This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 154 New territory! New map! new task!

More than six days have passed since Hang Yu led the natural disaster army to conquer Woniu Mountain.

Return to the stars is complete!

The territory has been upgraded!

All other preparations are in place!

Hang Yu stood in the brand new territory hall.

The crystal-shaped Key to the Abyss was officially taken out.

[You are starting "Key to the Nightmare of the Abyss". Do you want to continue? whether! 】

[Please select the territory area that needs to be opened! 】

A map of the abyss automatically appeared in front of Hang Yu's eyes. Nine areas near the three territories were all ready to be activated. He selected the map one square to the right of Luoshui Base Camp without hesitation.

next moment.

The key evaporates.

A powerful energy emitted from the palm of his hand.

Hang Yu clearly felt that the world was turbulent. He saw that the map terrain of the corresponding area on the map was becoming clear at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, a prompt sounded in his mind.

[The new territory has been launched successfully. Your current territory’s field of view is: 4! 】

[Map name: Wancheng! 】

The new map has been opened successfully!

Although Hang Yu was not surprised by the appearance of the Wancheng map, when Hang Yu saw the outline of the Wancheng map, he was still very surprised and even unbelievable, because the area of ​​the Wancheng map was so huge!

Wancheng is unexplored.

Hang Yu didn't know the specific situation.

However, after the map area is activated, the entire map is no longer pitch black, and the basic terrain outline and map information will emerge. Even if the map details cannot be seen clearly or the field of vision is reduced, the basic scale and area of ​​the map are It can be judged.

"Is this map so big?" Hang Yu estimated that the three maps owned by Luoshui base camp, Woniu Mountain area, and Baihu Mountain area combined are not even one-third the size of Wancheng!

Such a big map!

How many people and towns would there be?

Of course, the bigger the nightmare in the abyss, the more dangerous and twisted it is!

The name of this map is "Wancheng", which only means that the core pollution area of ​​the map is in "Wancheng", but it does not mean that this map only has Wancheng or Wancheng nearby. Just like the Wanniu Mountain map, although the pollution source is in Wanniu Mountain, it does not mean that the map is only in Wanniu Mountain. There are more than a dozen town bases nearby, including Shansang Ancient City.

Wancheng was part of Nanyang County in Jingzhou during the Three Kingdoms period.

Nowadays, the abyss dream is formed with Wancheng as the core, and most of the space in Nanyang County is involved. And because of the nightmare erosion of the abyss consciousness, space and time in the dream will be distorted simultaneously.

The more serious the area is polluted.

Space and time will be distorted and stretched.

Nanyang County was a well-known populous county during the Three Kingdoms period, with a population that once exceeded one-tenth of the total number of prefectures and counties in the country at that time.

This means that the population and area of ​​the Wancheng map are originally much larger than Woniu Mountain, and due to the continuous distortion of abyss pollution, the area will become larger, the terrain will become more complex, and the population may continue to grow for a longer period of time.


There is no information now.

It’s unclear what the situation is in this place.

Hang Yu then began to issue tasks to the Scourge Legion.

[Task 1: Investigate the Wancheng area! 】

[Mission content: The territory has expanded to the Wancheng area in the abyss. Please collect and complete the information in the area as soon as possible! 】

[Task goal: Please enter the completion area within 24 hours and investigate the basic situation of the Wancheng area and the abyss timeline where it is located! 】

[Task reward: 20,000 spirit points and 40,000 contribution points, which can be divided equally among participating team members! 】


[Mission 2: Obtain the stronghold in Wancheng area! 】

[Task content: The Wancheng map is huge and the situation is very complicated. There must be many indigenous strongholds or indigenous town ruins. Finding them will help the Scourge Army gain a foothold. 】

[Task goal: Please activate any blessing point within 3 days! 】

[Task reward: 50,000 spirit points and 120,000 contribution points, which can be divided equally among participating team members! 】


[Task 3:...]

[Task 4:...]

[Task 5:...]


Hang Yu released five tasks in one breath, all of which were exploration and intelligence collection. Each reward was quite rich, enough to attract a large number of players to enter the Luoshui area.

However, although Hang Yu will benefit more the more players die, if low-level players die before they have grown up, it will be harmful to the development of the territory. Therefore, Hang Yu limits the entry levels in the Luoshui area, at least to You must reach level 9 to enter this area.

As for before level 9.

There is too little oil and water!

Just keep leveling up!

Hang Yu has now completed the upgrade of the territory. He now has twenty second-level barracks. The total population limit has been changed from 2000 to 4000. He plans to send out 2000 places in one go and recruit 200 Canglong Guards and 1800 Natural Disasters. Army to celebrate the third test and the opening of the new map of Wancheng.


at the same time.

The top-secret headquarters of the Special Investigation Bureau is located in Yanjing.

Zhou Zhengming, Wang Yue and many senior officials from the Special Investigation Bureau are having a meeting.

Feng Ying is reporting the latest intelligence: "Two major events have happened in the territory in the past twelve hours!"

"The first thing is that the main city of Luoshui has been officially upgraded and has undergone great changes. There are many things worthy of our attention!"

"The second thing is that Lord Hang Yu officially awarded Ye Limeng, Xiao Lingdang, and Black Eyed Rui Brother the positions of regimental commanders! The Temple of War, Wings of Freedom, and Shenyu Palace became the first corps to be established in the Scourge Legion!"

Hear the news.

Especially the second message.

Several senior officials of the Special Bureau were a little unhappy.

"Our Special Investigation Bureau is actually a step too late!"

Among the first batch of established corps, there was no official representative force. This obviously made several big bosses not satisfied with the work of the Special Investigation Bureau.

Toast to the Moon's personal contribution is enough to apply to become a corps leader. To create a corps, you need to pay a one-time payment of 200,000 contribution points. A few days before Toast to the Moon, hundreds of thousands of contribution points were spent in Shengcang City!

This resulted in the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps not being established in the first place!

Let several unofficial forces steal the spotlight!

"It doesn't matter, I think this may not be a bad thing!"

Director Zhou Zhengming said calmly: "We created the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps not to compete for power or to pursue fame and fortune, but just to enable the Special Investigation Bureau and the intelligence department to better intervene in the game to investigate. We are not prepared for the situation. There is no need to be too high-profile.”

Several people at the scene nodded slightly when they heard this.

The Immortal Dragon Soul is the official background of the Corps.

Could it be that the strong support from national-level forces is not as good as that of a few private teams?

Now let the Temple of War and Wings of Freedom take the limelight, and the Immortal Dragon Soul will soon catch up!

Zhou Zhengming said: "In fact, rather than whether the Corps can be established as soon as possible, I am more concerned about whether the personnel development is smooth?"

Wang Yue was sitting at the scene.

He immediately replied: "I have successfully attracted hundreds of players, including several senior players who have joined the three major corps. It is just because the corps has not been established yet, and my personal reputation is not enough to officially take them under my command. ”

Speaking of which.

There was a pause.

He continued: "However, among these people, we have fully investigated their true identities in the real world and weighed their personalities, resumes, character, and abilities. Currently, we have selected twenty people who will become the number one in the Immortal Dragon Soul. Batch members!”


Submitted the information.

It turns out that Wang Yue has been trying to develop manpower in the game during this period.

On the one hand, it gives benefits to win over the hearts of new players, and on the other hand, it tries to win over the current top bosses.

Let’s talk about the latter results.

The former went relatively smoothly.

Strong players such as Gu Zhou, Ye Limeng, Brother Black Eyed Rui, and Old King Crazy Blade may not necessarily be the strongest players, but they just started early and had excellent personal qualities, so they have their current strength, status and reputation.

But among the nearly two thousand players, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

There are many seedlings with great cultivation potential among them!

Maybe these unknown people will surpass today’s big guys in the future!

Zhou Zhengming got the list of personnel provided by Wang Yue and glanced at their relevant information on the spot.

Blind Swordsman, a level 9 warrior, introduction: In the real world, he is a disabled person who was blinded due to an accident. He can show amazing potential in the game, but his talents and qualifications may not be available alone.

Zhou Zhengming was stunned when he saw the first name.

Who is Guzhou? He is one of the best masters at this stage!

Wang Yue and his team of assistants actually believe that this blind swordsman's qualifications are not inferior to those of Gu Zhou, which shows that he is not an ordinary seed figure and deserves special attention and training!

Warrior like the wind, level 6 ranger...

Against the wind, he peeed three thousand feet away, a level 9 warlock...

Knight of Dawn, Level 8 Monk...

One name after another appeared on the Special Bureau's list.

These people will become the first batch of members of the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps.

"I believe in Wang Yue's vision for selecting people. These people can develop into peripheral members of the organization!"


Zhou Zhengming continued: "In addition to creating the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps as soon as possible so that our Special Bureau and official forces can develop and grow secretly in the game, you should also pay attention to the recent changes in the territory and the opportunities contained in the changes. "

Wang Yue was stunned when he heard this: "What is it?"

Zhou Zhengming raised his hand.

Feng Ying nodded and took out the remote control.

A brand new aerial view of the territory appeared on the big screen in the conference hall.

Feng Ying said: "This is the latest panoramic screenshot of the territory that leaked out on the forum. The hall, canteen, barracks, and walls have all been upgraded and rebuilt. Not only does it look more beautiful, but its defense capabilities are greatly enhanced. The entire city covers an area of ​​​​more than It has increased by at least five times before!”

Wang Yue nodded.

This round of territory upgrades has been completed.

Now the main city of Luoshui has a completely new look.

He was a little confused: "What opportunity does Director Zhou mean?"

Zhou Zhengming did not answer directly but said to Feng Ying: "Let me first introduce the latest layout of the main city!"

Feng Ying nodded: "Lord Hang Yu, with the assistance of the Great Wall and other players, took advantage of the opportunity of resetting the upgraded buildings to comprehensively rebuild and plan the main city!"

"The main city is now divided into two parts: upper and lower!"

"The upper part is the Lord's Castle!"

"The lower half is the main city."

Speaking of which.

Press the remote control.

Several screenshots of the inside and outside of the city lord's hall appeared on the screen.

Feng Ying continued: "The Lord's Castle is a giant facility transformed from the Lord's Hall. Although it has the characteristics of a closed and solid Western castle, the design style adopts the ancient Chinese style. It not only covers a large area but also occupies the commanding heights!"

"There is a thick and wide palace wall outside the Lord's Castle. There is a turret at each corner of the palace wall. Arrow towers are deployed nearby. There is only one avenue to enter the main building."

"The main building inside the Lord's Castle is like a palace and a forbidden city. The core hall is located in the center. In front of the hall is a square that can accommodate thousands of people at the same time. In addition, there are courtyards where some servants and subordinates live."


"Now if an enemy launches an attack on the territory, the outer city must first be breached to threaten the lord's castle. Only by completely breaking through the strong fortress of the lord's castle can the core be threatened. This design makes the territory safer."

The more Wang Yue listened, the more confused he became.

Director Zhou asked him to calm down.

Feng Ying continued: "Now that the internal space of the lord's castle is huge, there is a need to recruit a large number of followers and guards. Some of them should be recruited from the indigenous corps, and the other part may come from the natural disaster army. This is to gain the trust of the lord, become the lord's confidant, and A good opportunity to increase the prestige of the Corps!”

I see.

Wang Yue understood a little bit.

Feng Ying continued: "Of course the greater opportunity lies in the main city."

Everyone's attention shifted from the Lord's Castle in the upper half of the main city to the main city area in the lower half.

Starting from the gate of Lord's Castle, there is a wide and flat avenue that runs through the entire main city. This avenue divides the main city into two areas, the living area on the left and the functional area on the right.

It is not difficult to see from the aerial view.

The living area is divided into ordinary residences and barracks for soldiers of the Scourge Legion.

The barracks are a place for Scourge soldiers to go offline and recover. The current design of these second-level abyss barracks is a bit like super large enclosed houses. Each building is in the shape of a ring, with a built-in circular square and eight exits to the outside. There are three floors in total and more than two hundred dormitories.

There are currently twenty second-level barracks in the entire territory, ten in the main city of Luoshui, five in Shansang City, and five in Baihu City.

In this way, no matter which area players are online or offline, they can find a barracks to stay in. This upgrade and optimization greatly facilitates and improves the efficiency of players.

According to the announcement.

The Corps meets the conditions.

You will get an exclusive barracks.

In addition, opposite the ten large barracks are ordinary living areas.

There are a huge number of ordinary houses of various sizes and specifications.

Most of the design styles of these ordinary residences also follow the ancient design concept. Most of them look like courtyard houses with exquisite structures. They are mainly used to meet the living and residential needs of territorial residents living in the main city.

Zhou Zhengming said: "No matter how the territory expands and develops in the future, the main city of Luoshui will be the absolute core. These properties, which may seem inconspicuous now, will definitely be the core and most important assets of the territory in the future!"

Hear this.

Wang Yue finally understood.

What is the so-called opportunity in change?

Players can rent or purchase improved housing.

This is equivalent to the player's virtual home in this game world!

As for the Corps, you can even purchase land to build your own office!

This contains a lot of opportunities... Chinese people not only like to speculate in real estate and land in the real world, but have they even begun to extend their claws into the world of games? But as Director Zhou said, these inconspicuous assets now may become cash cows worth hundreds of millions in the future!

Zhou Zhengming said: "I think there are many people with business vision and brains among this group of players. You must always pay attention to the real estate policies of the main city and important towns in the future, so that you can invest in core assets as early as possible to provide the immortal Dragon Soul Corps with Lay a better foundation for our development!”


After the territory was fully upgraded this time.

It’s not just residential areas that have a lot of prime real estate.

The functional area opposite the residential area is also full of opportunities.

This functional area integrates various service functions such as business, cultivation, and production.

For example, key facilities such as the canteen, skill tower, enlightenment tower, weapon refining workshop, medicine refining workshop, spiritual field and ancillary supporting facilities are all concentrated in this place.

Talk about opportunity?

Of course there are quite a few.

For example, the lord recently opened a market for players!

This market is a commercial street, and there will be a large number of shops that can be rented or purchased in the future.

This is a shop in the main city. As the territory continues to develop, the main city will definitely become more and more prosperous and the population will increase. Whoever invests in advance to buy or rent a shop in a prime location for a long time will be able to create more value in the future. Definitely amazing!

There are many similar opportunities!

It depends on whether you have a strategic vision!

Zhou Zhengming said to Wang Yue: "Although the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps is behind the Special Investigation Bureau, and the Special Investigation Bureau is backed by the country, we cannot underestimate other organizations and forces in the game because of this. We must stay within the scope of the game rules. Do your best in everything!”

Just then a group of experts from the Special Investigation Bureau began to make suggestions.

When making various plans for the development of the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps.

"New news!"

"latest news!"

"The new map Wancheng has been opened!"

"In addition, the latest round of player recruitment will be held in three days!"

"This time the Scourge Army will recruit up to 1,800 new recruits at one time!"

Zhou Zhengming's face changed slightly when he heard this. Last time, 900 people were enough. This time, there were 1,800 people. The expansion speed of the Scourge Legion is indeed showing an increasingly faster trend. If it continues to grow at this rate, it won't take long before it will enter the so-called The public beta stage now!

There are billions of potential players around the world!

This is such a huge number. Not to mention the hundreds of millions of natives in the abyss, the real world population alone is a terrifying base. It also once again verifies the value of core cities, especially base camp real estate shops!


The most noteworthy right now.

Not the 1,800 recruits a few days later!

"The Wancheng map has been opened, and the Scourge Army has expanded its recruitment. It seems that the third test has officially started!"

Wang Yue stood up and said: "My body has recovered for four or five hours in the game. I should go online as soon as possible to participate in related actions and tasks!"

Zhou Zhengming nodded: "Go quickly! Seize the opportunity!"

After a few minutes.

Wang Yue went online with the ID of "Toast the Glass to the Moon".

After he went online, he received a task prompt immediately, and then received invitations from Brother Heitong Rui and others.

"I think the situation is clear to everyone!"

"Wancheng's Abyss Dreamland has officially opened!"

"I suggest taking action immediately and joining forces to explore!"

"Although we are now divided into corps, we should work together to face the common external enemy, and we must not hold each other back at this time!"


"Stop saying anything!"

"Time is precious!"

"We'd better leave quickly!"


Hang Yu noticed that after he announced the mission about Wancheng.

Players from all walks of life received the news and came online in a short time and gathered together.

Although factions and groups have begun to form among the players, they currently have no conflict of interest with each other, so they can still cooperate without any hindrance.

The emergence of Wancheng is a huge challenge.

This map must be far more complex and dangerous than Woniu Mountain!

The Scourge Legion felt quite a threat, so they immediately chose to take the initiative!


Hang Yu stood on the pavilion on the top floor of the Lord's Castle.

You have a panoramic view of the entire main city and even the Luoshui area.

This comprehensive upgrade of the territory is a major improvement in his quality of life.

Now there are three towering, tall, carved, and exquisite natural ancient-style buildings above the lord's hall, including various facilities such as the lord's reception room, office, and bedroom study.

Since coming to the abyss,

Hang Yu's daily life is very simple.

Now it's like having your own castle and palace.

Although not very large, it is enough to significantly improve life.

Of course, after the core hall is upgraded and renovated, it is not only the appearance and living quality that are improved. Various hall functions have also been enhanced. For example, the highest trading market can now trade blue quality items, the hero hall can accommodate the recruitment of up to fifteen hero units at the same time, etc.

Other than that.

There are more regular buildings that can be upgraded.

The security of the core of the territory has also been further guaranteed.

Hang Yu is very satisfied with the current situation. He will next find ways to further improve the territory's defense capabilities and enhance the territory's industrial capabilities. At the same time, he will control the overall situation from a macro level and guide the Scourge Army to continue to expand externally.

"Just wait for the news!"

Hang Yu will keep an eye on the Scourge Army's development of new maps.

However, while improving your territory and expanding your territory, your personal strength must not fall behind.

The skill tower in the main city of Luoshui has been upgraded and can now be inlaid with blue-quality skill stones.

In addition, there are some skills that can be learned in the territory. For example, the guard captain Zhou Cang has several powerful skills. If he can master them all, his strength will be greatly improved.

Think of this.

Hang Yu immediately called Zhou Cang.

Then he entered the skill tower.

He planned to practice while waiting for the first round of development.


And at the same time.

Somewhere in Wancheng area.

There is a huge city here.

There is a temple-like place in the city.

At this moment, there was a man wearing a skull mask, with an extremely powerful aura, and dressed as a Taoist priest in black. He was kneeling respectfully and kowtowing in front of a tall building.

This high-rise building is a black stone tower-shaped building with purple and black spells on its surface. The entire tower is suspended in mid-air, constantly emitting dark energy containing the aura of death.

"Meet the Patriarch Jiyin!"

The black-clothed masked Taoist asked in a deep voice: "The ancestor summoned the disciples, what instructions do you have?!"

"I feel that there seems to be a change in this world, probably because the forces of the stars have entered!" A voice came from the suspended black stone tower, "Go and check it out!"


The body of the Taoist priest in black mask visibly trembled.

"Yes, if a star lord appears, the disciple will directly take his core and offer it to the ancestor!"


He got up.

He saluted the Black Tower again.

It immediately turned into black mist and escaped.

There is a blood-red coffin in the black tower.

The ancestor of Jiyin was lying in the blood coffin. He slowly opened his eyes, which were a pair of eyes as deep as the abyss.

More than a hundred years ago.

Finally, a variable entered this space.

A lot of things have happened in this world in more than a hundred years. Now many people know his reputation as Jiyin Patriarch, but few people know his real name - Jia Xu!

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