!

This speed is already very fast!

Of course this is just a theoretical speed.

As for the actual output, it is difficult to say that it can reach such a figure.

First of all, the two herbal seeds cannot be transformed out of thin air. First, a batch of basic seeds suitable for transformation need to be prepared, and then the essence, blood and bones of dragon monsters can be used as raw materials to refine them.

Basic seeds are not difficult to buy.

There are several common herbal seeds available.

The key is that the essence, blood and bones of dragon monsters are relatively rare.

The materials obtained by the Scourge Army from killing the dragon lizard Lord Red Scale's earth dragon mount have been directly refined into elixirs. Otherwise, if they were used to cultivate seeds and regenerate materials to refine elixirs, the output could be increased at least dozens of times, which is really a pity.

There is currently no better way.

It can only be purchased in the trading market.

There are 10,000 human lords in this trading market, and behind them are 10,000 territories in different dimensions. There will always be some territories where dragon beasts appear and can provide some materials.

Except for the materials.

The problem of spiritual fields also needs to be solved.

The main city of Luoshui has a total of two spiritual fields.

Dragon Lizard Lord Chi Lin left three spiritual fields in White Tiger City.

In other words, Hang Yu now has a total of five spiritual fields, but these spiritual fields are all first-level small spiritual fields. Each spiritual field can plant 1,500 red moon grass and blue moon grass at the same time, or they can be planted at the same time. 100 dragon pattern ginseng plants.

As for dragon blood grass and dragon bone grass.

Its material quality and spiritual energy requirements are similar to those of dragon-marked spiritual ginseng, and its growth cycle will be shorter.

This means that even if all five spiritual fields are planted with dragon blood grass and dragon bone grass, only 500 to 700 plants can be planted at a time. Under normal circumstances, it takes four to mature and meet the conditions for refining medicine.

Just this amount of output.

Not nearly enough.

What's more, it's impossible for the territory to grow only these two kinds of herbs.

Hang Yu realized that it was not easy to build a territorial industry. From formula collection, to material cultivation, to refining and production, every stage needed to be cleared.

There are too few spiritual fields in the territory and the scale is too small!

Hang Yu decided to build more spiritual fields in his territory next.

If the territory owns not five spiritual fields but fifty spiritual fields, then most of it can be used to grow the raw materials of attribute medicines, and the rest can be used to grow the basic medicine materials of the territory.

Although Lingtian drawings are a relatively common drawing, it is not easy to acquire large quantities of such drawings because Lingtian Energy continues to create value.

More haste less speed.

The accumulation of territorial industry is not a day's work.

Hang Yu opened the trading hall and started publishing trading information.

First of all, the current food reserves in the territory have exceeded 80,000 portions, and the daily net increase is also considerable, which is far greater than the territory's needs. After all, the total number of dependents' troops is only 2,000.

Hang Yu decided to reserve about 30,000 portions of food inventory in the territory, and take out at least 50,000 portions in batches to sell on the market, taking advantage of the current high food prices to turn them into magic crystals.

at the same time.

A large number of acquisition news were released.

Hang Yu's territory will purchase spiritual field blueprints and dragon beast materials in the trading market for a long time. In addition to direct transactions with magic crystals, it also accepts the replacement of food, materials, equipment and other resources.

A blink of an eye.

Two days passed.

Employees such as Bai Mu, Huayue, Huaxing, and Yan Ling are very capable. Taking advantage of the opening of magic crystal exchange benefits, they raised a large amount of funds to indirectly purchase essence.

Although it only took two days, 1.5 million essences were taken away, more than 1 million of which were replaced with magic crystals, and the flower demon twin sisters also directly settled the formula award fees.

Just two days.

Just from the staff.

Hang Yu collected fifteen thousand magic crystals.

This move not only supplements the tight financial situation, but also trains employees so that their personal cultivation levels and professional levels have been greatly improved. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone and gets what everyone needs!

Progress on the trading side is also good.

More than half of the 50,000 pieces of food hanged out by Hang Yu have been sold, and the total amount of money withdrawn has reached about 20,000 magic crystals.

The procurement of dragon beast blood and dragon beast bone materials was also fairly smooth.

Hang Yu purchased a total of 325 first-level green quality dragon beast bone materials, plus 216 first-level green quality dragon beast blood materials, at an average price of about 20 magic crystals each.

Because there were not many dragon beast materials on the market, this wave of acquisitions directly led to a rapid increase in the price of materials, so Hang Yu suspended further acquisitions.

This time the materials cost 11,000 magic crystals.

Each material can cultivate 20-30 seeds.

This investment of more than 10,000 magic crystals can be turned into at least more than 10,000 seeds. This has fully met the short-term needs, so there is no need to continue to purchase more and more expensive materials.

Hang Yu calculated it.

The cost of each dragon blood grass and dragon bone grass seed is no more than 1 magic crystal, and the cost of each dragon grain ginseng seed is 2-3 magic crystals. Because dragon grain ginseng is a very versatile material, the transaction volume in the market is It is very large, the supply and price are sufficient, and there is no need to cultivate it yourself.

Calculated in this way, even if labor costs are added, the gross cost of refining a Dragon Mark Essence Blood Pill and a Dragon Mark Bone Strengthening Pill in the territory can be reduced to less than 5 magic crystals.

Hang Yu learned about it through the market.

The price of this level of attribute medicine has never been lower than 50 magic crystals, and the price of 60 or 70 magic crystals is also relatively common.

If the territory can stably produce these two kinds of attribute medicine, then theoretically it can achieve at least ten times the gross profit. If you sell one hundred pills, you can earn 5,000 magic crystals, and if you sell 1,000 pills, you can earn 50,000 magic crystals.

After settling the accounts.

Hang Yu felt excited.

The medicine refining business is indeed a cash cow.

But the biggest problem now is production capacity.

It was impossible for Hang Yu to sell all the attribute medicines he produced. He had to reserve some for the people of the territory. At least the supply of the Scourge Legion was indispensable.

If the territory only has five small spiritual fields, even if there is sufficient production capacity for seeds and refining medicine, it will be difficult to meet the supply in a short period of time.

So I want to make money from this industry.

We need to increase our land holdings!

Hang Yu's acquisition of Lingtian in the past two days has also been fruitful. He exchanged 4,000 magic crystals + 50 forging stones for a blueprint, and used 80 pieces of green inventory equipment + 20 second-level gem materials from another lord. I received a drawing.

The number of territorial spiritual fields has been increased from 5 to 7.

Although the farmland has increased, it is still far from enough.

This gave Hang Yu a bit of a headache. Even though Ling Tian was a very low-level first-level white blueprint, there was a high probability that it could be found from the lowest level Luck Treasure Box.

Logically speaking, the output of this kind of blueprint is not low, but because it has the characteristics of a cash cow that continuously creates value, no lord will dislike having too much land in his territory.

Because even if you don't have the ability to create high value-added and profitable products, you can still earn some hard money by cultivating mature herbs from imported seeds and selling them directly.


Lingtian drawings have never been cheaper.

They are even often fired at sky-high prices.

Most of the time money can't buy it.

Hang Yu was lucky to receive two spiritual field drawings in two days. He will continue to publish acquisition information in the trading market, hoping to gradually accumulate more drawings.

"Xiaoba, report on the current resource reserves in the territory!"

"Yes, Master!"

Xiaobahui reported: "The current available resources in the territory are: 21,000 abyss magic crystals, 37,000 first-level food, 3,544 second-level food, 82,000 first-level materials, 116,000 first-level material essence, 91,000 second-level material essence, There are 6,901 pieces of gray equipment, 5,267 pieces of white equipment, and 98 pieces of green equipment... The abyss energy is about 2.019 million!"

Above are the available inventory resources.

The so-called available resources are deducted from the advance expenses.

For example, Hang Yu took out 50,000 pieces of food to be sold in the trading market. Currently, there are still more than 20,000 pieces that have not been sold. The resources to realize this part of the advance expenditure are not included in Xiaoba's statistics.

Another example is that Hang Yu plans to use 3 million essence to train employees in the territory, so that employees can obtain the benefits of exchanging magic crystals for essence. Currently, more than 1 million of this budget has not been used and has not been included in statistics.


During this period, the expenditure on the essence of first-level materials is very large. On the one hand, the large-scale upgrading and transformation of the territory consumes a lot of money and priority is given to the use of first-level materials. On the other hand, the number of players is increasing rapidly, and the daily strengthening, repairing and refining of equipment is also becoming more and more expensive. expenditures.

Territory management is a complex science.

One of the most important tasks is resource coordination.

Hang Yu needs to adjust the development of the territory according to the resource reserves at any time. For example, as the player level becomes higher and higher, the time limit of the increase brought by ordinary first-level food will be shortened.

If the player reaches level three.

First-order food has almost no amplifying effect.

At this time, the demand for second-level or even third-level food will increase, and the current inventory of second-level food in the territory is less than 5,000 servings.

In order to avoid insufficient supply of high-end food in the future, Hang Yu needs to plan ahead and release more material collection tasks for second-level food to encourage players to hunt down second-level monsters that can explode food to increase their inventory.

"What is the current player level distribution?"

"Reporting to the master, the current total number of Scourge Army is 1930, including 10 level 14 players, 21 level 13 players, 39 level 12 players, 95 level 11 players, 382 level 8-10 players, 5-7 There are 621 level players, 724 level 3-5 players, and 38 level 1-2 players!”

There are 165 second-level players.

There are still three days until the opening of the Wancheng map.

It is estimated that the number of second-level players will reach about 200 by then.

There have been no large-scale events or large-scale tasks recently, so it is great that players can grow at such a fast rate.

Player levels continue to rise.

The energy harvested every day is also increasing.

Of course, it is not difficult to see from the level distribution that there are also La Kua among the two thousand natural disaster troops.

It has been almost four days since the last batch of second-test players arrived, but 38 players are still only at level 1-2.

They are either just life-oriented people who have no interest in killing monsters, but prefer to experience life, and even move bricks to farm, or they are lazy and love to commit suicide and die frequently, resulting in the inability to move up the level.

Hang Yu has no intention of interfering with this.

When the number of players becomes large enough, there will always be some salty fish and noobs for various reasons. There is no need to deprive the opponent of the game qualification because the opponent is too salty or too noob. As long as the proportion of players who lose the chain is not large, it is normal. .

Non-combat players.

It's not all bad.

Take the Great Wall for example.

He hasn't fought many monsters since he entered the game, but with various infrastructure tasks, wouldn't he be able to reach level eight or nine? Hang Yu believes that the world of the Three Kingdoms of the Abyss is big enough to accommodate all kinds of players to live here!

"New pictures are about to be released."

"I'd better warm up."

Hang Yu considered that the Wancheng map would be opened within three days, and in order to further stimulate players' enthusiasm for upgrading as soon as possible, he issued an announcement on the official website.

The name of this announcement is:

"Wancheng Expansion Pack and Corps System Online Announcement!" 》

In this announcement, Hang Yu, in his official and planning capacity, provides players with answers to some of the most talked about topics recently.

First, the content of the new expansion pack: the new map "Wancheng" is officially released!

However, he did not announce any details because he did not know the specific details.

Secondly, there is the corps system that players are particularly concerned about. Ever since this new feature was mentioned in the third beta preview, discussions among players have not stopped, and everyone is very curious and looking forward to it.

Hang Yu simply announced the regulations.

First, the characterization of the Corps and its basic privileges were announced:

The Scourge Legion is a part of the Scourge Army. Each legion should protect the overall interests of the Scourge Legion and the territory. As the supreme leader of the Scourge Legion, the Lord has the right to disband any unqualified legion at any time, or to replace the legion leader.

As for what are the benefits of forming a corps?

The basic privileges currently granted are as follows:

1. Each Scourge Corps can have its own station and sphere of influence, and can also have its own barracks or even camps and villages, which are mainly obtained through competition or meritorious service.

2. The natural disaster corps can build its own corps essence pool. When corps members obtain essence from hunting, they can store 0-5% of the acquired essence in the core of the territory for internal distribution by the corps leader or senior management.

3. The natural disaster corps can unlock some corps-specific props, such as special essence contracts, and can also take on some corps-level group tasks.

4. The Scourge Army will announce the corps’ contribution ranking. This ranking will be reset every once in a while. The higher the corps’ contribution to the territory, the more privileges and rewards it can receive, and it can also receive special rewards from the lord.

5. The corps is divided into levels, and the higher the level, the more privileges.



The rest of the fine print and details are to be determined.

As for how to form a corps? Hang Yu also explained in detail in this post that only those who successfully apply to become a corps leader are eligible to establish their own corps. The basic conditions for applying for a corps leader are very simple and only have two.

1. The personal contribution value of the corps leader must be in the top 1% of the entire natural disaster corps!

2. The corps leader can formally establish a level 1 corps by paying a one-time payment of 200,000 contribution points. Each recruitment of a formal member requires a payment of 1,000 contribution points.

This is the basic corps system of the territory.

Hang Yu's main purpose in establishing the corps is to create a system of healthy internal competition and player autonomy, which can not only encourage players to collaborate and cooperate to a greater extent, but also greatly facilitate territory management.

If there is no corps system.

As the number of players increases.

Now we can barely coordinate in front of thousands of people.

But when the number of people reaches tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, the management difficulty of the entire team will increase significantly. After all, each player is an independent individual, each player has independent ideas, and most of them are idiosyncratic. Traveling alone is full of uncertainty.

Under this situation.

The best way is to break it into whole parts.

Select a group of corps leaders from among the players.

Most of these players who can serve as corps leaders are the best among the players. They are quite prestigious themselves and even have companies and teams to support and manage them. Only in this way can the role of each player be fully developed.

Hang Yu doesn't need to manage each player carefully. He only needs to manage the group of corps leaders and coordinate the development of the territory from a general direction, which is enough to ensure the efficiency and execution of the Scourge Legion.

In addition, after the Corps appeared.

Competition among the various corps is inevitable.

This process may evolve some contradictions.

The possibility of hatred and antagonism between the corps exists.

But as the supreme ruler of the Scourge Legion, Hang Yu has the power to disband any corps and replace any corps leader. Therefore, he is fully capable of controlling the intensity of internal struggles within the scope of healthy competition.

Appropriate competition between players.

It is also conducive to overall development.

It can even greatly increase Hang Yu's income.

The most ideal state is to fight without losing, and to fight without enmity. They can fight against each other for the honor of the corps. However, once the territory or the Scourge Army encounters an external threat, the corps that were fighting the day before can immediately fight side by side to fight against the enemy.

This requires Hang Yu to further improve the Corps system.

He also needs to be able to exert balanced influence at any time as a lord.

No need to think.

After the announcement is made.

It immediately aroused discussion among the majority of players.

"Official Announcement!"

"Everyone, go and see!"

“It’s still warm right out of the oven!”

"Damn it, the official spoiled the next map in advance, it's actually the famous Wancheng!"

"Wancheng killed three sages with one shot? The standards are so high. Will we meet Cao Cao this time?"

"No way, Emperor Wu of Wei is not as popular and powerful as Guan Yu. Guan Yu has already become a god in this game. Cao Cao is probably the same. I don't know if he is an evil god or a righteous god!"

"Although the map is Wancheng, it may not be Wancheng during the Battle of Wancheng. I feel that Boss Cao may not appear on the stage. After all, it is too early for us to fight against such a character!"

"What are you afraid of? Even if you meet him, it will only be a clone at most. How can Cao Cao's true body appear in Wancheng!"

"Actually, I'm more interested in Jia Xu and Dian Wei. One is an eternal poisoner and the other is an eternal warrior. They are both top-notch figures in the Three Kingdoms. If these two people appear, their strength may not be comparable to that of Zhou Cang and Zhang Bao."

"Not necessarily. The character's strength is not entirely related to the character's luck and qualifications. It also depends on the time they have experienced in practice and growth. The most specific manifestation is the character's level!"

"Is a level 30 or above Pan Feng necessarily weaker than a level 10 Guan Yu?"

"Yes, a Zhang Bao who has grown up and practiced in the abyss for forty years may not be weaker than a first-class figure who has been in the abyss for five or ten years!"

"That being said, according to the inertia of the game, the map level will only be higher than the previous one. Wancheng has been eroded by the abyss for a longer time than Woniu Mountain, so the characters and monsters inside are more crazy and twisted, and the level is higher than that of the previous map. Woniu Mountain will only get higher!”

"look forward to!"

"I can't wait!"


"Don't just discuss the new map!"

"Doesn't anyone care that the Corps system is about to be officially launched?"

"I saw that the competition between the big guys is finally about to officially kick off!"

"I have joined the War Temple of Ye Limeng. Our War Temple has a large number of people, high benefits, and a complete organization. There is no doubt that it will be the number one organization in the game. Everyone is welcome to join, and we will embrace the boss's lap. !”

Although the threshold for becoming a corps leader is not low.

But there are also many players who meet the conditions and have the ability to form a corps.

After seeing this announcement, players such as Ye Limeng, Brother Heitongrui, Toast to the Moon, Little Bell, King Arthur, etc. officially announced the formation of a corps in the forum.

Ye Limeng's corps is called the God of War. It is said that this is the name of the first union he joined while playing games. Now his goal is to build the God of War into the largest force in the Three Kingdoms.

He has been preparing for this for a long time, so he has the largest number of people in the team. Currently, the key members around him include: Gu Zhou, Crazy Blade Lao Wang, Niu Shisan, Xiao Ma Ge, Hui Mu, Ning Caichen II, Glorious Years and many other well-known masters. .

Brother Black Eyed Rui’s regiment is called Wings of Freedom. Although Brother Black Eyed Rui’s appeal is inferior to that of Ye Limeng, the team also has experts such as Salted Fish Stab, Hacking a Street, Midnight Pig Killer, and Artist President Pai. Many but very elite.

Xiao Lingdang also announced that she would set up a corps. The name of her corps is Shenyu Palace. The main members are: Chen Xi, Demon Demon, Tsing Yi Fox, Hua Mulan, Qing Chen, Meow Meow, etc. What is more interesting and distinctive is that they are all female. player.

Shenyu, in turn, is Yu Shen.

It can be seen that the leader is a loyal fan of the lord.

In addition, people toasted to the moon and announced the establishment of the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps, and overseas player King Arthur announced the establishment of the Ragnarok Corps.

It's just that the prestige and fame of Toast to the Moon are far behind those of the previous ones. King Arthur is not even qualified to be a corps leader. Naturally, these quasi-corps don't have boss-level figures joining them, so they don't have much attention for the time being.

All of a sudden.

Various quasi-corps became the latest topic of conversation.

The three days passed quickly with various preparation discussions.

Hang Yu has digested most of the essence distributed to territory employees, and has basically sold out tens of thousands of meals. In addition, he has sold more than 2,000 pieces of white equipment, and has successfully withdrawn a large amount of funds. Currently, the magic crystal The reserve has reached about 60,000 yuan, and the energy reserve is more than 3 million yuan.

It's a pity that I haven't received any more drawings of the spiritual field in the past few days.

As for the Scourge Army, the number of second-level players is about to reach 200.

Hang Yu felt that the preparations were almost complete. The Key to the Abyss was about to expire. It was time to open a new map and push the territory and the Scourge Army to the next stage!

(ps: New January! A new beginning! Please support me with monthly votes!)

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