This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 445: The tragic past of Jieqiao! And the intelligence disclosure of Shouchun!

The Dragon Slayer Society is not a big organization, but it is not a small one either. It will take some time to absorb and digest tens of thousands of people.

For example, the other three of the four guardians, Zhu Ling, Ju Shou, and Tian Feng, cannot arrive in the territory in a short time.

Hang Yu doesn't care.

Let's absorb the people in front of us first.

Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and others completed the ceremony of joining the territory on the same day, and the human race has added a bunch of high-quality talents.

Hang Yu roughly glanced at the talents and detailed information of these people.

Judging from the luck and talent level alone, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, and Chen Lin are the strongest among this group of people, and their general information is as follows:


Name: Yuan Shao.

Level: Level 48.

Race: Human.

Level: Level 5.

Basic attributes: ... (omitted)

Talent: A hero of the world (green luck), Lord of the Righteous Alliance (green luck), King of the Abyss (purple qualification), Hero of the Commoner (blue qualification)...


Name: Gongsun Zan.

Level: Level 48.

Race: Human.

Rank: Level 5.

Basic attributes: ... (omitted)

Talent: A hero of the world (green luck), Lord of the White Horse (green luck), King of the Abyss (purple qualification), Master of both spear and arrow (blue qualification)...


Name: Chen Lin.

Level: Level 46.

Race: Human.

Rank: Level 5.

Basic attributes: ... (omitted)

Talent: A famous scholar with a brilliant pen (green luck), a word with a weight of ten thousand pounds (green luck), unparalleled in writing (blue qualification), born with a literary mind (blue qualification)...


Hang Yu discovered.

The luck and talent of these three people are almost not inferior to Zhou Cang and Wen Pin who just met.

Among them, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan even have the qualification template of "King of the Abyss".

This is why.

The two have just the entry-level king combat power.

Hang Yu was not surprised that Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan had the qualification of "King of the Abyss", because luck is relatively constant, while qualifications may change due to the influence of the environment.

Especially this template.

When a character lives in the abyss for a long enough time and uses enough resources, his physique and qualifications are completely likely to change.

Of course.

It is also limited to qualification-type talents.

It is almost impossible for natives to change their luck.

Of course, even from the perspective of luck, the three are also very good. Their luck is not only strong, but also very rare, rarely seen, and has good attributes.

For example.

[A Hero of the First Generation], green luck, all attributes of oneself +10, all attributes of all hero units +2%, all attributes of all units in the whole territory +1%.

Although this is a green talent, it is also an extremely green luck. The powerful effect of this talent is that it can increase the attributes of all units in the territory.

You must know.

This is not a luck skill.

There is no need to actively start or maintain it.

As long as Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan are in the territory.

They can enhance the hero units of the entire territory and even every citizen, and the effect can be said to be very good.

[Lord of the Righteous Alliance], green luck, total health +30%, total mana +30%, every time the people of the territory cause damage to the alien stars, it can cause an additional 8% killing effect.

Yuan Shao's second luck is also very useful.

This talent is more like a special preparation for the Lord's War.

From now on, as long as there is a Lord's War or a war between aliens, the territory can cause additional damage in the battle.

Although 8% does not seem much, when this ratio is enlarged to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of super-large legions, the role that can be played is very considerable.

The competitiveness of Hangyu Territory in the Lord's War will be greatly enhanced!

[Lord of the White Horse], green luck, total value of all attributes 15%, when the territory unit fights in the territory of the non-controlled area, the net value of all attributes +10%.

Gongsun Zan's "Lord of the White Horse" and Yuan Shao's "Lord of the Righteous Alliance" have some similarities, but they are not exactly the same.

Both lucks can cover all the people in the entire territory.

But there are prerequisites for them to take effect.

Yuan Shao's prerequisite is that it is only effective for foreign races, and players' daily monster spawning generally cannot produce effects.

Gongsun Zan's prerequisite is that it can only take effect in non-occupied areas. Once the territory completes the occupation of the area, the territory units in the area will not have the amplification BUFF of this "Lord of the White Horse".

In general.

Although there are restrictions on the luck of the two.

It is a talent type that the current territory does not have.

There are many types of talents in the Abyss Three Kingdoms, and they can be roughly divided into many types based on the luck type: famous generals, famous ministers, counselors, beauties, lords... and so on.

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan's talents are typical "lord" types.

Although they are not the ceiling among the Three Kingdoms princes, their luck can be said to have their own characteristics, and they are worth being selected into the territory hero team and cultivating these lucks.

As for Chen Lin?

Like Chen Qun, he is a typical civil official.

[Miraculous Pen and Famous Scholar], green luck, speed +50% when casting spells and formations, consumption -30%, and activate the high-level formation master talent, all the people in the territory, practice or use spell formation skills that do not exceed blue quality and consume -10%.

[One Word], green luck, the effect of spells and array skills is +80%, and the power of spells and array skills cast by all the people in the territory is +10%.

The luck of civil servants.

The effect is an overall increase.

This kind of luck can usually reduce the resource consumption of the territory and increase the quality of all the people.

Although Hang Yu collar currently has several outstanding civil servant talents, the cost for the Scourge Army to learn or comprehend skills, and the resources consumed in the production and operation of the territory have been significantly reduced.

But not quite enough.

The more such talents the better!

Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, and Chen Lin all have good training value.

However, Hang Yu did not immediately grant the Stars Seal and promote them to the Stars unit.

On the one hand, although they are valuable talents, they are still far behind compared with Jia Xu, Zhang Zhongjing and others.

On the other hand, the granting of the Mark of the Stars requires the full cooperation of the other party, otherwise it will fail. Although Yuan Shao and others are impressed by the strong strength and resources of the territory, after all, they have just arrived in the territory, and they may not be able to cooperate 100% with the territory at this moment. Binding.

So it takes some running-in time.

No matter what, being able to recruit Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and others today is a huge breakthrough for Hang Yuling.

Hang Yu immediately held a banquet to entertain the people of the Dragon Slaying Club.

Of course this is also in the process.

Learn more.

These natives who were born and raised in the Jieqiao area are enough to provide Hang Yu collar with sufficient information, including the local city terrain, the distribution of Xinglong collar's generals and troops, etc.

With this important information.

It will also be easier for the Hang Yu collar to fight against the Star Dragon collar.

Of course, in addition to this, Hang Yu is also very interested in some news.

He then asked: "I heard that there is a dragon-slaying war god Zhao Yun in Jieqiao, who almost killed the Star Dragon Lord. Is this person dead or alive now?"

When I heard the word Zhao Yun.

Everyone in the Dragon Slaying Association had expressions of regret on their faces.

Gongsun Zan said: "This Zhao Yun used to be my general. After the advent of the Abyss Age, his cultivation speed and strength improvement are the fastest in the world."

"Zhao Yun is both civil and military. Not only is he the first among humans to enter the fifth level, he is also the first to enter the throne of kings. He has even reached the status of an abyss epic."

"After the Star Dragon Lord invaded the Jieqiao area, he contributed to the creation of the Dragon Slayer Association and always fought on the front line against the Star Dragon Lord, forcing the Star Dragon Lord into difficulties several times."


From Gongsun Zan’s description.

Hang Yu probably learned about the relevant history.

This relevant information was quickly spread by several Scourge Army captains at the banquet who were qualified to attend the banquet.

But after a while.

On the game’s official website forum.

Hot posts on related topics appeared.

The name of this post is "Fresh revelations!" A collection of historical information about the Kaibashi area! 》

"Brothers and sisters!"

"Our boss is attending the Lord's Dinner!"

"During this process, Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao, Chen Lin and others revealed a huge amount of information. Let us make a simple summary here!"

"This is just a rough summary for your reference only. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me!"


"First of all, let's speculate on the abyss timeline in the Jieqiao area. Although the current world has not given a specific explanation yet, based on the description, it is estimated that it is at least four hundred years ago!"

"The time when the Star Dragon Territory invaded the Jieqiao area was about 140 years ago. At that time, the Jieqiao area was about the same size or slightly smaller than Shouyang Mountain, with more than three million original inhabitants. Residential population.”

"We can roughly divide the history of Jieqiao in the past two hundred years into four stages: the two heroes stage, the peace stage, the breakup stage, and the resistance stage."

"The two-hero stage."

"It refers to before the arrival of the star forces, when the World Bridge area, despite serious pollution and dangerous environment, already had a population of more than three million, divided into two camps."

"One camp was founded by Yuan Shao, and under him were Zhang He, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Gao Lan, Xu You, Ju Shou, Tian Feng, etc., dozens of top talents."

"The other camp was founded by Gongsun Zan. Although his command is not as talented as Yuan Shao's camp, he has an SSR-level military general called Zhao Yun who is both civil and military, and has great luck and qualifications."

"There are often frictions in the confrontation between the two sides, but no one can do anything to the other. It is more like the relationship between two small vassal states."

"At that time, the environment of the boundary bridge was dangerous, and the external gods were also eyeing it, so the two sides did not completely break up."

"At that time, Zhao Yun, Zhang He, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and others were all only at the fourth level."

"The confrontation between the two heroes was broken by a big event!"

"That was the Star Dragon Territory, which was only at the fourth level at the time. It entered the Jieqiao area during the process of territorial expansion."

"The emergence of third-party external forces."

"The situation in Jieqiao has undergone subtle changes. Although the forces at the beginning had friction with each other and suffered considerable losses, they were all wary of each other and finally chose to reconcile temporarily."

"This period is a period of peace."

"This peaceful phase lasted for more than ten or twenty years."

"Lord Star Dragon maintained a balance with the aboriginal forces. Even with the cooperation of the aborigines, he eliminated most of the pollution sources in the Jieqiao area and blocked and sealed the core pollution sources."

"When the outer gods' forces are cleared."

"When the sources of pollution are gradually purified."

"The living environment in the Jieqiao area is getting better and better day by day."

"However, at this time, Lord Star Dragon gradually revealed his cruel side and began to encroach on the famous cities and territories of the human race."

"So we entered the third stage."

"Even the breakup stage mentioned above!"

"The Star Dragon Lord took advantage of the grievances between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan to make them fight independently and hold each other back. As a result, under the offensive of the stars, mankind retreated steadily and suffered heavy losses."

"After a round of huge losses."

"At this time, led by Zhao Yun, knowledgeable people from both sides stepped forward and established the Dragon Slaying Association, prompting Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan, who had been enemies for hundreds of years, to form an alliance."

"After the formation of the Human Race Alliance, the Human Race once had a clear advantage in the war against the Star Dragon Territory. However, the Star Dragon Territory broke through to the fifth level at this time, and various fifth-level troops continued to emerge to join the battlefield."

"This quickly put the human coalition forces at a disadvantage, and even led to a devastating defeat."

"The Star Dragon massacred the city and killed millions of people!"

"Just to force out the elite rebels."

"At this time, Zhao Yun, who had broken through to the fifth level, decided to make a desperate move. He led an elite force to directly attack the Star Dragon Lord City."

"This epic battle was extremely brutal."

"Everyone knows the result."

"Although Zhao Yun's personal strength was superior to Lord Xinglong at that time, after all, he was running thousands of miles and going deep alone, so he was inevitably surrounded and suppressed by a powerful force."

"In the end, Zhao Yun single-handedly slaughtered thousands of dragons, and even broke through the defenses of the main city of stars with his own strength. He forced the Star Dragon Lord into desperate situations several times, but in the end he still failed."

"After this battle."

"The Rebel Alliance has lost all its elite."

"All human cities have fallen!"

"Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan led the remaining elites underground and began a long and difficult journey of resistance or survival!"

"Until now!"

"Our Hang Yu leader has appeared!"


The detailed history of the Jieqiao area was gradually revealed.

Everyone was touched by the stories that happened here, especially when Zhao Yun single-handedly entered the Star Dragon Lord City.

"Brother Yun is tragic!"

"If the Star Dragon leader hadn't slaughtered civilians in such a frenzied manner, Brother Yun might not have made such a desperate move."

"It's a pity that the success fell short in the end!"

"Although Zhao Yun failed to successfully kill the Star Dragon Lord, he also severely damaged the Star Dragon Lord at that time, creating a very precious window of time for the Dragon Slayer Guild to go underground."

"Singing and crying!"

"Although defeated, it is still glorious!"

"Who will make this story into a big movie? I promise to buy tickets with my whole family to support it!"


Zhao Yun still has a lot of fame and fans.

Naturally, it aroused heated discussion.


"Is Zhao Yun dead or alive?"

"I don't know. Even Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan can't give a clear answer."

"It is not difficult to see that their emotions are also very complicated."

"Yes, no one believes that the invincible and invincible Zhao Yun will die so easily, but they are worried that Zhao Yun will be transformed into a dragon... If this is the case, it is better to die."

"After Zhang He and others were transformed into dragons, they would pose a great threat to mankind. If even a being like Zhao Yun was transformed into a dragon, I really can't even imagine the consequences."

"I think there is a high probability that he is dead!"

"Since that battle, Zhao Yun has never appeared again. It is indeed more likely that he has fallen."

"That's not necessarily the case!"


During the heated discussion.

Several regiment leaders sent back new information one after another.

In the process of communicating with Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao, Hang Yu not only revealed a large amount of valuable military geographical and historical information about Xinglong Leader.

Important information outside the Star Dragon Territory.

Also attracts attention!

Xinglong led outside.

Where is the most important place?

Of course it’s the Shouchun area!

Shouchun area is directly connected to the main city of Luoshui.

This direction poses the greatest threat to the Hang Yu Territory. Although the Scourge Army is working hard to explore, Shouchun is simply too big, and may be larger than the entire actual controlled land area of ​​the entire Hang Yu Territory combined.

Put it into the real world.

It is nearly half the size of Xia Kingdom.

How easy is it to fully explore such a large area? Just walking around takes a lot of time!

Just a few days.

The information obtained is undoubtedly just the tip of the iceberg!

However, it has been thirty or forty years since the Star Dragon Leader unlocked the Shouchun area, so the Dragon Slayer Association should have relevant information about the Shouchun area.

Speaking of the land of Shouchun.

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan had regrets on their faces.

In fact, after discovering that the fog gate in the Shouchun area was opened, the Dragon Slaying Association didn't think about retreating to a place where the Star Dragon Territory's control was weaker to develop.


It's not easy.

On the one hand, the Star Dragon Territory is strictly guarding against the forces of the Dragon Slayer Guild, making it difficult for the Dragon Slayer Guild to move south into the Shouchun area.

On the other hand, the environment in the Shouchun area is more dangerous than the Jieqiao area. Even if there are occasional members of the Dragon Slayer Society who can enter Shouchun, almost none can return safely.

"Based on available intelligence."

"The Shouchun area has at least the following three characteristics."

"First, the pollution situation is very serious. It is not only the pollution of the original abyss, but also multiple external god forces raging in it."

"Second, the Star Dragon Territory fought with another Star Territory several times in Shouchun, and neither side seemed to have gained much advantage."

"Third, although the environment in Shouchun is still very dangerous, there are still indigenous human forces in it."


Various information leaked.

It immediately aroused the strong interest of the Calamity Army.

From the information revealed by Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao and others, they did not directly deal with the people of another Star Territory.


Judging from various intelligence.

The alien race of this Star Territory is an extremely insidious and cunning race that is very good at hiding. Its strength may not be stronger than that of the Star Dragon Territory, but its degree of danger is even higher than that of the Star Dragon Territory.

As for the indigenous forces in Shouchun?

The Calamity Army is highly concerned about this!

The environment in Shouchun is ten times more complicated than that of Jieqiao. It is too difficult for the Calamity Army to gnaw on it bit by bit. I am afraid that it is impossible to completely conquer this area every three to five years.

That is why.

We need to take advantage of the situation!

If we can recruit the Dragon Slayer Society like we did.

Directly incorporate the indigenous forces in Shouchun.

Then Hangyu Territory can quickly gain a foothold in Shouchun, and even gain a greater advantage than the other two Star Territories!

"It seems that our next stage of action goals in Shouchun can be determined!"

"Find the local natives!"

"Get in touch with them and establish cooperation!"

"By the way, the environment in Shouchun seems to be worse than that of Jieqiao back then. How did this group of indigenous people survive?"

"I'm curious too!"

"I guess there is a very powerful leader among this group of indigenous people, whose means and strength may not be inferior to Zhao Yun."

"Then find him!"

"This is very important for the territory!" (End of this chapter)

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