This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 446: The birth of the Essence Pill and the fifth-order Scourge Army!

The dinner at the Lord's Castle is over.

At the enthusiastic invitation of the Scourge Legion leaders.

Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and others went to the tavern on Lord's Avenue to continue the second game.

Hangyu Territory has developed to this day.

Various entertainment facilities are very rich.

I dare not say that it is comparable to the real world, but at least it has been replicated.

The hospitality of the Scourge Army is not as luxurious and formal as the Lord's dinner, but it can let these people who have lived through hundreds of years of hardship in Jieqiao have a good experience.

After the Dragon Slayer Society became the Jiyin Sect and the Musheng Sect, it became another important organization in the territory, and the leaders of the Scourge Legions wanted to establish good relations with it.

The reason is not difficult to guess.

On the one hand, the Dragon Slayer Society still has a lot of important intelligence value to be mined, and on the other hand, there are at least hundreds of good players in the Dragon Slayer Society.

If these members can be dug into the Corps to serve, it will be enough to greatly improve the strength of the Corps.

Hangyu has asked all the questions he wanted to ask.

However, he still asked Xiao Ba to keep an eye on it and record any intelligence or information that is worth noting.

"There should be no problem with Jieqiao."

Hang Yu believed that as the Dragon Slayer Society was completely absorbed by the territory, the pressure on the territory in the direction of Jieqiao would be greatly reduced.

"Xiao Ba, notify General Wen Pin to immediately stop the deployment and return to Luoshui!"


Jieqiao is directly connected to Woniu Mountain.

If the Jieqiao area is unstable, the defense pressure on Woniu Mountain will be very high.

And Woniu Mountain is a relatively weak area in the territory and its location is very critical.

For this reason, Hang Yu originally planned to deploy Wen Pin, the top defense general of the territory, and the giant ship of the Shenji here to ensure that there is no risk.

Now the defense pressure on Woniu Mountain has been reduced.

There is no need for Wen Pin to stay there for a long time.

It is better to transfer back to Luoshui, on the one hand to protect the main city in the future, and on the other hand to prepare for the next battle.

There are still two or three days left for the protection of the stars.

The top priority is to take advantage of the fact that the safety period has not yet ended and there is no need to worry about being robbed, and to attack Shouchun with all our strength, take over the Scarlet Desert in the east, and strive for this huge strategic depth.

Once this campaign is successful, Shouchun will have the Scarlet Desert as a geographical buffer, and the Dragon Slayer Association will contain the Star Dragon Territory in Jieqiao, providing strongholds and intelligence support.

The central core area of ​​the territory is foolproof.

The southern and northern defense zones of the territory have sufficient depth. If outsiders attack the territory from these two places, the main city will have enough time and space to react, and the threat it can pose is minimal.

"It's time to attack the Scarlet City!"

Hang Yu began to edit the relevant tasks of the Scarlet City.

This city created by the Outer God Scarlet Mother's family is quite large, and the current strength of the Scourge is far from enough to shake it.

The city is located in the center of the Scarlet Desert.

It will take at least half a day for the Scourge to rush from the Abyss Fog Gate to the Scarlet City. If they die twice, more than a day will pass.

Judging from the scale of the Scarlet City and the strength of the reserve assessment.

If the Scourge attacks with this frequency and intensity, then let alone two or three days, even twenty or thirty days, don't think about taking the city.

The only way is to use the God Machine Giant Ship. The current God Machine Giant Ship has the blessing of the main city level. It will become the most important troop transportation and regeneration platform in Hangyu Territory.

Wen Pin was recalled from the Woniu Mountain area.

He will lead the troops to the Scarlet Desert as soon as possible and deploy them in the designated area. After the Scourge participates in the mission, they can directly teleport from the main city to quickly enter the battlefield.

After the war breaks out.

The God Machine Giant Ship can even be used as a resurrection platform.

In this way, the Scourge Army can avoid the long map running, and can immediately regroup and attack again after death, thus ensuring sufficient attack frequency and attack intensity.

In this case, with the small soldier fairy Zhang He, the peerless general Dian Wei, and the powerful firepower support deployed on the God Machine Giant Ship, the possibility of conquering the Scarlet City has greatly increased.

Of course, up to now.

The territory has not been able to enter the Scarlet City.

So the biggest problem at present is the lack of intelligence.

No one knows what special circumstances will occur in the process, so in the process of deploying operations, it is necessary to be more cautious and be prepared to intervene in person.

When Hang Yu was preparing for the Scarlet City campaign.

Zou Wan came to report: "Lord, Dr. Zhang has made a major breakthrough in drug research and development."

"Really? Another breakthrough!"

Hang Yu was immediately interested when he heard the news.

During this period, Zhang Zhongjing has not been idle in the territory. Although he is not directly involved in refining medicine, he is an absolute scientific research maniac in the territory.

With the blessing of orange talent.

Zhang Zhongjing's research and development ability can be described as heaven-defying.

Recently, Zhang Zhongjing has successfully developed drugs, including but not limited to the following types.

First, attribute medicine.

After the first, second and third level conventional attribute amplification pills, Zhang Zhongjing has recently successfully deciphered the fourth-level attribute medicine and the fifth-level attribute medicine.

Level 4 and 5 attribute medicines are high-level attribute medicines. Because the cost of refining materials is too expensive, there are only a handful of lords who are capable of large-scale purchases, and the market is not as large as level 1 and 2.

Even so, it can still generate a lot of income for the territory. Of course, most attribute medicines will be supplied to the territory first, thereby improving the strength of the Scourge Army and territory units.

The second type is consumable medicine.

Zhang Zhongjing not only developed conventional medicines with properties.

He also developed more than ten or twenty kinds of unconventional attribute medicines.

Except for a few resistance-amplifying drugs that can permanently increase specific resistance.

Most of the others are consumable drugs that temporarily greatly improve attributes.

Zhang Zhongjing also developed several high-level recovery elixirs of different grades for fourth- and fifth-level units, which can quickly restore life or mana to high-level units.

it's easy to see.

The elixir studied by Zhang Zhongjing.

The vast majority are necessities that are in short supply internally.

These elixirs can greatly increase the strength and heritage of the territory, so they are basically digested internally. Although they can also bring considerable results to the alchemists, they will not be able to create considerable export revenue like the Wooden Saint Sect.

these days.

Zhang Zhongjing stayed behind closed doors.

It is said that they want to research a kind of pill that does not exist in the market, or almost does not exist, but it has a huge market and demand. Once it is successfully developed, it is impossible to encounter competition.

At this moment, the rumor was in Hang Yu's ears.

Most of this elixir has been successfully developed.

So I came to Zhang Zhongjing's laboratory in person.

To check the latest research results of this eternal medicine sage.

"Lord, please look!"

Zhang Zhongjing presented a bottle of elixir, "This is the latest special elixir developed by Lao Chan!"

Hang Yu poured one out and put it in his hand. He was surprised to find that the elixir was very strange. Its material was transparent, a bit like crystal or ice. When exposed to the natural environment, there was a faint sign of evaporation.

[Zhang Zhongjing's Secret Essence Pill] is a first-level elixir, top-grade green elixir. When taken, 499 points of essence can be obtained. It can only be used once a day at most.

"This is……"

Hang Yu couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock.

Although he had never doubted Zhang Zhongjing's talent, he never expected that the other party could actually develop such a thing.

The essence of the abyss!

This is the most basic and scarce core resource in all territories, and it is also considered to be a core resource that cannot be traded.

Although there are treasures from all walks of life that can increase spiritual energy, such items are usually rare items that can be encountered but cannot be obtained, and there is no way to cultivate them in batches through spiritual field cultivation.


No matter how powerful your background and power are.

Any resource in a territory can seek foreign aid.

It is almost impossible for Jingqi to obtain external assistance.

Although the elixir refined by Zhang Zhongjing is only of first-level green quality, it can seal 500 points of essence.

Although judging from the current situation, the essence is volatile as always, but the loss rate is not very fast.

Hang Yu asked: "How long can this essence pill last in the natural environment?"

Zhang Zhongjing immediately replied: "According to old speculation, if it is completely exposed to the natural environment, 20% of its essence will be lost in about three days, more than 50% of its essence will be lost in ten days, and it will be completely lost in about thirty or forty days. Almost exhausted.”

The above is only under natural environment.

If special formations or props are made in advance for preservation, then it is not a big problem to triple or triple the shelf life of the Essence Pill.

What is Hang Yu Ling’s truly most competitive resource?

Of course it is the abyss essence itself.

If a small part of this resource, even just one ten thousandth or one hundred thousandth, can be used to produce specialty products for export, the value that can be created will be inestimable!

This will not only be income at the level of magic crystals or other resources, but also more extra profits other than material things, as well as unbelievable privileges.

Pills like Jingqi Pill.

Has the Land of Stars appeared in the past?

Hang Yu believes that there should still be some, even if Shengcang City and this territory have not appeared, but the stars and realms are almost infinitely vast, and there are very few territories that can produce similar resources by chance.

That's also extremely rare, extremely rare.

The most important thing is that for almost all the lords of the territory, energy is always an insufficient resource.

Even if it were possible to refine similar elixirs or creations, how many territories would have the ability or willingness to sell them to outsiders?


The Jingqi Pill developed by Zhang Zhongjing is uniquely competitive and can really be mass-produced. In the long run, its value and significance will even far exceed that of the Wood Sage's artifacts.

According to Zhang Zhongjing’s explanation.

The materials consumed in refining the Essence Pill are not precious.

However, the refining process requires two more stringent preconditions.

First of all, regardless of the level of the Jingqi Pill itself, it must be at least an expert alchemist of level four.

Because refining this elixir requires mastering a special alchemy technique, which was specially developed by Zhang Zhongjing to refine this elixir, and if you want to practice this elixir, you need a powerful enough alchemy technique to match it.

Just a request.

It can put most territories at bay.

Medicine refining experts are not a big deal, and few territories can recruit them in large numbers.

Sometimes this is not a matter of money. Take Shengcang City as an example. The number of medicine refining experts above the expert level is limited, and most of them are in the hands of major families, major forces, and major organizations. .

Recruitment is also good.

Just cultivate it.

The costs are not cheap.

Hang Yuling has no such concerns.

On the one hand, Hang Yuling is fully capable of cultivating medicine refining experts on a large scale.

On the one hand, under Zhang Zhongjing's Medicine Saint domain, he can forcibly upgrade the territory's alchemists to a higher level. Theoretically, it is enough to recruit a large number of high-level alchemists.

Secondly, in the process of refining the essence pill, the alchemist's cultivation will be damaged, and the pill itself has a high failure rate.

Simply put.

The alchemist loses about 700 points of essence on average.

To refine such a pill with 500 essence.

This pill also has a hard failure rate, which is purely a matter of luck. Once the pill fails, the consumption will be a total loss.

This is also unacceptable to many territories. After all, the major territories originally do not have enough essence. How to use essence to subsidize the consumption of alchemists?

But it is still nothing to Hangyu Territory.

On the one hand, Hangyu Territory has a very sufficient supply of essence.

On the other hand, relying on Zhang Zhongjing's strong luck, he can greatly reduce the failure rate of alchemy, making the process of refining the essence pill almost 100% successful without any additional loss.

In this way.

Costs will be minimized.

Efficiency and quality will be maximized.

Theoretically, mass production of Jingqi Dan is not a problem!

Once this kind of elixir is really mass-produced, it will give the territory great strategic value, which is far from economic growth.

Hang Yu asked: "Is there any way to develop a higher-level and higher-quality Jingqi Dan."

Zhang Zhongjing: "Yes, but the high-level Jingqi Dan is more complicated, and I need some time to study and improve it."


Talent is indeed the first productive force!

In the future, there will be various wood saint creations for refining tools, and unique Jingqi Dan for refining medicine. It will be difficult for the territory to soar to the sky with this!

Hang Yu said: "Dr. Zhang is worthy of being a generation of medicine saints. Once this elixir is successfully mass-produced, it will have unimaginable and inestimable huge value for the territory and the human race!"

After that.

He was not stingy.

He approved 100 million contribution points for Zhang Zhongjing on the spot.

This is not only a bonus for Zhang Zhongjing, but also funds to support his continued research.

Hang Yu stayed with Zhang Zhongjing for a while, and after he learned more about the functions of Jingqi Dan and various new elixirs, he returned to his residence. At this time.

Xiao Ba issued another reminder.

"Report to the master!"

"A player is breaking through the fifth level!"

This news did not surprise or surprise Hang Yu.

It is difficult to upgrade from level 40 to level 41. This level leap requires up to 10 million Jingqi!

But if you use the power of a corps to fully launch one or two fifth-level strongmen, it is not impossible to do it.

Because one of the biggest benefits of the Scourge Army Corps.

is that each corps has its own Jingqi pool.

The Jingqi in this pool comes from the daily tasks and hunting commissions of the corps members.

Although the wool comes from the sheep, the Jingqi resources at your disposal are in themselves very valuable benefits and privileges.

After the battle of Jieqiao.

The average Jingqi reserve of the top ten Scourge Army Corps has reached about 15 million.

Among them, the top few corps have as much as 20 to 30 million!

With such sufficient reserves of spirit, if you want to concentrate resources and smash out a fifth-level ranking, it is completely possible at that time.

Of course.

Corps spirit is a public resource.

It is generally used to reward meritorious officials in the territory, or used as an important bargaining chip to recruit top talents.

It is unlikely that such a precious public resource.

All used on one person.

Otherwise, the birth of a fifth-level player would not wait until now.

After the battle of the Dragon Slayer Club headquarters in Jieqiao, the top players of the Scourge Army obtained a large amount of spirit, and each person has accumulated millions of spirits. In this case, it is normal for a corps to use the spirit pool and take the lead in launching a fifth-level player.

After all.

The birth of the first fifth-level player.

In any case, it is a milestone.

This can effectively increase the reputation of individuals and corps.

If only a fifth-level player appears, it is not something worth making a fuss about. Xiao Ba will not report to himself specifically for such a small matter.

The reason why he reported.

This is because individual level 5 players themselves have little impact on the strength of the territory.

But after the appearance of level 5 players, the collateral effects, especially the impact on Blue Star, are worth paying attention to!

"After the appearance of level 5 players, Xiao Ba's ability to interfere with Blue Star will be further enhanced!"

Tiandao Magic Cube directly reported the specific situation to Hang Yu.


Xiao Ba's ability will continue to increase with the growth of the territory and players.

In this process, the influence and interference of the territory on the real world will become more and more obvious.

This is why, when players break through to level 4, they can awaken in the real world.

In fact, after Hang Yu successfully opened up the Shouyang Mountain area, Xiao Ba already had the ability to interfere with the Blue Star world more directly, but it needed to be based on some more powerful anchor points.

And level 5 players.

It is a strong enough real anchor point.

Hang Yu asked: "What can the territory do through the fifth-level players?"

Xiao Ba replied: "We can use the fifth-level players as a channel to directly transmit the territory resources to the real world, or send the real world resources to the territory through these players."


Hang Yu was stunned when he heard this.

It can actually be played like this?

In simple terms.

Level 4 players can use their abilities in the game in the real world.

Level 5 players, in theory, can open the game panel and game backpack in the real world, and can even bring things from the game to the real world.

Of course.

The reverse is also true.

Some things in the real world.

Can also be transferred to the game in this way.

If the Level 4 period opened the era of player awakening.

Then when players gradually enter the Level 5, the barriers between the game and reality will begin to gradually melt.

Hang Yu: "Doesn't this mean that all kinds of weapons in the real world can also be used in the territory?"

Xiao Ba: "Although it is theoretically feasible, there are differences in the laws of Blue Star and the Abyss, so most weapons may lose their effectiveness when used in the Abyss or the stars."

In any case.

This is a big change.

Hang Yu needs to study how to use it.

As for the territory resources appearing in the real world? This is bound to have a huge impact on the real world.

Hang Yu has always been a person of stability, and does not want any major chaos to occur on Blue Star, otherwise it may in turn affect the order of the territory, so restrictions need to be imposed in this regard.

After a little thought.

Hang Yu then asked Xiao Ba to make the following settings.

Players above level 5 can cash out items in the game in the real world, but cashing out requires a large amount of territory contribution points, and at this stage, only items of level 1 to 4 and not exceeding white quality can be withdrawn.

In this way.

Although a small part of the territory's materials will appear in the real world.

But this will not bring too much impact to the real world, but it can also bring huge benefits to the real world!

After all, even if it is a white item of level 1 to 4, it is an extraordinary material that is unique in the real world, enough to bring revolutionary changes to the development of science and technology.

In addition.

Some medicines.

Can easily treat terminal illnesses.

It has the effect of resurrecting the dead.

It is enough to make countless rich people crazy.

This will inevitably stimulate all forces in the real world to pay more attention to the game of Weird Three Kingdoms, and thus devote all the country's efforts to increase investment.

The bond between Blue Star and the territory is deepening.

The influence of the territory on the real world is also inevitable.

So far, among the people of the territory, only Zou Wan knows the existence of Blue Star. She now has countless aliases on the official forum, and many well-known tricksters are actually her.

Hang Yu thinks it is time to further relax the restrictions between the two worlds.

For example.

Open up permissions for more senior people in the territory.

Let them have the ability to log in to the forum and communicate directly with offline players and netizens.

In the future, as the barriers of the world are further dissolved, not only players in the real world can enter the game world, but perhaps the people of the territory will eventually come to Blue Star one day.

At that time.

Blue Star has a population of 10 billion.

Strong demand and productivity.

All will be used by Hang Yu Territory and become the backing of Hang Yu Territory!

(PS: It's the end of the month, please vote!) (End of this chapter)

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