This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 284 The temptation of the innate treasure!

In the center of Kunlun Mountains, on the peak of the main mountain range, an ancient and pure palace stands.

The Three Pure Ones sit cross-legged, and their own Dao laws permeate.

Yuanshi opens up, Daode explains, and Lingbao ends. The three great ways interpret the opening of heaven and earth, explain the operation of the natural rules of heaven and earth, and then from the beginning to prosperity, from prosperity to extreme, and finally from existence to nothingness, towards the end.

The three great ways flow endlessly, representing the cycle of birth and death of a universe.

Buzz! ! !

At this moment, Daode Tianzun paused slightly, and the Dao law of perfect cycle also paused, and then dissipated with a bang.

"Second brother, third brother, there are Taoist friends visiting, come with me to see them." Daode slowly opened his eyes, stood up and whispered.


Yuanshi and Lingbao nodded slightly.

The next moment, a figure directly ignored the Kunlun Mountain protection formation, easily stepped into the mountains, and appeared in the palace.

Daode's eyes flashed with an unswerving look, and he said calmly: "I don't know which Taoist friend has come to Kunlun. I am sorry for not welcoming you."

Although the Taoist in front of him was very rude and broke into their Taoist temple by force, this also indirectly demonstrated his incredible Taoist practice.

After all, he could easily enter as if there was no one in the place, which was evident.

Yuanshi frowned and looked at the Taoist in front of him with unfriendly eyes, without saying a word.

Lingbao also looked at the Taoist with vigilant eyes, and his whole body was full of energy.

"I am Hongjun, and I meet the three Taoist friends." Hongjun smiled calmly.

Although his Taoist practice was much stronger than the Three Pure Ones, everyone was equal in status.


Daode, Yuanshi, and Lingbao looked at each other, obviously they had never heard of the name of Hongjun.

After all, when Hongjun was active in the prehistoric world, they might still be in the stage of incubation and transformation or in seclusion.

The last time he appeared was during the battle of the fierce beasts, and it was a short-lived one. However, the Three Pure Ones did not leave that time, so it was not surprising that they did not know the name of Hongjun.

"So it is Daoist Fellow Hongjun in person. I wonder what you want to do by looking for my three brothers?" Daode thought for a moment and said straight to the point.

Hongjun did not hide anything. It was a conspiracy with interests involved, so why lie.

He smiled lightly and said, "I am here for one thing, a key event related to the survival of the prehistoric world and the three Daoists' attainment of the Daluo."

When Hongjun said this, the Three Pure Ones were stunned, and their eyes flashed with suspicion, surprise, murderous intent and other complex colors, looking at Daoist Hongjun.

Is the survival of the prehistoric world important to them?

Of course it is important. As three parts of Pangu's original spirit, they are the orthodoxy of heaven and earth.

The prehistoric world is equivalent to their own home, and their cultivation and enlightenment are all dependent on the prehistoric world.

If the skin is gone, where will the hair be attached?

Now you say someone destroyed my home, it would be strange if I didn't have the intention to kill him.

However, they would not believe Hongjun just because of his light words.

Let's talk about another thing Hongjun said, which is about their enlightenment. If they were half-believing and half-doubting at the beginning, they would completely sneer at the latter.

Practicing and understanding the Tao, and attaining the Tao, have always been one's own business, and it is to practice one's own Tao.

What does it have to do with others? Even if they are the three pure ones, they can help each other, and finally they have to rely on themselves to attain the Tao.

Yuanshi sneered and said, "Daoyou are joking. Since the creation of the prehistoric world, it has been prosperous. What kind of villain can destroy the world?"

"As for our Tao, I will not bother Daoyou Hongjun to worry about it."

Hongjun glanced at Yuanshi lightly, and looked at Daode and Lingbao, "Do you think so too?"

Daode smiled lightly, "What my second brother said makes sense, so I will not bother Daoyou to worry about it."

Lingbao also nodded, indicating that he agreed with this idea.

Hongjun did not intend to persuade them. When he waved his hand, a hazy and illusory picture emerged in the void.

It was the scene of the sky-high light column of Mount Xumi, which was intercepted by Hongjun from the secret of heaven, showing the scene at that time.

"This is... the western part of the prehistoric world, Mount Xumi!" Yuanshi's eyes lit up and said in a positive tone.

Although the movement was large at the beginning, it only covered the entire western area of ​​the prehistoric world, although the killing aura was extremely terrifying.

But when it wanted to spread throughout the prehistoric world, it was annihilated by the Buzhou Tianzhu as soon as it approached the position of the Buzhou Tianzhu.

"Luo Hou! He's back!" Daode looked solemn, with a bad feeling in his heart.

They had fought with Luo Hou before, uh... Although they were abused, it was barely a fight!

If it was Luo Hou, he might really destroy the world.

But that's not right?

Even if Luo Hou was crazy and wanted to destroy the prehistoric world, they were not his opponents, so what was the point of looking for them?

What did it have to do with them proving the Dao of Daluo?

Just when they were confused, Hongjun moved.

He waved his hand lightly, and a picture scroll containing endless Dao essence emerged. The picture scroll was only black and white, and turned into two yin and yang fishes that flowed endlessly, evolving endless yin and yang mysteries, and explaining the heaven and earth truth that yin and yang are opposite, mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining.


Daode only felt his soul shake, his eyes fixed on the black and white scroll floating in the air, and even his breathing became rapid.

This should have been my treasure!

At this moment, Daode suddenly had such a feeling in his heart.

It was as if this spiritual treasure was born for him and was in perfect harmony with his Tao.

Hongjun took in Daode's performance and said calmly:

"This is the Tai Chi Diagram. It is an innate treasure. I can help you understand the Yin and Yang Dao in it first, and after it is completed, I can also give it to you. How about it?"

At this time, not only Daode, but also Yuanshi and Lingbao looked at Hongjun with stunned eyes, as if they couldn't believe what they heard.

Innate treasure!

As soon as this picture scroll appeared, they vaguely understood that it might be one of the three treasures of opening the sky transformed by Pangu's axe.

Because the Pangu aura contained in the scroll is too obvious.

But when I heard Hongjun say it himself, I was still inexplicably shocked. When Hongjun said that I could give it as a gift, my heart suddenly agitated, like a stormy sea sweeping over me.

This is an innate treasure! Are you willing to give this away?

"Are you serious about this?" Daode Wuwei's Taoist heart suddenly collapsed. He looked away from the Tai Chi diagram and looked at Hongjun closely.

"Of course, I can swear by the Dao, but only after the matter is completed. But as long as you agree, I can lend you this innate treasure first."

Hongjun smiled indifferently. Few people in the whole world could resist the temptation of the innate treasure. What's more, the Tai Chi diagram was incomparably consistent with the path of morality, making it even more difficult for him to refuse.

"Okay, then I..."

"Brother, wait!"

Daode was about to agree, but was interrupted in time by Lingbao.

Lingbao looked at his elder brother solemnly and said in a deep voice: "One thought causes, one thought results. Cause and effect follow each other. This is the ultimate principle of heaven and earth."

"The innate treasure is a gift, so what's the price?"

At this time, Yuan Shi also warned: "Yes, brother, it's not too late to ask the reason first, and then consider whether to agree!"

Daode also shuddered slightly, his soul suddenly became clear, and he felt a little scared in his heart.

The treasure is fascinating to the eye, and the Taoist heart is almost lost.

At the expense of the innate treasure, what they need to do is extremely dangerous, and it may not even be related to the lives of their three brothers.

Daode took a deep breath and asked: "Fellow Daoist Hongjun, you use the innate treasure as a gift. What exactly do you need from our brothers?"

Hongjun looked at the Lingbao with slight surprise, and chuckled: "Don't be in a hurry, look at this treasure again."


The void shook, and a flag flag appeared in the void. The flag flag moved automatically without wind, and there was a misty clear light flowing.

"The innate treasure, Pangu Flag!"

Yuan Shi spoke in shock, and subconsciously wanted to reach out to get it.

boom! !

A chaotic sword energy surged out, as if it was going to cut through the heaven and earth, shatter the void and the universe, and fall towards Yuanshi.

"Second brother, be careful!"

"Second brother, be careful!"

Daode and Lingbao exclaimed in unison, and instantly burst out with immeasurable mana, shooting out two bright fairy lights.

Yuan Shi also reacted instantly and also shot out a beam of fairy light, blasting towards the Chaos Sword Qi.


In just an instant, three peerless rays of immortal light exploded into pieces, and the Chaos Sword Qi was as devastating as decay. After annihilating the immortal light, the Chaos Sword Qi continued to strike out without any weakening.

The Sanqing people did not dare to be careless, and immediately gathered together, with the same path, bursting out more powerful magical powers, and worked together to resist this terrifying chaos sword energy.

But just when the sword energy was about to slash down, it suddenly disappeared like a line of blue smoke.

Sanqing also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was just the spirit treasure that had the spirit to fight back on its own, the power of the chaotic sword energy was too terrifying. I am afraid that the ordinary Taiyi early stage saint could also kill it with one sword.

Yuan Shi stared at the Pangu flag with burning eyes. His soul was throbbing and the universe was roaring. At this moment, he felt the same feeling as his elder brother Daode.

Pangu Banner attacks Wushuang and carries the path of opening up, which is of the same lineage as him.

This Pangu flag was simply born for him, and might even be his accompanying spiritual treasure!

Hongjun's eyes were indifferent and he said in a calm tone: "After the matter is completed, Pangu Banner can also be given as a gift."

He believed that in this ancient world, no one could resist the temptation of the innate treasure.

If so, add one more!

"Okay, I agree!" Yuan Shi didn't even hesitate.


Lingbao: "..."

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