This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 498 Sweep! The terror of the human general!

Dian Wei activated his air movement skill to teleport, ignoring the other Black Sun Familia, and blasted towards the Epic Familia with a halberd.

"Thousand Demons Break!"

0 detection starts!

Ridiculously close!

When the Thousand Skeleton Phantom Demon spur fell directly.

How could the epic family resist such an overbearing and arrogant attack?

The violent energy directly bombarded the body, and was blasted into the ground by the halberd light from mid-air. Dian Wei hit the halberd with a wave of his hand, and the halberd light nailed the family member, and forcibly drew a ravine on the ground.


While Dian Wei was rubbing the strong man in the Black Sun Epic on the ground, he let out a crazy and rampant laugh, "Weak! Weak! Very weak! Weak people who dare to block the way should be crushed under their feet!"

The other Black Sun Familia clan had been fighting back and forth with the Blazing Thunder Clan.

How could you have imagined that such a vicious demon would emerge?

With one casual blow, he suppressed the strongest combat power!

"court death!"

"The black sun cannot be insulted!"

"You have to pay the price!"


Several Black Sun experts immediately attacked Dian Wei.

However, let alone threatening Dian Wei, they didn't even have a chance to meet Dian Wei!

Dian Wei currently has several fortunes, and the strongest and most useful one among them is nothing more than the divine weapons descending from the sky from Deng Ai.

With this luck skill.

He is a born pioneer!

This ability allows a small group of troops to teleport over long distances.

Ignoring barriers, defenses, constraints, and seals, it can directly attack the enemy's core hinterland, possessing the ability to strike elusively and unpreventably!


The luck ability!

Not only effective for troops.

Can also be used as a single target skill.

After several rounds of strengthening, Dianwei's luck was close to the purple quality. The rest allowed him to obtain a teleportation ability that was almost impossible to restrain and had no cooldown limit in a short period of time!

Powerful mobility.

Paired with terrifying destructive power.

It's enough to make Dian Wei extremely difficult to deal with.

Even if Zhao Yun, who is also proficient in the power of space and is stronger, wants to defeat Dian Wei, it will be a very difficult and troublesome task!

Dian Wei's current combat power is not the strongest among Hang Yu leaders, but he basically has the ability to come and go almost freely below the master level, and he is still one of the most terrifying generals!

"What ants? You dare to challenge me, just die for me!"

Dian Wei's figure kept flashing, so fast that he couldn't see clearly. With one halberd, he destroyed all the family members around him. No matter whether it was the Abyss Overlord or the Abyss King, they couldn't stop him! -

340,000 (fatal critical hit)! -

320,000 (fatal critical hit)! -

360,000 (fatal critical hit)!

Limbs and fragments flew everywhere!

How can this be called fighting?

It’s just venting and massacre!

Players in public will see the data feedback appearing on the information panel.

The explosions of damage left them stunned and in disbelief!

"Every blow causes hundreds of thousands of damage? This is too outrageous. When will we have this kind of power!"

"Haha, don't think about it, this is Dian Wei!"

"General Dian's fighting style is as violent as ever!"

"So strong, General Dian is stronger now than before!"

"It's so enjoyable!"

"This is how men fight!"

"Those sissies from the Blazing Thunder Clan are so mean!"


Every death of the Black Sun clan will cause self-destruction!

Waves of energy are constantly vented on Dian Wei!

Although it caused harm to Dian Wei, Dian Wei didn't care at all!

On the one hand, the more life he loses, the more powerful he becomes. On the other hand, his attacks have the ability to suck blood, so he can replenish the lost life force during the battle!

This way.

Dian Wei was not only unscathed!

On the contrary, the aura becomes more and more powerful!

At this time, the epic black sun warrior flew from the ground into the mid-air, with a solar eclipse halo flashing all over his body, burning black flames, ready to stop the violent Dian Wei from continuing to kill!


The results can be imagined!

Epic-level bosses also have strengths and weaknesses. What qualifications does this kind of guy who has just crossed the threshold of an epic level have against a super-epic combat power like General Dian? Dian Wei's figure flashed from all directions, and halberd lights continued to fall on him.


60,000! -

60,000! -


This epic hero!

There was no way to fight back!

Be mentally prepared for Dianwei's terror and powerful natural disaster army!

But there is no Feng Lei Yi!

He was now petrified!

How can there be such a fight? What kind of monster is this?

Fengleiyi has never had a formal battle with Hang Yu Ling. He only heard that Hang Yu Ling has a group of very strong heroes, but to be so powerful is a bit outrageous!

About this Dianwei?

Shengcang City has records!

After all, Hang Yu once brought some territorial heroes to settle down!

Although it has been so long, Hang Yu has not refreshed, so the ranking of Hang Yu’s heroes on the hero list remains unchanged, but the ranking is still impressive and worthy of the attention of all forces.

Dian Wei was also in the Star Lords Competition.

Defeated the ancient saint Cang Yue who came as a clone.

This matter is not a secret in Shengcang City, because many forces now believe that the reason why Hang Yu collar can win the Rising Star Competition is not because of how strong the territory itself is, but because of this group of top heroes.


Even if you know that Dian Wei is very strong.

But it feels like it’s entry-level at best.

After all, he only defeated the fourth-level Ancient Saint Cang Yue.

At that stage, most of the innate power had not yet awakened.

When he saw it at this moment, Feng Leiyi realized that he was terribly wrong. He felt that even if he was the one who ended up, he would not be able to deal with the existence in front of him.

Its strength is terrifying!

You can imagine!

There is such an explosive fighting force to lead the team!

No wonder Junior Hang Yu is so relieved that he doesn’t even bother to participate in person!

The lord couldn't do it in person. Even if he could do it in person, Junior Hang Yu was a human from the stars after all. He shouldn't be stronger than Dian Wei, so naturally there was no need to take action.


Just then.

"Oops, that's not how the Black Sun clan fights. If you push them into a hurry, the consequences will be serious!"

Feng Leiyi noticed that after Dian Wei showed overwhelming power, the other Black Sun Familia realized they were outmatched and awakened the solar eclipse halo on their bodies, and their bodies began to turn into rounds of black sun emitting shimmering light.

These black suns appear momentarily.

Like a black hole, it quickly absorbs surrounding energy.

There were many cracks on its surface, and it looked like it was about to explode.

Feng Leiyi immediately shouted to the human leaders: "Get back! These families are trying to die together!"

The Black Sun Familia.

The trickiest ability is self-destruction.

A fifth-level elite self-destruction can take away hundreds of elites.

Because of this, no lord likes to fight with such a guy on the battlefield.

If the self-destructing Black Sun Familia is at full status, they can launch more powerful self-destructions with more tricks.


Hundreds of little black suns appeared!

These little suns absorb energy from all directions like crazy, enough to condense energy that is four to five times more powerful than conventional self-explosion.

In this case.

An elite family member is enough to die together with the commanding unit.

At this moment, after hundreds of black suns appeared, they began to merge with each other, forming larger black suns. The power they could release was enough to threaten the epic powerhouse!

Once it's all integrated!

Even if they are thousands of meters apart.

Everyone at the scene will also be affected.

After Feng Leiyi issued the reminder, he immediately flapped his wings and flew into the air. He was ready to lead all his men to pull away immediately. However, what confused him was that the humans were unmoved!

What's going on?

Don't you realize the seriousness of the matter?

The Scourge Army are all immortal, and the situation at this moment is fun for them. If they can see a gorgeous and grand fireworks show, then even dying once is nothing!

As for Zhao Yun and other generals.

Don't take this kind of attack seriously at all.

Both Jia Xu and Zhao Yun have ways to crack it.

"Let me do it!" Zhao Yun took the initiative to stand up. Since he joined the territory, he has never made a move for the territory, so he wants to take this opportunity to show off!

"It's just a little trick!"

Zhao Yun swung his spear across the void.

The next moment, a certain Black Sun Familia who turned into the sun was instantly enveloped by a wave of waves, and then was directly shot and flew tens of thousands of meters away.

"This is……"

Feng Leiyi couldn't believe it.

The human general was thousands of meters away, and then shot out with a shot, and actually knocked the Black Sun Familia away, and directly flew them ten thousand meters away?


When the Black Sun Familia transform into Black Sun, they are invincible.

This form is immune to all physical attacks and absorbs energy attacks.

Just the beginning.

Zhao Yun's spear seemed to turn into a flexible whip. He swept left and right across a distance of several thousand meters, and the resulting spatial vibration accurately sent hundreds of Black Sun Familia members flying ten thousand meters away.

"It's not an attack!"

"It's a space transfer!"

Feng Leiyi finally understood Zhao Yun's attack.

Zhao Yun actually did not directly attack the Black Sun Familia itself.

He used the method of vibrating the space to eject these Familia from the spatial level. This is a way to use the power of space, a way that even Feng Leiyi thinks is extremely brilliant!

Boom boom boom!

Explosions were heard from all directions!

From the black sun shines the light of destruction.

Each round of black sun shrouds a kilometer range.

The energy it released instantly overwhelmed all living creatures within it.

However, due to the distance, no power can threaten the Star Troops!

The other Black Sun Familia clansmen all fell into horror, and they did not hesitate and were all ready to self-destruct.


Zhao Yun snorted lightly.

The spear in his hand should be wielded as a thorn, and he stabbed into the void.

Zhao Yun is the center, with a radius of tens of thousands of meters, and all the Black Sun Familia are within the attack range.

No matter where they stand, no matter what methods they use to block it, as long as Zhao Yun knows how to shoot, one of his family members will be hit, unable to dodge or escape!


220,000! -

250,000! -


Zhao Yun's shooting is very simple.

Just a mediocre flat poke.

But a violent storm of gun light formed in the distance.

The family members of the black sun in the sky were pierced by the gun light before they even had a chance to self-destruct.

Within three seconds.

All were killed!

Not to mention that Feng Leiyi broke out in a cold sweat during this scene!

Even the Scourge Army was amazed to see it!

What a terrifying marksmanship!

What a terrifying space ability!

This human general named Zhao Yun did not move even an inch from the beginning to the end. He wiped out all the Black Sun Familia clan with just one spear as if he were watching fish and flowers!

Discovered by Thunderwing.

He couldn't see Zhao Yun's strength at all.

However, his intuition told him that the strength of this human being was probably far superior to his own, and even if he were to die, he would not be his opponent.

not to mention.

It's just a clone at the moment!

Is this the power of Hang Yuling?

One Dian Wei and one Zhao Yun, just these two generals.

I'm afraid none of the other fourteen territories in Shengcang City can block it!


How terrible!

The scale and quality of Hang Yuling's troops were not very good.

But these heroic units headed by them are ridiculously strong!

"General Zhao has good tactics!" Jia Xu praised, and Lu Su, Zhou Cang, and Wen Yang also expressed admiration. As expected, they had just joined the territory and were already being used highly by the lords.

"Without further ado!"

"Seize the city immediately!"

Zhao Yun teleported to the sky above the Black Sun Familia Clan's fortress, gathered his strength and pierced the void with a spear. Hundreds and thousands of spear rays burst out from the space and fell like raindrops from all directions.

Under the attack of several rounds of void gun rain.

The facilities of Black Sun Fortress were almost completely destroyed.

"The Black Sun tribe will never surrender!" The three Black Sun kings stationed in the fortress faced the terrifying existence in front of them. They all screamed hysterically and prepared to self-destruct directly.

"court death!"

Zhao Yun had locked onto them early, and the force of a thousand spears turned into one blow. When the spear attacked, the light of the spear turned into a silver dragon.


540,000 (fatal critical hit!) -

560,000 (fatal critical hit!)-

580,000 (fatal critical hit!)

The dragon hit the first one first, then penetrated the space and hit the second one, and then continued to cross the space and hit the third one.

The Three Black Sun Kings.

Locations vary.

They are at least a thousand meters apart.

But they were instantly killed by one shot at the same time.

Just one shot!

Three Kings in seconds!

"Fourth Level Thousand Demons Destroyed!"

Dian Wei burst out with a violent attack.

Kill the only Black Sun Epic on the spot.

At this point, the Heiren clan's epic combat power and king-level combat power have basically been wiped out.

"What a shame!"

"So many big bosses!"

"We, the Scourge Army, have absolutely no chance to show off!"


The Scourge Army was somewhat depressed.

Dian Wei and Zhao Yun are too fierce.

With such a general leading the team in battle, players feel relaxed, but they can't grab the BOSS at all!

At this time, Dian Wei activated the Qi Luck Skill Divine Weapon from Heaven, instantly transporting a team of several hundred people to the Black Sun Fortress city.

Jia Xu did not choose to watch the show anymore. He directly activated the puppet technique, and saw three thousand puppet silk descending on the soldiers of the family members of the Black Sun Fortress.

Although Jia Xu's current strength cannot control thousands of fifth-level advanced combat forces at the same time, it is enough to exert influence on these Abyss Familia, at least suppressing their self-destruction and interfering with operations to a certain extent.

This makes the Scourge much easier to fight.

The whole battle lasted half an hour in total.

A total of about 3,000 Black Sun Familia at the fifth level elite level, 300 at the Commander level, 20 to 30 at the Overlord level, five kings, and one epic were wiped out.

From beginning to end.

The Wind and Thunder Wings were all watching.

If you can't get started, you can't even get started!

Although this is just an inconspicuous low-level fortress on the battlefield of hundreds of tribes, the number of troops that can be invested in each territory in the early stage is extremely limited, making it very difficult to conquer!

You have to be smart and cautious.

It can be as short as three to five days and as long as ten or eight days.

The leader of the human race took action with overwhelming force, and the battle ended in less than an hour!

"It turns out that Junior Brother Hang Yu's territory is so terrifying!"

"It seems that this time the Quartet Lords Competition should be stable!"

Feng Leiyi felt that there was a golden opportunity in front of him.

If you can hold on to the human leader's thigh, there will be no problem in persisting until the end of this round of competition, and you can also take this opportunity to make good friends!

at the same time.

Hang Yu is also paying attention to the battlefield situation.

When seeing the performance of Dian Wei and Zhao Yun.

The territorial troops successfully captured a fortress with basically no effort.

"The competition doesn't seem to be difficult!"

Hang Yu was completely relieved now.

As the number of fortresses increases, the number of troops that can be deployed will also increase.

Hang Yu led the troops with strong horses and many available troops, enough to capture an astonishing number of fortresses.

This process is enough to bring a large amount of trophies including magic crystals, materials, and even special pollution sources to the territory. These resources are very helpful for the subsequent development of the territory and Hang Yu's personal improvement.


Not in a hurry yet.

The activity cycle is very long.

Just keep paying attention.

But there is no need to focus too much.

Hang Yu looked away from the competition site.

Then it was put back into the development of the territory itself. (End of chapter)

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