This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 416: Commander Sima Yi and the Total Conquest!

Soon after.

Sima Yi brought Chen Qun with him.

More than a dozen well-known officials of the Wei Kingdom appeared in front of Hang Yu.

These people either volunteered or were persuaded, and at this moment, they all chose to join the human race.

"Greetings, Lord!"

Chen Qun and others knelt respectfully in front of him to show their loyalty.

Hang Yu said calmly: "You are all pillars of the world. From today on, do your job well. This lord will not treat unfairly every meritorious official who has contributed to the territory."

"Thank you, Lord!"

Everyone hurriedly thanked him.

Hang Yu's attention swept over everyone.

Finally, it stopped at Chen Qun, who had the strongest aura and strength.

Just as Sima Yi thought, this person is undoubtedly one of the most valuable talents in the Wei Kingdom, and is also a relatively scarce talent type in the current territory. Hang Yu immediately opened the relevant information to check.


Name: Chen Qun.

Level: Level 40.

Race: Human.

Level: Level 4.

Basic attributes: ... (omitted)

Talents: Empowering the Talented (blue luck), A Hundred-generation Minister (extreme green luck), Talent of a Famous Prime Minister (blue qualification), Reputation of a Clear Stream (blue qualification), Disaster Eyes, Self-healing.

Skills: Five-qi Qingming Mantra (blue technique).


Chen Qun is a typical civil servant, with two top-quality lucks and two blue-quality qualifications.

The effects of the two qualification talents are relatively ordinary.

The two luck talents are very outstanding.


[Empowering the Talented], blue luck, all skills of the territory +15%, skill cooldown -10%, all luck effects +5%, all luck skill effects +10%.

[A Hundred-generation Minister], green luck, all attributes of all people in the territory are +5% based on net value, all attributes of hero units are +10% based on net value, and all attributes of territory lords are +15% based on net value.


When Hang Yu saw the effects of these two lucks.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Good luck".

This is a very typical top-quality literary luck.

The luck of the Abyss Three Kingdoms can be roughly divided into: civil officials, military generals, counselors, beauties, and emperors.

This classification is not absolute.

Some characters may have a little bit of everything.

For example, Sima Yi is not only a famous general, but also a famous official and counselor, and also has some potential as an emperor.

There are also characters that are not included in the five mainstream labels, but are relatively more niche categories, such as production tasks including Zhang Zhongjing and Ma Jun, who are great doctors and craftsmen.

Although the five major categories cannot cover everyone, they are enough to cover more than 90% of the population.

Different types of characters.

The performance of the luck effect may vary greatly.

Among them, famous generals, such as Zhang He, Wen Pin, Dian Wei, etc., have a higher probability of greatly strengthening themselves, while the luck skills have a probability of appearing to have the effect of large-scale strengthening of military capabilities and commanding troops.

Such characters are suitable for leading troops to fight and going out on expeditions.

They can greatly increase the military combat capabilities of the territory.

For counselors, such as Jia Xu, the luck of such characters is generally mainly to greatly strengthen themselves, but the direction of strengthening is more on the warlock side, and their luck skills have a chance to directly affect the territory units or enemy units.

For example, Jia Xu's Eternal Night Curtain.

This ability can cover the starry aura of all units in the entire territory.

Although it does not increase any combat power, it makes the player's actions very convenient. In addition, it can also be used to seal the enemy's spellcasting ability, destroy formations and other effects.

As for civil officials?

This kind of luck is a bit similar to the beauty luck.

The effect of the top beauty luck is to greatly strengthen the lord.

The luck of civil officials strengthens a certain field or attribute of the territory. A few top civil officials' luck can increase all attributes and even luck!

Chen Qun belongs to the latter!

Both luck effects are quite good.

Especially the former "selecting talents and empowering", which is a rare ability to strengthen the territory's luck!

For people like Sima Yi, Zhang Zhongjing, and Jia Xu who have top luck, the luck enhancement effect is already very abnormal, and now they have obtained a small strengthening effect, which is a huge improvement in overall strength!

Hangyu Territory.

In addition to ten heroes.

There are also dozens of ordinary people with good luck, including Sima Yi and Cao Zhen.

Except Sima Yi, who is too ambitious and unwilling to become a vassal of the stars and refuses to become a citizen of the stars, the main reason why others did not become heroes of the territory is that the quality of their luck is not good enough.

But this does not mean that their luck is weak.

If Cao Zhen, Wang Shuang, Dong Zhao, Jiang Ji and others are placed in any star territory, their luck is enough to become important heroes who are highly valued. Hangyu Territory is really too lucky!

Once Chen Qun's luck takes effect.

Whether it is a territory hero unit or not.

All will be enhanced by luck and thus strengthened.

Even if the strengthening ratio is not high, it is enough to improve the strength, production and other aspects of the territory.

As for the other "Hundred-generation Minister List", it is also a very good civil official luck. He can strengthen all the targets in the territory. As I said before, although the single improvement is not too big, when the amplification effect is placed on the entire territory.

It is amazing!

Hang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

The more civil officials with high-quality luck, the better!

Even if they are not given the Star Mark and promoted to the Hero of the Territory, they can also bring good enhancement to the Territory as a citizen of the Territory. They are a group that is particularly suitable for stamp collecting.

Of course.

Chen Qun is not an ordinary person.

Among the famous civil officials of the Three Kingdoms period.

There are civil officials with higher influence than him, but they are very rare.

After all, even if Chen Qun jumps out of the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, he has made some achievements in the entire history and has made important contributions. The luck he has gathered is naturally not weak.

After other famous officials join the territory.

Even if they have good luck as civil officials.

But the effect and role are likely to be far less than that of Chen Qun.

But it doesn't matter, as the saying goes, if the effect is not enough, the number will make up for it.

As long as the number of famous officials and celebrities collected is large enough, all the people, troops, production teams, heroes of the territory, and even the lords of the territory will be greatly enhanced.

Among the people who appear in front of them at this moment, there are people with literary luck.

Although most of them are white luck, and occasionally a light green luck appears, but in general, it is better than nothing, and can bring more or less strengthening and amplification.

In addition to the value of luck and personal ability.

These people are also top-level capable officials.

The scale of Hangyu Territory is getting bigger and bigger, the population is increasing, and the difficulty of management is increasing. Although the official level and selection system was introduced some time ago, the gap in civil servants is still very large.

At this moment, including Chen Qun.

These people not only have good personal strength, but also have rich experience and attainments in internal affairs management.

Hangyu decided to put all these Cao Wei's top-notch ministers in various cities or important positions in the territory, at least starting with level 6 officials.

With the addition of these people.

The level of internal affairs in the territory will be greatly improved.

Chen Qun will definitely be promoted to a hero of the territory.

However, unlike Zhang He and Man Chong who joined halfway, Chen Qun joined the territory after the Great Wei City was completely broken. There are too many people who joined at the same time as him.

To make rewards and punishments as fair as possible.

Hang Yu did not directly promote Chen Qun to a hero, but transferred him to Taiyou to integrate Taiyou resources and people with Sima Yi.

He believed in Chen Qun's ability.

It would not take long for him to achieve results.

At that time, Hang Yu would promote him and grant him the Star Mark, so that he would be tied to the territory and officially become a citizen of the Stars.

"You can withdraw!"


Everyone got the position and task assigned by the lord. Although the level was not too high, there was enough room for performance.


Just work hard.

Make achievements and results.

There is no doubt that he will rise to prominence in the future.

After Chen Qun and others withdrew, Sima Yi stayed at the scene.

Hang Yu deliberately asked him to stay, which was also a full affirmation of his recent work.

He is worthy of being a tomb tiger.

His ability is beyond words.

His wisdom may be slightly inferior to Jia Xu, but his power and comprehensive ability are above Jia Xu. The only bad thing is that he is too ambitious and not so easy to use.


It's not a big problem.

Hang Yu believes that one day.

Even if it's a big ambitious man like Sima Yi, he will willingly submit, and now as long as he can work for the territory with all his heart and soul, Hang Yu will not care too much.

Hang Yu said: "Zhongda really didn't disappoint this lord."

Sima Yi said: "I just follow the trend, and there is nothing that can be called a great achievement."

Hang Yu: "Anyway, there should be rewards for merit. What kind of reward do you want?"

Sima Yi was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that the lord would give him the right to choose. Is this a test?

Seeing Sima Yi hesitated.

Hang Yu: "Just say it."

Sima Yi is not Jia Xu, and of course he will not miss the opportunity to climb up, so after several considerations, he said: "Although I have not made great achievements, I also want to do more."

"I think among the many troops in the territory, the Scourge Army is particularly special and has great potential. If a commander can be appointed to unify it, this army will surely be able to exert its potential several times."

Hang Yu: "Do you want to be the commander of the Scourge Army?"

Sima Yi: "If the lord trusts me, I have the confidence to lead the Scourge Army."

It's really rude.

He actually wanted this right away.

The Scourge Army is Hang Yu's family army. No matter how jumpy and unconventional the players are, this army cannot be out of Hang Yu's control.

Even if Sima Yi is in charge of the Scourge Army.

He can't use this army to do anything that is detrimental to the territory.


The Scourge Army is huge.

It will definitely be divided into many legions in the future.

It is impossible for one person to be in charge of hundreds of thousands, millions, or even more Scourge Army alone.

It seems so.

It is appropriate to have ten corps as one army.

In this case, it is not a bad idea to give one corps to Sima Yi to manage.

Hang Yu thought for a while and said: "This lord naturally trusts Zhongda's ability, but you have just joined the territory not long ago, it is not appropriate to lead an army alone."

Sima Yi was slightly disappointed when he heard this.

But it was also within his expectations.

Zhang He was only the deputy commander of the Black Tiger Army at this moment.

The Scourge Corps is obviously more important than the Black Tiger Guard Corps.

The lord is unlikely to easily hand over the command of this army to himself.

It doesn't matter.

The idea has been proposed.

Sima Yi has absolute confidence in himself.

Whether it is the ability to lead troops in battle, or the means of running an army and guarding one side, no one can compete with him, and he will always find an opportunity to rise to the top of the Scourge Legion.

But just then.

Hang Yu suddenly said: "Although I can't give you an entire legion immediately, I can change the rules and let you personally lead a natural disaster army."


Scourge Corps!

Sima Yi was a little confused.

Could it be that the lord planned to replace a certain regiment leader and let himself start as a regiment commander of the Scourge Army?

This arrangement is reasonable. If you can become the leader of the Scourge Army, it will be reasonable to lead a regiment to achieve results first, and then become the head coach.

Who would have guessed.

The lord said unexpectedly again.

"The organization of the Scourge Army will not change easily. This lord will grant you the qualification to create a corps, which means you have to build a Scourge Army from scratch."

I see!

Sima Yi fell into thinking.

Choose some Scourge troops from the recruit eggs to form a corps?

There may be a big gap between such a force and the current mature Scourge Army.

The advantage is that Sima Yi can personally select the personnel, and it will be more convenient to train and use this army in the future, and he can even create his own core direct lineage.

Hang Yu asked: "How is it? Are you confident?"

Sima Yi did not hesitate: "Lord, if you are willing to trust me, I will create the strongest natural disaster army!"

Are you so confident? That's good!

The reason why Hang Yu came up with the cunning operation of sending Sima Yi to be the commander of the Scourge Army was mainly to introduce some catfish into the Scourge Army.

future territory.

Players can recruit natives as guest ministers of the corps.

The natives can also form the Scourge Corps and recruit players to form the Scourge Corps.

The only requirement for the Scourge's regiment is that all main combatants must be players.

As for the management of personnel including the head of the regiment, guest envoys, and logistics troops, there will be no hard restrictions set.

Hang Yu feels.

It will be fun to watch in the future.

Players don’t just have to compete with players.

They also need to compete with NPCs.

Players can not only join the corps created by the bosses.

You can even join a top strong man like Sima Yi and hug his thick thighs.

Competition brings vitality!

I believe that the Scourge Army will become stronger and stronger!

"With the contribution you have made this time, Zhongda, a mere leader of the Scourge Army is not enough."

Hang Yu said: "I will give you another 80 million contribution points, of which 60 million is the military merit reward, and the other 20 million will be regarded as my lord's subsidy to the new regiment."

Sima Yi immediately said: "Thank you, Lord!"

He felt inspired.

It's been a while since Sima Yi joined the territory. He doesn't know how important the contribution points are. With these 80 million contribution points, it's enough for him to take a big step forward in his cultivation.

Not only that.

Have so much start-up capital.

Have the confidence to pull up an army in a short time.

Hang Yu: "The cleanup work in Taiyou City and Dawei City has not been completed yet. You should return to the front line as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Sima Yi resigned with satisfaction.

In order to integrate the huge population and resources in the Shouyang Mountain area as soon as possible, Hang Yu issued a round of instructions and tasks in the Shouyang Mountain area after Sima Yi left.

These include the appointment and removal of various officials and operational tasks.

After Cao Rui's death, the Wei Kingdom needed someone to control the situation in order to speed up the territorial seizure of cities and regain the hearts and minds of the people.

This person must be a territorial citizen.

It also needs to have a high enough level of influence and appeal.

Well, there is almost no need to choose, because there is only one person who meets the conditions, and that is Cao Zhen, the great Sima of Wei.

When Hang Yu conquered Cao Shuang, he had made a promise to support Cao Zhen to become the new leader of Wei, and now he has fulfilled his promise.


Hang Yu’s territory.

No emperor is allowed.

Cao Zhen was named acting governor of the Western Wei Kingdom by Hang Yu.

In this capacity, he will act as an agent for the territory and supervise the local area.

After Cao Zhen became the new Lord of Wei in the land of Wei, all the prefects and captains of the cities and counties came to surrender.

The next few days.

Hang Yu continued to receive news of the occupation.

[You successfully occupied "Great Wei City" and obtained "Luck Treasure Box (Purple)" × 1! 】

[You successfully occupied "Xiayang City" and obtained "Large Luck Treasure Box (Blue)" × 1! 】

[You successfully occupied "Xingyang City" and obtained "Large Luck Treasure Box (Blue)" × 1! 】

[You successfully occupied "Jixian County" and obtained "Large Luck Treasure Box (Blue)" × 1! 】


[You successfully occupied "Ping County City" and obtained "Luck Treasure Box (Blue)" × 1! 】

Only three or four days.

The territory has annexed 42 cities and accumulated 115 blessing points.

Except for the purple treasure chests obtained in Dawei City, blue treasure boxes were obtained in other cities, including seven large treasure chests.

In addition, there are dozens of luck treasure boxes of various green qualities. Hang Yu has never had so many treasure boxes in his hands.

To this.

He also felt very inspired.

So many treasure chests are enough to cause quantitative changes to lead to qualitative changes!

Consuming the contributions of the stars to synthesize the Luck Treasure Chests should be enough to turn them into about six purple treasure chests.

This is a purple quality fortune treasure chest, from which you can get purple quality materials and purple quality skill stones, and there is a greater chance of getting rare and high-quality blueprints!


This step alone.

Hang Yu was not satisfied.

He decided to wait a little longer.

If he could occupy the remaining main cities.

Then the quality of the fortune treasure chest in his hand might be able to break through the purple quality and become an unprecedented orange fortune treasure chest! (End of this chapter)

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