This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 381: Exchange Blueprints! Territory Union and Awakening Altar!

This is the Day of the Stars.

Different from previous times.

None of the captains of the army such as Ye Limeng, Brother Black Eyed Rui, Xiao Lingdang or the famous Scourge Army went.

Hang Yu considered that the territory still needed the major corps to work hard to clear monsters and develop it, so he did not bring the elite of the natural disaster army, and only randomly selected a group of lucky players as followers.

After they entered the Land of Stars, they watched the entire animation and had no chance to interact.


even so.

The plot of Land of Stars.

The attention received is still not low.

In particular, the top ten heroic units have been certified by Shengcang City and their rankings have been exposed.

This makes the majority of cloud players feel very happy. After all, the territorial hero not only represents the territory, but also represents the face of the players or the human camp. It is natural to be proud of being in such a big limelight!

"Cow wow cow wow!"

"Doctor Zhang is actually the tenth hero of Shengcang City?"

"It's strange how this ranking is done. Divine Doctor Zhang's strength is not to mention compared with Da Jijiu and General Dian, I'm afraid even Beauty Zou is better than him!"

"Zhang He is just over two thousand people?"

"It seems that Shengcang City is also a crouching tiger, hidden dragon!"

"The territory held by Shengcang City is at least several million, and the number of heroes is tens of millions or even tens of millions. This is already very impressive!"


"latest news!"

"Our Yu Shen has been promoted to the vice-president of the Humane League!"

"It is said that the teleportation station at the Humane Alliance station will be open to our territory."

"The people of the territory will have an exclusive living area and base camp in the land of stars in the future."


"It's happening!"

"Doesn't this mean that the stars also have our territory and sphere of influence?"

"I have a hunch that the hidden map of the stars will be gradually developed, and there is a lot of room for exploration of the resources and content!"

"Do you have detailed information about the Humane League? In the future, our territory should not use this organization as a platform to expand territory in the abyss, while competing with all races in the stars!"

"Do you think there is a possibility?"

"Can our players go on adventures in the human realm in other abyssal planes in the future?"

"Damn it, if it is possible, then this wave of seemingly ordinary changes is actually a great development and pavement for the hidden world view."

"That would be interesting!"

"Probe again and report again!"


At this moment.

Completed the relevant procedures.

Hang Yu officially became the vice president of the Humane League.

Bai Li, Bei Chenguang and several elders were explaining the structure and operation of the Humane League to him.

Hang Yu said to Jia Xu and others: "You can move around as you like in the headquarters. This is where the territory is located in the stars. The people here are all our own. You might as well get acquainted with everyone first."


Zhang Zhongjing, Jia Xu, Ma Jun and others were very interested in the Land of Stars, and each began to move freely.

Of course, Hang Yu had told him in advance that no one could talk about anything and that no matter what was confidential, everyone was not a fool, and of course they would not reveal everything.

The accompanying Scourge Army.

Now I am free again.

Some immediately went to explore the plot.

Some of them continued to follow them because they wanted to obtain information about the Humane Alliance and broadcast it live to the water friends on the forum.

Hang Yu didn't stop them.

He continues to learn about the organization.

As the largest organization of human lords in the region, the Humane Alliance is a star force that has been established for more than a thousand years and has some history and foundation. The vice president will naturally have many privileges that ordinary members do not have.

For example.

First, the basic supply of 100,000 magic crystals per month.

Second, an unsecured and interest-free loan with a maximum amount of 1 million magic crystals.

Third, the maximum transaction fee in the Humane League’s internal market shall not exceed 5%, etc.


100,000 magic crystals per month?

In fact, there are quite a few.

For most fifth-level lords, it is a good regular income.

But Hang Yu doesn't like it very much. 100,000 yuan a day is almost enough, and 100,000 yuan a month is just drizzle, which is a drop in the bucket in terms of Hang Yu's development needs.

A million interest-free and unsecured loan is not bad.

If you need money urgently in the future, you can directly obtain financial assistance from within, which will be enough to meet your urgent needs at the critical moment.

The vice president can also borrow an interest-bearing loan of at least 5 million.

If you have enough collateral, you can even borrow more.

Although there is interest, it is much better than commercial loans and various usury loans. The most important thing is that there are no conditions attached.

Of course, the most useful thing for Hang Yu is the tax rate reduction and exemption in the Humane Alliance's internal market. Generally speaking, the rate is approximately zero, and the maximum will not exceed 5%.

The rate is lower than the ordinary lord trading market.

You can safely ship and sell goods in the organization market in the future.

The size of the organization market is not comparable to the sum of the lord markets, but the quality is the highest among all markets. It has high development value for Hang Yu Ling, who can save money and make a lot of money from it.

The above privileges are just the tip of the iceberg.

The rights of the vice-president also include, but are not limited to, the ability to issue internal commissions and tasks within the organization, have the authority to recruit or kick out members of the organization, participate in almost all major decisions of the organization, directly organize personnel to consume resources and declare for star activities, etc.

Big and small.

Zero zero total total.

There are more than twenty items.

Hang Yu was promoted to vice-president just one month after joining, so there are still some permissions that have not been fully opened. Even so, it makes him feel a lot more convenient.


Bai Li and Bei Chenguang.

Introduces the organizational management model and important members.

Bei Chenguang said: "You should know that the members of our Humane Alliance, from top to bottom, are the president, branch presidents, vice presidents, elders at all levels, and ordinary members."

Hang Yu nodded slightly.

This is the most basic information.

He knew this when he first joined the Humane League.

The Humane League has branches in the four star city-states, and each branch has at most one president and two vice-presidents.

As for the president?

The Humane League has no fixed president.

The system adopted is the election of the President.

There is a general election every ten years, and all members of the Humane League have the right to vote. The four current branch presidents are candidates for the president, and one of them is selected to become the president of the Humane League.

The president and the three presidents form an organizational cabinet.

Determines decisions at the highest level of the organization.

For example, Hang Yu was promoted to vice president, which was the result of the unanimous consent of the four presidents.

Bei Chenguang continued: "In addition to the four presidents and eight vice presidents, our organization also has several very special members. Although they do not reach the vice president level in name, they have very high authority and special status."

Hang Yu asked: "I haven't heard of this yet."

Bai Li: "It's normal that you haven't had any contact with them, because some of these special elders are not active lords."

Hang Yu expressed his understanding.

The Humane League is a big force.

The main body of this force is tens of thousands of human lords.

The problem is that a force cannot all be lords. After all, before becoming a fifth-level lord, the lord can return to the stars for a short period of time on the day of return.

Such a large organization.

It can't be left unattended.

It is not surprising that there are some non-lord members.

In addition, although the Humane Alliance is a human force, it does not rule out the possibility of inviting some guest officials to control the situation. These guest elders are not necessarily human, but their status in the organization is not low.

Bei Chenguang said: "Among the many elders of the Humane League, Great Elder Feng Zhongmian is the most special one."

Hang Yu was slightly shocked: "Sleeping in the wind?"

Bei Chenguang smiled and said, "It seems you have also heard of Feng Lao!"

Hang Yu: "Of course, senior Feng Zhongmian was a human lord almost a thousand years ago. He was also one of the few human lords to reach the sixth level in the history of Shengcang City. I just heard that he lost to a high-ranking man in the lord war. The lord will keep silent from now on."

Bei Chenguang nodded and said: "Lao Feng is one of the earliest veterans of the Humanity League. Although he has retired and is no longer a lord, his cultivation has reached the seventh level, and he can be regarded as the number one master among our human race."

Seventh level?

so tall!

Several players eavesdropping.

His eyes were widened at this moment.

I just felt that I had eavesdropped on important information again.

But they were very confused. Since they were defeated in the lord war, why did their levels increase instead of retreating?

Bei Chenguang explained at this time: "Feng Lao was once a great sixth-level lord. He was very famous at that time, but after he retired, he was rarely known. In fact, in the next two hundred years, he joined a famous Titan Giant collar.”

Hang Yu nodded.

According to the laws of the stars.

A territory recruits heroes.

You can only recruit members of your own clan or lower-ranking clans.

Some giants and humans have a superior-subordinate racial relationship in the stars.

Therefore, you can see human or dwarf generals in these giant territories, but on the other hand, it is absolutely impossible for human or dwarf territories to recruit giant hero units.

When Feng Zhongmian, the great elder of the Humane League, joined the territory, it was still a sixth-level territory. Later, it successfully broke through to the seventh level. He made a great contribution in the process of the territory breaking through to the seventh-level epic territory.


Feng Zhongmian also achieved a breakthrough.

From then on, he became a seventh-level master.

The good times did not last long, one general succeeded and all the bones were withered. The Titan Kingdom was finally destroyed by the evil god, and even the lord died unfortunately.

Feng Zhongmian once again managed to save his life and returned to the stars, but he never set foot in the abyss again and concentrated on becoming a defender of the Humane League.

Several players are hearing this.

Everyone is also excited.

Don’t underestimate the power of a thousand-year lord!

Although the Humane League is only a third-rate force in Shengcang City, its foundation and hidden strength are not weak!


Hang Yu didn't see Feng Zhongmian this time.

The Great Elder is not in Shengcang City, so he didn't have time to come over this time.

However, under the leadership of Bai Li and Bei Chenguang, he got to know hundreds of members one by one and became familiar with them.

during this process.

Live broadcast by several Scourge Troopers.

Let the major forces in Blue Star have a general understanding of the situation of the Humane Alliance and the management methods of the lord organization.

An organization, whether it is as large as a country or a multinational group, or as small as a society, gang, or underworld, if it wants to operate in the long run, it must have at least two abilities, one is the ability to make the cake, and the other is the ability to divide the cake.

How does the Humane League make cakes?

According to Hang Yu's understanding, there are four main directions.

The first is internal collection.

Each member of the organization must pay a membership fee on a regular basis. The handling fees generated by the organization's internal trading market are also an important source of income. In addition, there are various value-added services specifically targeted at organization members.

The second one is offline industry.

The Humane League has its own business in each trading market of the four star city-states. It not only operates traditional businesses such as medicines, equipment, and materials, but also provides loans or other value-added services for lords or people of the stars.

The third one is venture capital.

The Humane League will actively seek out and actively invest in new people with potential, especially human lords, and provide start-up capital and various assistance, thereby holding shares in the territory and enjoying the dividends of territory growth.

Among the current members of the organization, many territories are directly invested by the Humane League.

This is an important component of long-term income.

Fourth, collective action.

The Humane Alliance will declare some star activities that individuals cannot declare in the name of the lord organization, or organize elites from major territories to challenge various trial spaces in the land of stars, and get a portion of the huge profits.


There are also many other sources of income.

Although the Humane Alliance is only a third-rate lord force in Shengcang City, it is still a group composed of a large number of respected lords. In the eyes of ordinary people of the stars, it is definitely a huge and superior group.

Income earned.

It will ultimately be used for organizational operations.

And feed it back to every member.

In addition, the Humane League can also provide protection for members of the organization.

Although the land of stars is shrouded by the laws of the stars, and even legendary lords cannot act recklessly, there will always be various unfair treatments or threats. Weak races will feel safer if they stick together.

Only when there are benefits and interests can we retain people.



The organizational nature of the Humane Alliance is closer to that of a labor union. Compared with some family forces in Shengcang City and the Stars Consortium, the structure of the organization is still relatively loose, and most members have the freedom and right to withdraw at any time.

The protection and benefits a territory can gain within an organization.

and the territory’s contribution to the organization.

And status has a lot to do with it.

The higher the status of organizational members.

The benefits naturally increase.

After Hang Yu becomes the vice-president of the Humane League, it will be of great help, whether it is to increase his personal prestige among the stars or to better assist the development of the abyss territory.


The Humane League also has competitors.

Since you choose to be a member of this organization.

We must face these troubles together with everyone.

Hang Yu walked around the important areas of the Humane League headquarters and met most of the important members of the Shengcang City branch. Then he drank tea with Bai Li and Bei Chenguang in the headquarters building.

"Even if a rising star of the Holy Blues like President Hang joins, the reputation and status of our Humane League will be even higher!"

Bai Li is obviously very optimistic about Hang Yu.

And in fact this is indeed the case.

Although Hang Yu is a new lord and has not been a lord for a long time, as this year's rising star of the Holy Cang, with the blessing of this title alone, the Dao Alliance will gain a great advantage in future competitions and biddings.

Bai Li continued: "As the current president of the Shengcang City Humanitarian League, I have prepared two small gifts for you, please be sure to accept them."


Take out two drawings.

[Drawing: Abyss Buoy Tower], a third-level rare building, construction conditions: 150,000 abyss magic crystals, 100,000 third-level material essence, you need to join a star lord organization in advance and become a formal member.

[Drawing: Territory Union], a fourth-level rare building, construction conditions: 800,000 abyss magic crystal, 500,000 fourth-level material essence, you need to join a star lord organization in advance, and obtain a position no lower than an elder.

Hang Yu was slightly stunned: "This is..."

Bei Chenguang laughed and said: "These are the two most basic supporting facilities of the lord organization. With them, Brother Hang's territory can be more closely connected with the Humane League organization!"

Hang Yu nodded.

The Abyss Buoy Tower is a third-level building.

Every formal member of the lord organization who has reached the third level can build.

The facility functions as an anchor to summon help from the organization at specific times.

As for the fourth-level building "Territorial Union", it is a more advanced supporting setting. Only those who become the management of a lord organization can build it.

The function of this facility includes the deployment of troops to the organization's territory with "anchor points".

The lord can also come by projection or clone.

in short.

When Hang Yuling builds the "Abyss Buoy", he can summon troops from the organization to help him at certain specific moments.

When Hang Yu led the establishment of a "territorial union", he had the ability to send troops to some of the organization's territories to have an impact.

This is one of the basic functions of a lord organization.

But then again.

Although territories of the same organization can provide help to each other, this help is strictly limited and has many restrictions.

For example, when a lord war breaks out, ordinary abyss buoys will become ineffective, and Hang Yu cannot directly help organization members fight the lord war.

For another example, the troops summoned from the organization have strict quantity and time limits, and the level of the military unit cannot exceed the upper limit of the territory's level, etc.

not bad!

these two facilities.

It is still useful to Hang Yu.

The reason why Bai Li wanted to give Hang Yu two drawings.

The main reason is to protect Hang Yu.

The title of Shengcang New Star is very shining, and the potential shown by Hang Yuling is too amazing. His existence is very important to the Humane League, so we must protect him as much as possible.

Of course.

Hang Yu doesn't think so.

You will need to organize reinforcements.

On the contrary, he is very interested in sending troops to other abyssal planes.

As a result, you can experience more abyss planes with completely different painting styles, making the game "Three Kingdoms" richer in elements. I believe players will be very interested in various world views.

Secondly, the territory can be connected to more abyssal planes to a certain extent, thereby obtaining more types of resources from different planes, which is of great benefit to development.

"Thank you, President Bai!"

"These two drawings are very useful to me!"

Hang Yu naturally would not refuse these two very useful drawings.

However, he doesn't like to take advantage for no reason, because favors are sometimes more difficult to repay.

There was not much time left for the return of the stars this time. Hang Yu happened to have some drawings that he could continue to realize or exchange, so he took out these drawings directly.

There are four copies in total.

They are: "Gargoyle Cathedral", "Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Camp", "Spirit Vein Altar", and "Tomb of Heroic Souls"!

These four idle drawings are of extremely high value. Hang Yu is going to take out one of them and exchange it for the two drawings given by Bai Li, and then exchange the other three for other needed resources or drawings.

"This is……"

Bai Li and Bei Chenguang were shocked when they saw the drawings that Hang Yu took out.

"Brother Hang is really well-hidden and has collected so many high-quality drawings." Bei Chenguang asked: "Do you plan to sell all these drawings? This is a pity, but they are all good things!"

among these four drawings.

Tomb of Heroic Souls was just obtained.

I have had the other three blueprints in my hands for some time, especially the "Spirit Vein Altar" and "Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Camp", which were obtained during the attack on Laowana, but there has never been a suitable opportunity to cash them in.

Because there is no use keeping it in your hands.

Hang Yu decided to replace them all with useful resources.

"Spirit Vein Altar" is a relatively rare resource-based building.

"Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Camp" and "Gargoyle Cathedral" are both fourth-level barracks-type buildings.

This kind of drawing has a very high value in most territories, especially in the territories of middle and lower races, and must be very popular, which is why Bei Chenguang is so surprised.

Hang Yu said: "Please choose one, President Bai!"

Bai Li originally didn't want to receive Hang Yu's drawings.

After all, she didn't prepare these two drawings for Hang Yu for trading.

But when you see the "Tomb of Heroic Souls".

She was immediately moved.

This is a very special and rare summoning building that can preserve the souls of units killed in battle in the territory and summon them back in the form of heroic spirits!

It can both recover losses and combat effectiveness.

There can also be room for resurrection.

This picture is of great value to high-level territories, and it is very consistent with the abyssal relic in Bai Li's hand, so the value will be doubled several times!

Hang Yu saw that Bai Li was interested in the "Tomb of Heroic Souls".

He then said: "This 'Tomb of Heroic Souls' seems to be useful to President Bai's territory. In this case, I will use it in exchange for these two drawings!"

Bai Li: "To be honest with President Hang, I have a relic that can resurrect the units in my territory, but the prerequisite for resurrection is to have a complete soul, so this Tomb of Heroes can indeed bring a huge improvement to my territory."

Resurrection relic?

Hang Yu was slightly surprised when he heard this.

No wonder Bai Li can develop so well.

She is equivalent to having an unlimited number of times or even levels of "Scroll of Creation".

Although it is far from comparable to the Tiandao Rubik's Cube, it can also overcome the weaknesses of lower-level races to a great extent.

Although the relic controlled by Bai Li is very powerful, it is the same as the Scroll of Creation. If you want to resurrect the target, you need to collect the complete soul. In many battles, the target will be completely destroyed if it dies, or there is no time to recover it due to other reasons. soul.

The Tomb of Heroic Souls can not only summon heroic spirits.

It can also absorb the remaining souls of those killed in battle and repair them at a certain cost and materials, thereby creating conditions for resurrection.

Bai Li said: "The value of this drawing is much higher than the two organizational drawings. As the president, I can't take advantage of you. It just so happens that I also have some drawings in reserve. President Hang can choose the ones that are useful to you."

As a half-step sixth-level great lord.

Bai Li's background must be very strong.

She immediately showed nine fourth-level drawings to Hang Yu.

These four drawings are all rare drawings, and four of them are barracks-type facilities. Their value is not inferior to Hang Yu's "Gargoyle Cathedral" and "Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Camp".


What surprised Bai Li.

He did not choose these drawings, which were more valuable and more circulated.

Hang Yu's eyes lit up and he said without hesitation: "In that case, then I want this 'Altar of Luck Awakening' again!"

[Blueprint: Luck Awakening Altar], a fourth-level rare blueprint, construction conditions: 1 million magic crystals, 500,000 fourth-level material essence!

this facility.

It has two functions.

First, you can increase a certain hero's luck skill by 10% through sacrifice.

Second, through sacrifice, a territorial unit that is not a hero but has luck can temporarily obtain luck skills.

"I see!"

Bai Li understood it after thinking about it for a while.

Hang Yu is a Saint King style lord, and there are many top-level luck heroes. Although the 10% improvement in luck skills is not obvious for ordinary territories, if it is a top-level hero, it can bring considerable strengthening effects.

In fact, what Bai Li didn't know was.

Hang Yu attaches more importance to the second function of the Luck Awakening Altar.

This function allows non-heroic units with luck to temporarily gain luck skills.

In the future, there will be many characters like Cao Shuang and Wang Shuang in the territory. They can temporarily awaken their Qi movement skills in the future. The potential value is very great!

that's all.

Both parties get what they need.

Hang Yu took a picture of "Tomb of Heroic Souls".

Obtaining three pictures of "Abyss Buoy Tower", "Territorial Union", and "Altar of Luck Awakening" from Bai Li at the same time, both sides feel that they are not losing money and making a profit.

As for the three pictures left in hand?

Hang Yu is also ready to get rid of them all.

He wants to change to a fourth-level arena, a fourth-level life spring, or a fourth-level training tower, or a fourth-level spiritual field. Of course, other valuable resources or blueprints are also acceptable.

Leave this matter to Beichen Guang.

First, go to the major lord markets in Shengcang City to inquire.

Hang Yu believes that with the influence and channels of the Humanitarian League and Bei Chenguang's personal influence, it should not be difficult to take action. (End of chapter)

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