This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 382 Territory upgrade! Comprehensively improve the gameplay!

The Return of the Stars is over.

Although the remaining drawings could not be exchanged in time, it does not matter, it is just a matter of time.

As long as the territory is not in a state of lord war, Zou Wan, Jia Xu, Zhang Zhongjing and others can represent the territory and return to Shengcang City through the teleportation station for activities on non-star return days.

Although there are many restrictions on transactions, for example, most of the territory's resources cannot be transported back, or the cost of transporting them back to the stars will be very high, it is not a big problem as long as no bulk commodity transactions are conducted.


Hang Yu's drawings.

Very attractive to human lords.

There are many interested lords in the Humane League.

You can always find useful drawings or resources for Hang Yu Ling.

"Too little time."

"It's not enough!"

"I couldn't get together with Senior Feng Leiyi and the others this time."

Hang Yu felt very sorry after returning to the territory. This time he returned to the stars for less than thirty hours.

He first sent out interviews and invitations from various forces, then took the top ten heroes of the territory to complete their settlement, and then went to Shengcang Academy.

I got the news about the Four-Party Hegemony Competition from Principal Long.

Then he visited and tried to invite his mentor Xuan Qingfeng to come out.

Finally, I went to the Humane League. I spent a lot of time getting to know the Humane League, met with the key members of the Humane League Shengcang branch, and visited several lord markets in order to exchange drawings and resources.

In short, it has to be said.

More than a day.

Did so many things.

The efficiency is no longer low.

It’s just that the return date is too short.

There is no way, ordinary lords are like this. Only when they reach the fifth level or above, this restriction will be weakened or removed.

When we returned to Lord's Castle.

Hang Yu asked: "Is there anything worthy of attention in the past two days?"

Xiaoba immediately replied: "Let me tell you, Master, the territory has developed steadily in the past two days. The major corps are working hard to tap talents to develop their own forces, and at the same time dispatch elites to fight in the Shouyang Mountain area."

"So far."

"The top ten corps generally recruit one to two high-level combatants at the level of fourth-order overlords to serve as generals."

"Among them, Cao Shuang joined the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps, Qin Lang joined the Wings of Freedom Corps, and Fu Xuan joined the Divine Feather Palace..."

The battle for people to be snatched by the forces of the Scourge Army is in full swing.

These high-end combat capabilities, which have neither become territorial heroes nor joined the guarding legions, have naturally become the fragrant buns that various legions compete for.

That's fine.

No matter it's a high-end person.

They are still potential seedlings unearthed from the grassroots level.

Starting from scratch will consume a lot of resources.

Now allocating training expenditures to the Scourge Army will not only encourage the Scourge Army to improve efficiency, but also save the territory a lot of expenditure pressure.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Xiaoba continued to report: "The territory has successfully recovered the four major cities in Shangyang County. At present, all the forces in the four cities have been integrated, and the city residents have also completed the process of joining the territory."

"The current population of the territory has reached more than 700,000, excluding the natural disaster army!"

Hang Yu: "Okay!"

The human leaders digested the four cities of Shangyang faster than expected.

The plan was to take ten and a half days to complete control of this area.

I didn't expect that it would be all done in less than a week from the time we took the city.

There was no high-intensity conflict or bloodshed, and it can be described as a textbook peaceful evolution.


during this process.

The Scourge Army contributed a lot.

Players have already infiltrated various forces.

It is precisely because these players who are good at promoting and negotiating, using various means to cooperate with the territory from bottom to top, that the annexation process of the territory is half the result with half the effort.


During this process.

Players also received many rewards.

The territory spent a lot of contribution points and energy on this.

Hang Yu doesn't care. As long as it can speed up the development of the territory, what does such a small amount of expenditure mean?

In fact.

On the contrary, he hoped that the Scourge Army would be more powerful.

The middle and lower levels of the Scourge Army are too weak. He wants to give more resources to the middle and lower level players, but there must be a reason and a name. Directly forcibly giving resources to essence will inevitably cause problems with the reward mechanism.

Hang Yu: "Report on the magic crystal and material reserves."

Xiaoba: "Yes, the current reserve of pure magic crystals is 5.31 million, 7.32 million copies of first-order material essence, 2.85 million copies of second-order material essence, 580,000 copies of third-order material essence, and 450,000 copies of fourth-order material essence."

Battle of Shangyang City.

Earned millions of magic crystals.

This money has not been spent yet, and the magic crystal reserves are currently quite abundant.

In the past few days, the number of basic material essences has increased dramatically, especially the first and second level material essences.

There are two reasons.

One is naturally the increase in output as the number of grassroots players continues to increase.

The second reason is that after the territory conquered Shangyang County, it received a large amount of material supplements from local stocks and various local forces.

these materials.

Most are of low value.

was transformed into essence.

The main problem in the current territory is that the essence of third- and fourth-level materials is not enough.

Although Hang Yu has been purchasing from the Lord Market, it is not realistic to replenish the inventory within three or two days.

Not enough material.

Territory construction will be affected.

Hang Yu opened the lord panel and took a look at the current construction status of the territory, focusing especially on the scale of the abyss barracks. The current number of barracks is more than 500.

Among them, there are fully 300 second-level barracks.

These three hundred second-level barracks need to be upgraded as soon as possible.

A second-level barracks was upgraded to a third-level barracks.

A total of 100,000 magic crystals + 10,000 third-level material essences are required.

The sum of three hundred seats is 3 million magic crystals + 300,000 third-level essence.

There is no problem with the territory’s current resource reserves.

After this round of upgrades is completed.

The base population will increase by 60,000.

When Hang Yu's level 6 lord aura and Zou Wan's real destiny destiny take effect, they can also produce an increase of up to 20%, the number will become 72,000, and the total number of recruitable troops will reach 249,600!

This will be a very astonishing number.

If they are all recruited, given the current capacity of the territory, I am afraid they will feel a lot of pressure.

After all, the total non-player population in the territory is only over 700,000. With 250,000 players crowded in at the same time, the population of Hang Yu collar will reach about one million!

This will be an important milestone in the history of the territory’s development!

Of course, all novice villages will definitely be full in a short period of time. More than 100,000 or 200,000 mid- to low-level players are not a small number. There are simply not enough wild monster resources near the major novice villages!

By then!


Too crowded.

So you can’t recruit in one go.

It is best to divert the new recruits of the Scourge Army, while accelerating the expansion of territory and cities, in addition to increasing the capacity limit of various other gameplays!

For example.

The competitive system must be upgraded!

The number of players that can be accommodated by just two level 3 arenas is too limited!

If Hang Yu can fully upgrade the territory's arena and supporting facilities as soon as possible, then at least tens of thousands of players can be accommodated in the arena to compete in PK at the same time, which will divert many natural disaster troops and reduce the pressure on monster resource supply.

Another example.

The copy system gameplay must be launched as soon as possible!

Although the territory can already create a dungeon system, since the trial hall has not been built, this gameplay is not yet fully open. Many players have been calling for it in the forum for a long time.

No more delay!

Hang Yu not only wants to open the territory copy.

We must also strive for more trial cores for the territory.

Currently I only have one copy of "Maze of the Colossus" in hand.

This dungeon is more suitable for third- and fourth-level players to challenge. Although it can produce very good resources such as "Forging Stone" and "Blessed Sand", low-level players will die if they enter. Hang Yuling needs to purchase a few first- and second-level ones. Trial core.

Copy is a good thing!

Each challenge generates a new space!

Although there will be a certain fee, and there is an upper limit on the number of copies that can be generated at the same time, there is no congestion problem in the copies, so it can easily absorb the excess Scourge troops.

Except for group games and competitions.

Hang Yu also needs to strengthen territory construction and add more new gameplay methods.

In fact, the current area of ​​Hang Yu collar is not small. If all the actual control areas and all monster resources can be effectively utilized, then even if the number of players is doubled, let alone 200,000 players, it will be trivial.


The problem is.

The abyss world is too vast.

In some remote areas, even riding a black dragon spirit horse would take ten or eight hours from the nearest blessing point.

If you encounter an accident halfway, or die once during the process of spawning monsters, you will have to go through a long map run. The revenue efficiency will be too low for the players, and they will naturally be abandoned.

But such remote strange areas account for more than 80%.

At present, the territory has recruited more than ten construction engineers.

Hang Yu planned to ask Zou Wan to teach how to build portals, and then form a portal construction team to build portals in all appropriate areas to improve the territory's transportation network and maximize resources.

The territory will also improve various life flow gameplay mechanisms.

In addition, "mercenary gameplay" is added.

What is mercenary gameplay?

Of course, after the territorial union is built.

Hang Yu will undertake a large number of assistance tasks from various human leaders.

In this way, the Scourge Legion can be sent to various territories to assist in operations, which not only allows players to gain knowledge, but also increases resource income, exports excess troops, and at the same time enhances Hang Yu's prestige in the Humane League.

All of the above.

To name a few.

In short, territory construction cannot stop!

What does a million people and two to three hundred thousand troops mean?

As for the current situation in the territory, how should we recruit troops? Xiaoba gave detailed suggestions after calculation.

"Report to the lord."

"The current size of the territorial disaster army is 118,000 people!"

"Based on the territory's current infrastructure and urban capacity, as well as the existing level distribution of the Scourge Army, it is recommended that the daily recruitment scale be controlled at around 5,000 to 6,000."

Hang Yu nodded.

This number is also in line with expectations.

Gradually increase at this rate.

At least 200,000 people can be added in a month.

Of course, there is a high probability that the actual number will exceed this number.

After all, the territory is not static but is developing rapidly.

Therefore, the number of daily recruitments will steadily increase and troops can be launched at any time.

Hang Yu thought for a moment: "As the territory continues to expand, the Canglong Guard must also expand its recruitment!"

There are currently a thousand Canglong Guards in the territory.

The eight initial dragon guards already have the strength of the fourth-level second-rate overlords!

One hundred elite Dragon Guards have super first-class commander strength. The other ordinary Canglong Guards have average fourth-level commander strength at the third- or fourth-rate level. The weakest group are all commander-level or above. They are definitely a force of combat-capable bodyguards.

Cultivate Canglong Guards.

Very resource intensive!

Each one is made with huge amounts of energy and additional material resources!

However, such a super-soldier force with the function of ballast stone has its own value and significance.

The Canglong Guard can not only become a reservoir to absorb and digest the excess energy of the territory, but also become the core force to defend the main city and order of the territory. Its existence must be enough to make any Scourge Legion be in awe.

The ratio between Canglong Guard and Scourge Army cannot be lower than 1:100!

Hang Yu plans to continue to strengthen the existing Canglong Guards. He wants the elite Dragon Guards to have near-overlord strength and the ordinary Dragon Guards to have first- and second-rate commander-level strength.


Recruit two thousand more people.

Let the size of this super army reach 3,000!

Hang Yu thought about the facilities that must be built next in the territory.


It’s not like I don’t know.

It's shocking.

“The territory’s resource gap is still too big!”

The current facilities in the territory that urgently need to be built or upgraded as soon as possible and the summary of their consumption are roughly as follows:

[Abyss Buoy Tower], a third-level facility... Cost: 150,000 magic crystals + 100,000 third-level material essence!

[Territorial Union], fourth-level facility... Cost: 800,000 magic crystal + 500,000 fourth-level material essence!

[Trial Hall], fourth-level facility... Cost: 200,000 magic crystal + 150,000 fourth-level material essence!

[Auction Hall], Level 4 facility... Cost: 300,000 magic crystals, 300,000 copies of Level 4 material essence!

[King's Training Tower], a fourth-level facility... Cost: 800,000 magic crystals + 500,000 fourth-level material essences!

[Altar of Luck Awakening], a fourth-level facility... Cost: 1 million magic crystals + 500,000 fourth-level material essence!

[Magic Ship], a fourth-level facility... Cost: 4 million magic crystals + 1.5 million fourth-level material essence!

Total magic crystal: 7.25 million!

Total level 4 essence: 3.45 million!

The current net value of magic crystal reserves is 5.31 million. If 3 million is deducted to upgrade the population, then there will only be 2.31 million left... The magic crystal gap is as high as 4.94 million!

This is only the direct cost of construction, other subsequent expenditures and incidental expenditures are not included in the statistics.


Relatively speaking.

The magic crystal is relatively easy to handle.

Material essence gaps are more troublesome.

Although Hang Yu has been selling off a large amount of equipment and converting useless fourth-level materials to obtain essence, the current inventory of fourth-level essence in the territory is only 450,000 copies!

The gap is almost 3 million copies!

This requires the acquisition of 3 million copies of fourth-level white materials to fill the gap.

Even the most useless and rubbish fourth-level white materials that can only be recycled and decomposed are worth 5-10 magic crystals.

If purchasing with magic crystal.

This will be a funding gap of nearly 20 million.

Of course, the most troublesome thing is that level four materials are not available in all territories.

Hang Yuling faced the market.

There are only a handful of territories capable of producing fourth-level materials.

If you frantically scan the market for goods in a short period of time, it will have an impact on market pricing. Not to mention whether the materials on the market can meet the demand, even if you can fill the material gap, you will have to pay a cost much higher than the market price.

Let Zou Wan go to the Stars Market to purchase goods?

That’s not very reliable either!

Although the Abyss Station in the territory can receive shipments from the Land of Stars, its transportation capacity is very limited, and the freight will be so high that it far exceeds the value of the materials themselves.


There is another way.

Hang Yu has a lot of purple quality materials in his hands.

1 part of purple material is equivalent to 10 parts of blue essence, 100 parts of green material, and 1000 parts of white material.

Then you only need to take out 3,000 copies of purple quality materials to fill the gap of 3 million copies of material essence for the territory.

The territory defeated the Eye of Destruction in the Sea of ​​Eternal Darkness, and once obtained 2000 descendant fragments + 2000 descendant essence, and then after defeating the projection of Sima Yi, the Lord of Darkness, another 1000 darkness essence + 1000 darkness crystals were obtained.

in other words.

There are 6,000 purple abyss materials.

The territory currently has more than enough materials in stock.

However, having said that, using rare purple abyss materials directly in exchange for the essence of ordinary materials is a bit of a loss no matter how you look at it. Unless it is absolutely necessary, there is no need to be so extravagant and wasteful.

Hang Yu glanced at the drawings.

Finally, his eyes fell on the drawings of the "Territorial Union".

He decided to build the exclusive facilities of the Star Organization first, so that he could use organizational channels to solve problems.

This "territory union" needs to consume 500,000 copies of the fourth-level essence. Although the territory is currently short of 40,000 to 50,000 copies, fortunately the gap is not large and it will not be difficult to make up for it.

Hang Yu selected some blue and green materials from the stock materials and decomposed them.

Let the fourth-level essence of the territory.

No more, no less, 500,000 copies.

[You are building the "Territorial Union". This construction will consume 800,000 magic crystals and 500,000 fourth-level material essences. Do you want to continue? whether】


The territorial union is placed outside the Lord's Fort, which makes it convenient for you to use it and keep abreast of the organization's situation.

A few seconds later.

During a minor earthquake.

A brand new facility appeared.

This facility looks unremarkable, just a boxy white stone temple with a flag bearing the totem of the Humane Alliance on it.

The territorial union hall is spacious.

There is a counter-like facility in the center.

When Hang Yu was sensed walking in, a light lit up behind the counter.

A holographic projection of a human male about sixty years old appeared. His hair was slightly combed and meticulously combed, and he was wearing very well-tailored clothes. He was respectfully saluting Hang Yu.

"Meet Vice President Hang!"

"Deacon of the Humane League."

“It’s an honor to serve you!”

"Excuse me, Vice President, what do you need?"

The core members of the Humane Alliance organization are tens of thousands of human lords from all over the world. In addition, there are more than 100,000 non-lord peripheral members who are mainly responsible for asset management, administrative management, logistics services, etc.

Deacon Fu is one of the peripheral members.

In the future, Hang Yu will be one of the customer service personnel of the Humane Alliance.

Hang Yu went straight to the point without beating around the bush: "My territory is in urgent need of a supply of magic crystals and fourth-level material essence for turnover."

Deacon Fu: "Okay, since you are the distinguished vice-president, you can enjoy a maximum thirty-day interest-free mortgage-free loan of 1 million yuan. In addition, you can also apply for an interest-bearing magic crystal loan within 5 million yuan, with a daily interest rate as low as 1,000 percent. Five, 25% of the collateral needs to be submitted.”

Five thousandths of a day's interest?

Isn’t a hundred days equal to fifty percent?

Wouldn’t the interest for two hundred days be doubled directly?

This is undoubtedly a loan shark for Blue Star.

It can be found in Shengcang City.

It’s really conscientious.

If you go to the market to borrow money, the interest rate will be at least 2%, and if your reputation and credibility are not enough, you will most likely be asked for 100% equivalent collateral.

Hang Yu: “I want to apply for them all!”

Hear this.

Deacon Fu was secretly surprised.

The newly appointed vice president is so arrogant!

1 million interest-free loan + 5 million interest-bearing loan, apply for the entire amount in one go?

Even for a fifth-level territory or even a sixth-level territory, it is a very large number.

It would take several years for a lord like Bei Chenguang to earn such a large sum of money.

A fourth-level collar.

Is it necessary to borrow so much?

I won't be able to pay back the money in the end.

However, as the vice president of the Humane League, the quota is so high.

Deacon Fu said directly without being verbose: "Yes, you only need to add 25% of equivalent collateral, and we can open a fast track for quick approval for you."

"Not urgent!"

Hang Yu continued: "I still need 3.5 million copies of fourth-level material essence!"

Although the territory's material gap is 3 million, the territory always needs to reserve some level 4 materials, otherwise level 4 players will not be able to strengthen or refine equipment on a daily basis.

"What? 3.5 million copies!"

Deacon Fu’s expression changed drastically.

I almost thought I heard wrong.

If it weren't for the famous Shengcang Nova Halo.

He even had to wonder if the new vice president wanted to make a fortune and run away!

Deacon Fu said: "The Humane Alliance does have a large inventory of basic materials, which can provide necessary support for the development of organization members. However, the fourth-level materials are quite advanced and are not in large quantities. President Hang's application is equivalent to taking away an inventory of Jin Shengcang. Most of it..."

Hang Yu: "What? Can't it?"

Deacon Fu said: "Although you are the vice president, it may be quite difficult... I'm afraid you need to go through the application process, explain the specific situation and reasons in detail, and wait for the approval of the Asset Management Elders Council."

Hang Yu: "How many days will it take?"

Deacon Fu: “If it’s urgent, it will take about seven days.”

Hang Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes. If he could wait so long, why go through organizational channels?

He then said decisively: "Don't worry, I will give you 1,000 high-quality purple abyss materials in exchange so that the organization does not suffer."


Materials are displayed.

500 copies of the Evil God's Children fragments + 500 copies of the Evil God's Children essence.

How precious is purple quality material? Although these abyssal materials are not precious and rare materials such as gems, they are only relatively basic consumable materials. The value of each piece can reach up to about 20,000 magic crystals.

The value of this material is no less than 3.5 million pieces of junk white material!

The Humane League ships in batches through huge channels, which is enough to generate very high profits.

Of course, for a lord organization, whether such high-level materials can make a profit is secondary. It is a reserve with higher strategic value.

Use reserves of low strategic value.

Replace reserves of high strategic value.

Even if no profit is made, there is no loss.

Hang Yu said: "If these one thousand copies of the purple abyss materials are sold on the market, they can be exchanged for more than three million copies of the fourth-level essence. It's just a pity that outsiders are cheap, isn't it?"

Deacon Fu was clearly shocked.

So much super high quality abyssal material.

This Holy Blue Star was just brought out like this? Doesn't he know that this material can be widely used in top-level recruitment-type buildings, and can even be used to summon top-level troops that can grow!

Deacon Fu said excitedly: "Dear President Hang, your territorial heritage is shocking, but I don't have enough authority. I will submit your application to the Asset Management Presbyterian Council as soon as possible."

Hang Yu: "Please hurry up, I'm in a hurry."


The wait was less than half an hour.

Deacon Fu returned to the union.

He said with excitement and excitement on his face: "President Hang, the Asset Management Elders Council convened an emergency meeting and approved your resource replacement application as soon as possible. We can complete this major resource replacement for you!"


The purpose is achieved.

Hang Yu took out several Eye of Destruction gems as collateral for a loan of 5 million magic crystals.

Hang Yu will definitely not sell this high-quality purple gemstone. He will get it back when the territory has money to repay the loan.

same day.

A loan of 6 million magic crystals was received.

3.5 million copies of the fourth-level white material have also arrived!

Hang Yu is very satisfied with the efficiency of the organization, and this is the benefit of joining the organization!

Such a large amount of spot commodity transactions is difficult to achieve in a short time relying on the lord market. However, with the territorial union as a platform to directly connect with the organization, Hang Yu greatly saves the time of replacing resources.

during this process.

Even if there is a profit transfer.

The one who benefits is also the Humane League.

This will prevent the fertilizer from flowing to outsiders.

Hang Yu successfully solved all resource gap problems.

Without any pause or hesitation, he immediately carried out operations on all the facilities that needed to be built or upgraded.

This wave of upgrades.

It is of great significance!

The territory will become completely different as a result!

Resource output efficiency will be greatly improved in the future!

Of course, in order to speed up the construction of the territory, Hang Yuling took on foreign debt for the first time.

The debt of up to 6 million magic crystals is huge, and 5 million of them need to be charged interest. The interest generated every day alone is enough to put a serious burden on most fifth-level ties.


Not a big problem.

Hang Yuling’s net worth is very large.

This loan is purely for short-term capital turnover.

(PS: Please vote for me!) (End of this chapter)

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