This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 417 Orange treasure chest! Building upgrade order!

Go to Xiahong County.

Before the Abyssal Era, this county was part of Hongnong County.

After the advent of the Abyssal Age, it was gradually divided into two parts: Shanghong County and Xiahong County.

These two counties are both one of the eight Taiyou counties. Xiahong County is located in the southwest corner of this world and is also one of the farthest areas from the Star Territory. At this moment, the remaining 10,000 Dark people are forced here.

The main force of Taiyou Kingdom has been defeated by the Scourge Legion.

Cao Rui, the leader of the Wei Dynasty, also failed to summon foreign gods.

Now, almost all the monarchs, ministers and people of the entire Wei Dynasty are controlled by Qunxing Territory. There is no suspense about the war in this world, and the game is completely over.

From the time the stars came to this day.

Less than three months in total.

It only took less than three months for the Star Lords to break the deadlock that had lasted for hundreds of years in the Shouyang Mountain area. Although it would take some time to completely conquer, there was no suspense when the war reached this point.


Even so.

As a loyal servant of the Lord of Darkness.

The remaining members of the Dark Tribe still did not give up resistance. They knew that they could not stop the trend of the stars with their own strength, but they still tried to resist until the last moment.

Tens of thousands of Dark people arrived near Hongnong City at this moment.

This city is the main city of Xiahong County, and it is most likely the last remaining main city in Taiyou Kingdom.

They are discussing how to deal with the current situation.

First of all, what is certain is that the defeat is decided!

Although these dark people are loyal to the Lord of Darkness, it does not mean that they have no brains.

At this moment, what they were discussing was no longer how to make a comeback, but how to bring greater losses and revenge to the stars.

One of them, the Dark Overlord, said: "There are still 150,000 residents in this city. Even if these people cannot be used by the Dark God Dynasty, they must not fall into the hands of the stars."

A dark commander said: "Yes, with our strength, it is almost impossible to defeat the stars, but killing the remaining population of the city is not a problem."

"Just do it!"

"The darkness can't get it!"

"It cannot be left to the stars."


After discussion, these Dark Tribes immediately made the decision to counterattack. They no longer tried to counterattack the cities that had been occupied by the stars, but decided to launch an attack on the unoccupied cities.

more specifically.

It's massacre!

Hongnong City, the main city of Xiahong County, is the first target of this dark army. Hongnong City has only a few hundred thousand people in total, and the troops stationed there are more than a thousand dark tribesmen.

With the fighting power of this dark remnant and the cooperation of the internal dark defenders, when the city citizens are unsuspecting and unprepared, they can be killed in just a few hours.

After making such a decision.

The Dark Clan troops accelerated towards Hongnong City.

Just as they were about to arrive in the city to attack.

A troop with extremely powerful aura appeared in front like a prophet, blocking the path of the Dark Clan and blocking them in a canyon.

"not good!"

"It's the stars!"


The leader of this force is a demonized human being with a very powerful aura.

This person is no one else.

It was Zhou Cang, deputy commander of Canglong Guard.

At this moment, beside Zhou Cang, there were hundreds of beings with equally powerful auras.

The weakest among them have the strength of a mid-level fourth-level abyss commander, and there are dozens of them close to the combat power of an abyss overlord.

It is the Canglong Guards, the strongest force in the territory!

Although the troops led by Zhou Cang only had a few hundred people, they were enough to bring a considerable sense of oppression to the tens of thousands of remaining Dark Tribe soldiers!

"Don't waste your efforts!"

Zhou Cang laughed at the Dark Tribe and said, "We have undercover agents in every city in every county in Taiyou. We have already occupied all the main cities as soon as possible."

turn out to be.

Territory in the past time.

Many Scourge spies were sent out.

These spies or travelers had penetrated into every corner within a month or two.

Not only did they act as informants, spies, gather intelligence, and instigate rebellion behind enemy lines before the war broke out, but they also became coordinate nodes after the war broke out.

Territory builder team.

Currently, eight portals have been built in Taiyou Kingdom.

More than a dozen teleportation gates were built in Dawei City.

More than a hundred teleportation staffs were consumed, and millions of magic crystals were spent in the territory.

These portals can supplement the territory's teleportation network. Coupled with the teleportation staff already in the player's hands, the territory's special forces can quickly penetrate behind enemy lines during combat.

The Canglong Guards led by Zhou Cang and Wen Yang have strong mobility.

The territory had long expected that the Dark Tribe would most likely commit massacre after losing all hope, so they took appropriate precautions.

After the overall situation was decided, the lord ordered Zhou Cang, Wen Yang and other generals, as well as the territory's Canglong Guard troops, to mobilize as quickly as possible to capture and activate the blessing points of the main city in each area.

To know.

The Canglong Guard is the strongest force in the territory.

This unit rarely mobilizes in full force.

At this moment, the lord gave an order to dispatch all of them, and the terrifying combat capabilities of the three thousand dragon guards were immediately revealed.

Each Dragon Guard team of 100 people is equipped with a teleportation staff. Even the weakest Cang Dragon Guard has the strength of a second- or third-rate abyss commander. If placed in the Scourge Army, it would be close to the level of a corps leader.

At the first moment, they occupied the main cities of Shanghong County, Xiahong County, and several remote areas of Taiyou Country.

The main cities are generally the most populous cities. Keeping these cities can minimize population losses. Once the main city-level blessing points are activated, the Scourge Army can be directly teleported from Luoshui City.

At this moment.

Before the Dark Clan is ready for battle.

They heard shouts of killing from both sides of the canyon.


"Fuck! Everyone hurry up and grab!"

"There are not many Dark Clan left! Kill one less!"

"Don't grab from me! We have decided on that overlord!"


A Scourge Army of nearly 10,000 rushed out in a mess, as if the Dark Clan in front of them was not an enemy, but a pile of ownerless treasures, and whoever could grab it first would own it.

A fierce battle.

Zhou Cang and Canglongwei did not intervene much.

This largest group of Dark remnants was basically wiped out.

He slashed down a street, wiped the non-existent blood on the blade and said: "This Dark Tribe is not that strong!"

Salted Fish stabbed: "It's not that this Dark Tribe is too weak, but we have become stronger!"

After the Dawei City operation, the Scourge Army has been greatly improved. At present, including Ye Limeng, Xiao Lingdang, and Hei Tong Ruige, at least sixteen top Scourge Army have reached level 40.

This is the maximum level at this stage.

When the Scourge Army reaches level 40, on the one hand, it requires a huge amount of experience points to upgrade from level 40 to level 41, and on the other hand, even if they have enough experience points, they cannot upgrade to the next level.


The players have discovered it long ago.

The level cap of all units in the territory depends on the lord.

If the lord does not break through to level 5, then the Scourge Army players and the NPCs in the territory will not be able to break through, but they can save their energy and use it for cultivation to increase their foundation in terms of skills.

At present, there are not only a group of players with the maximum level of level 4 in the territory.

The number of level 4 players is growing rapidly, and has now reached more than 4,000.

The number of level 3 players has reached more than 14,000, and the total number of level 3 and 4 players has reached about 19,000. It will not take many days to break through to 20,000. This is definitely a very powerful force at this stage.

Solved the remnants of the Dark Clan.

The Scourge Army quickly cleaned up the battlefield.

Several corps leaders came to Zhou Cang to report.

Black Eyed Rui Ge: "General Zhou, fortunately, we have fulfilled our mission and basically wiped out the enemy!"

Zhou Cang was also very pleased: "Your growth rate is amazing, and now you are already a qualified elite!"

Xiao Lingdang hurriedly said modestly: "I dare not, if General Zhou is not here to support us, we may not be able to defeat this enemy!"

Ye Limeng said: "There are still five cities in Xiahong County that have not been occupied. The tasks issued by the Lord are about to expire. I think we should act as soon as possible."

Zhou Cang nodded.

Immediately assigned tasks to the Scourge Army.

The five major corps are all in this operation, just one for each family, so there is no need to rob.

The War God Temple Corps is responsible for taking Yiyang, the Free Wing Corps is responsible for taking Xin'an, the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps is responsible for taking Lu County, the Divine Feather Palace is responsible for taking Xi County, and the Ragnarok Corps is responsible for Shan County.

The value of these cities varies, but efficiency is the most important thing at this moment. The corps does not have too many objections. At most, they can discuss internally and share some benefits.

"Are you ready?"

"No problem!"

Zhou Cang waved his hand.

Ten Canglong Guards holding teleportation staffs walked out of the team.

These Canglong Guards are powerful, and the small teleportation portals they launched are not difficult for the corps to teleport within a few hundred miles, which can greatly increase the efficiency of the Scourge Army's operations.


Not long after.

Hang Yu received another round of city occupation information.

[You successfully occupied "Yiyang City" and obtained "Fortune Treasure Box (Blue)" × 1! ]

[You successfully occupied "Xin'an City" and obtained "Fortune Treasure Box (Blue)" × 1! ]

[You successfully occupied "Shan County City" and obtained "Fortune Treasure Box (Blue)" × 1! 】


After a while.

All five cities in Xiahong County were taken.

At the same time, some small blessing points near these cities were also activated one after another.

Hang Yu calculated the time. At this moment, it has been about five days since the capture of Dawei City.

In such a short time, the territory has been attacking cities and capturing strongholds very quickly. Up to now, the main cities of ten counties in Wei State and eight counties in Taiyou State have been under control.

Of course.

Wei State must exclude Shangyang County.

Taiyou must exclude Taiyou County.

These places were occupied long before this round of battle began.

From the outbreak of the battle to now, it has only been seven or eight days, and the territory has taken over sixteen counties.

Some of these counties are large, and some are small. Not every county is the main city. There are only ten main city-level blessing points, which is a very large number.

Ten main city-level blessings, plus forty or fifty cities, plus more than two hundred small blessings.

When all these blessings are activated one after another.

Not only the territory map was lit up.

Because of the increase in the level 6 pioneer heart, Hang Yu's personal strength also made great progress in this process. He could clearly feel that a bottleneck in the dark had been broken by himself.

It can be said.

Hang Yu at this moment.

He has touched the threshold of the abyss epic!

Even though Hang Yu does not yet have orange qualifications, orange equipment, or orange skills, the comprehensive strength he can exert now has once again become the undisputed strongest in the territory, stronger than Dian Wei, who has an orange physique.


This is an increase.

It's far from the end.

After annexing all the cities in the Shouyang Mountain area.

The next thing Hang Yu has to do is digest the entire population.

The greater the population.

The stronger the foundation.

If all these millions of people could be absorbed and digested by the territory, Hang Yu's strength would be even higher.

In addition, with so many cities being included in the territory and so many people being absorbed into the territory, the upper limit of the population of Hang Yu's dependents will also increase by leaps and bounds. It is expected that before the territory officially breaks through to the fifth level, the size of the Scourge Legion will exceed one million!

no doubt!

The Million Scourge Army meeting is an important milestone!

This will not only have a huge impact on the territory, but also have a huge impact on the real world.

However, so far, the territory's natural disaster troops are less than 300,000, and there is still a lot of room to break through one million, so it is inevitable to prepare enough magic crystals and materials.

"That's almost it, that's it!"

Hang Yu opened the territory map and took a glance. Although there are still many blessing points in the Shouyang Mountain area that have not been activated, these are basically small blessing points at the township level. Even if they are activated, they can only get the green luck treasure box reward. .

This level of luck reward is of little help to him at this stage.

Hang Yu was worried that if it took too long, the luck treasure box in his hand would be damaged, so he settled the task of developing territory and activating the blessing, and then started to deal with the treasure box in his hand.

[You are synthesizing a luck treasure chest. This synthesis requires 31550 merits. Do you want to continue? 】

Hang Yu synthesized the luck treasure box in his hand.

The cost of this synthesis was extremely high. The cost of the Stars' Merit alone was as high as over 30,000!

But I can’t bear to let the child trap the wolf!

Although the cost is huge, only in this way can we create high-quality treasure chests and get the top-notch and rarest items from them!

Hang Yu chose synthesis without hesitation.

【You have obtained the "Luck Treasure Box (Orange)"! 】



Be like many luck treasure chests.

When everything is combined together.

A brand new, super high quality treasure chest has appeared.

Hang Yu has never seen such a high-quality treasure chest since his debut. Since orange-quality items are generally at least the fifth level, the territory where you can obtain such a quality treasure chest at the fourth level has been rare since ancient times.

Even if so many treasure chests are used.

Even if it costs a lot of Star Contribution Points.

But when you see the quality changes from the highest purple to orange.

Hang Yu felt that he made the right bet and all the efforts were worth it.

In the orange luck treasure chest, the materials that are opened are at least orange materials. The equipment that is opened is most likely also orange equipment, and the skill stones obtained are also very likely to be orange!

Orange equipment, orange skills.

It is called epic equipment and epic skills!

Its value is so high that it is completely priceless and cannot be bought even with money!

Hang Yu participated in an auction some time ago. Fengleiyi paid tens of millions of magic crystals for just a damaged orange weapon. This transaction alone can show how valuable a normal orange weapon is. valuable!

Take a deep breath!

Hang Yu calmed himself down.

Then there is no ink mark, just choose to open the box!

[You have opened the "luck treasure chest (orange)", abyss magic crystal +15 million, five-color epic blessing sand +1000, five-color epic forging stone +100, five-color chaos gem +100, fourth-level building upgrade order +3, "Skill Stone: God-Slaying Curse" +1, "Blueprint: Gem Furnace Tower" +1, "Blueprint: Hall of Ten Thousand Souls" +1! 】

It is indeed a super-high-quality treasure chest synthesized from hundreds of luck treasure chests!

The value of the rewards issued from it is indeed terrifyingly high.

Not to mention the full 15 million magic crystals.

1000 copies of the fifth-level orange quality blessing sand, 100 copies of the fifth-level orange quality forged stone, and 100 copies of the fifth-level orange quality gems. These materials alone are of immeasurable value.

Because theoretically speaking.

These materials can be used to create level 5 epic equipment!

In addition, there are 3 ultra-rare special props, an orange quality skill stone, and two ultra-rare special drawings.

[Level 4 Building Upgrade Order], Level 5 rare consumables, orange medium quality... Introduction: It can offset a Level 5 building blueprint, thereby directly upgrading any Level 4 star building.

Its function can be seen from the introduction.

The usefulness of this "upgrade order" is probably equivalent to the universal blueprint!

It allows Hang Yu to directly upgrade any fourth-level star facility in the territory without collecting blueprints.

Although the materials that should be consumed still have to be consumed!

But eliminating the need to look for drawings means saving the biggest cost and threshold!

To give an example, Hang Yu's leader's super strategic weapon of destroying the country, the God Machine Giant Ship, is a fourth-level star building. If you want to upgrade it, you must find the corresponding fifth-level blueprint.

But such a super rare facility.

The probability that Hang Yu would be lucky enough to receive the drawings was almost zero.

If the blueprints cannot be purchased for a hundred years, the divine machine giant ship cannot be upgraded for a hundred years. It may still be able to play a huge role in the territory where it is still at the fourth or even fifth level of strength.

But once the territory breaks through to level five or above.

This magical ship is of very little use.

In this high-level territorial war or confrontation.

The existence of the divine machine giant ship is like a huge and fragile target.

Well now, with something like an upgrade order, even if you don't have the blueprints, you can strengthen ultra-rare facilities like the divine machine giant ship. The strategic value it can create is unimaginable.

As for the remaining items.

[Skill Stone: God-killing Curse], an orange-quality secret skill...Learning conditions: At least reaching the fifth level, at least reaching the status of the Abyss King, the sum of the four major attributes is not less than 80,000, and requires 1.8 billion energy consumption.

It’s an epic skill!

The power of this skill is estimated to exceed all the current skills in the territory.

Unfortunately, the learning threshold for this skill needs to reach level five, so Hang Yu can't learn it now.

[Drawing: Gem Furnace Tower], a fourth-level rare building... Construction conditions: 2.6 million magic crystals, 1.2 million copies of fourth-level material essence.

[Drawing: Hall of Ten Thousand Souls], a fourth-level rare building... Construction conditions: 4.1 million magic crystals, 2 million copies of fourth-level material essence.

This is reflected in the construction cost.

The value of these two buildings is amazing!

The Gem Furnace Tower is a very useful facility. Its main function is to refine and smelt materials such as gems, forging stones, and blessing sand. If a sufficient amount of low-grade or low-grade materials are put in, they can be smelted into high-grade or high-grade materials with a certain probability. .

For example.

A certain corps has hundreds of green gems in hand.

Then they can melt all these green gems through the furnace tower and have a certain probability of obtaining blue gems.

This kind of facility is very useful for the territory, because the forging of high-end equipment cannot be separated from high-quality gems, and high-quality gems are not only extremely expensive, but also very rare and in short supply.

With such a tower.

Territories can even develop related competitions.

For example, low-quality gems are purchased in large quantities from various lord markets, then smelted to synthesize high-quality gems, and then sold through these markets to earn the price difference.

Because gem smelting towers are extremely rare.

This kind of business is basically a guaranteed profit.

It is estimated that it will not take long to earn back the construction cost.

Of course, Hang Yu does not plan to make money from it. After all, the supply of high-end equipment in the territory currently exceeds demand. It is very difficult to arm a Canglong Guard. The appearance of this tower can alleviate this problem.

As for the final "Ten Thousand Souls Palace?"

This is a very special facility.

Hang Yu knew very little about it. Judging from the information revealed in the blueprint, this blueprint can consume soul stones to create special units, or give the people of the territory the power contained in the soul stones.

There is a certain probability.

Qualifications can be created for territorial units.

This also sounds like a very powerful and very scarce facility.

It not only has the function of recruiting special units, but also has the effect of transformation and strengthening. It may greatly increase the growth limit of the territory's dependents, the players of the Scourge Army, and even all the people of the territory.

Based on Hang Yu's understanding of various star buildings.

Anything that can increase talents, improve qualifications, or even assist talents or qualifications is an extremely powerful good thing.

For example, various talent beads.

Buildings of this type are very rare and hard to come by.

Whether you use this blueprint yourself or sell it to a top boss, it can bring huge profits, and it will not be inferior to a piece of high-quality orange equipment!

It is indeed an orange treasure chest!

The prizes are indeed extremely generous!

Hang Yu is satisfied with the results of this gamble. If he does not synthesize all the treasure boxes, but opens the treasure boxes one by one, although he will definitely get more skill stones and a large number of second and third level blueprints, the quality and scarcity will not be the same. It's totally different.

Put these treasures away first.

It can be used once the territory reaches level five.

According to the current development trend of the territory, it would be easy to break through to the fifth level.

(PS: It’s the end of the month, please vote for me!) (End of this chapter)

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