This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 285 This is just a strategic retreat!

"Okay, everyone is here. Now I officially announce that the third formal meeting of Yuanchu Temple has begun."

In the main hall of Yuanchu Temple, everyone gathered and sat solemnly.

Yuanlian looked around at everyone and said in a heavy tone: "Luohou's return to the prehistoric world may be a devastating crisis for Yuanchu Temple and us."

"What do you think? Tell me."

Yuanlian has not forgotten why Luohou was chopped to death by an axe.

Now that Luohou has returned, if he comes to settle accounts, Yuanlian asks himself that even if they are tied together, they will not be able to resist even with the advantage of the dojo.

There is no way, the gap is so big.

Hongyun's eyes flashed with a fierce look, "Even if Luohou comes, what? I don't believe that we can't resist him even if we work together!"

Who is not the best among the innate sacreds? With ten to one, and with the help of the defense of the Taoist temple formation, we have the advantage of home field. What is there to fear even if we face the late Taiyi!

According to Hongyun's idea, if Luohou dares to come, we will fight him!

Seeing Hongyun's fighting spirit and indomitable appearance, Yuanlian, Zhenyuanzi, and Fuxi looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

Hongyun, Hongyun! You still haven't been beaten too little.

Without personally taking over Luohou, how can you clearly understand the natural gap between the late Taiyi and the middle and lower periods.

Just like Yuanlian in the middle Taiyi period, facing the sacred of the early Taiyi period, no matter how many come, they are all bullies.

The same is true for the late Taiyi period. No matter how many middle Taiyi are tied together, they will be beaten. It is a heaven-defying act to escape alive.

This is the case for ordinary late Taiyi, let alone Luohou, who has gone so far in the late Taiyi realm and cultivated the sacredness of the Great Dao of Destruction.

Bai Ze's eyes were solemn. After seeing the changes in Yuanlian's expressions, his heart also trembled, and he asked solemnly: "Is there really no power to resist?"

Yuanlian smiled helplessly, "Maybe I can resist for a while, but I will definitely be defeated in the end."

In this prehistoric world, you can have powerful magical powers and many spiritual treasures, but in the end, it is the cultivation of Taoism that determines everything.

No matter how many magical powers you have and how many spiritual treasures you have, under the absolute gap in Taoism, it is just a paper tiger that will break with a poke.

Hongyun looked at Yuanlian in disbelief, and then looked at Zhenyuanzi, who nodded solemnly.

Everyone was silent, and the hall was dead silent.

After a moment of silence, Kong Ming said softly, "Palace Master, what are your plans?"

Yuan Lian looked around at everyone and said, "As the saying goes, if you save the land but lose the people, you lose both the land and the people; if you save the people but lose the land, you save both the land and the people!"

"I suggest that we retreat strategically first, and when we are able to protect ourselves, it will not be too late to come back again."

Although he didn't know whether Luo Hou would come to settle accounts, he couldn't afford the gamble, nor did he want to gamble.

It was so stupid to gamble his own life and the lives of his fellow Taoists on Luo Hou's idea.

Yuan Lian would not do such a thing.

Prepare for a rainy day, and the sacred should not stand under a dangerous wall.

Bai Ze: "..."

What a strategic retreat!

Zhen Yuanzi also smiled slightly, which was not very surprising. In the Yuanchu Temple, he and Hong Yun were the ones who had been in contact with Yuan Lian for the longest time.

He knew Yuan Lian quite well. When he was ruthless, he was very ruthless, and he didn't hesitate to gamble with his life.

But he was also very cautious when he was cautious. Even if he had an absolute advantage, he would cheat if he could, and try not to give the enemy any chance to catch him and fight back.

For details, please refer to the Five Elements Taoist!

Bai Ze's eyes fluctuated, and after a little thought, he said: "Is the Palace Master planning to retreat to the land of the Wu Clan?"

Yuan Lian looked at Bai Ze with appreciation. Sure enough, I have always been optimistic about you.

Although the prehistoric world is vast, there are not many people who can compete with a terrifying enemy like Luo Hou.

The Wu Clan is one, and Hongjun is one.

Although Hongjun intends to win him over, this time the relationship is of great importance, and he is not at ease with Hongjun, so the best choice is the Wu Clan.

Yuan Lian nodded and said seriously: "Yes, I mean we all retreat to the Wu Clan and wait for the opportunity."

From here, it reflects the advantage of his elite route in building the Yuanchu Temple.

You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. If it doesn't work, you can retreat!

All the luck cores of the Yuanchu Temple are concentrated on these Taiyi Gods, and have nothing to do with the outside world.

Therefore, as long as the dojo is packed up and everyone hides in the Wu clan, there will be no impact at all.

But if the Netherworld Palace faces such a situation, it will be completely different.

Giving up the entire northern part of the prehistoric world under its jurisdiction and losing the ownership of countless creatures, the luck will definitely be cut in half.

The stall is too big. Although there is a lot of luck, there are pros and cons. It is difficult to say which one has more advantages.

However, these are all later. The most urgent thing is the crisis that may occur in the Yuanchu Temple.

"Whatever you think, just say it directly." Yuanlian looked around and asked softly.

Zhen Yuanzi thought for a while and said, "What the palace master said makes sense, but I think I have to go back to Wuzhuang Temple first."

You know, his innate spiritual root ginseng fruit tree is still in Wuzhuang Temple. Just in case, it is better to take it away.

Yuanlian nodded in agreement.

Fuxi thought for a moment and said, "It's not a good idea for us to go to the Wu Clan together. It's better for you to go to the Wu Clan, and the rest of the Taoists can follow me to the Fengqi Mountain Dojo, so that we can be more relaxed and at ease."

"We are all in the Buzhou Mountains, adjacent to the Wu Clan, so if Luohou attacks, we can provide timely assistance."

Fuxi's thoughts were not unreasonable.

Why are the Wu Clan willing to help the Yuanchu Temple?

To put it bluntly, the fundamental reason lies with Yuan Lian. They have no friendship with the Wu clan, so it is really inappropriate to come to their door like this.

Bai Ze's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said with a smile: "What Taoist Fellow Fuxi said is reasonable. The master of the palace will go to the Wu Clan alone to discuss mutual aid with fellow Taoists of the Wu Clan. We can stay in Fengqi Mountain temporarily."

"I have no objection." Hongyun nodded.

"I have no objection either." Kong Ming and Fei Lian also responded.

Finally, Yuan Lian looked at Yaochi who had not yet spoken.

Nuwa looked at Yaochi with a smile on her face, "Sister Yaochi, this time I just want to go to Fengqi Mountain and have a seat, so that I can show my friendship as a landlord."

Yaochi was silent for a while, nodded and smiled: "Okay, that's it."

In fact, she originally wanted to go back to West Kunlun. After all, West Kunlun is located in the far west and has not suffered any infringement over the years. She didn't expect Luohu to come specifically to visit her.

But then I thought about it, if something happened, wouldn't it involve other fellow Taoists and Yuan Lian?

Simply stop insisting and go to Fengqi Mountain with everyone.

"Okay, in that case, it's decided." After everyone reached a consensus, Yuan Lian made a decision.

"This matter should be done sooner rather than later. Once everyone is ready, we will set off immediately."

After everyone responded, they returned to their own palaces. Zhen Yuanzi also stepped directly into the teleportation array and headed to Wuzhuang Temple.

In just a moment, everyone gathered again.

Yuan Lian looked at the five pine needles, and with a thought, the Penglai Immortal Island that Xumi Jiezi had been hiding appeared in his body.


boom! ! !

A roaring sound sounded, and the entire Yuanchu Temple, including Five Pine Needles, turned into a stream of light and returned to the Penglai Immortal Island.


A flying boat appeared, and everyone took the boat, cut through the void, and headed straight for the Buzhou Mountains.

Among Penglai Immortal Island.

"Crashing... rushing..." Huangzhongli branches and leaves vibrated, conveying greetings and doubts.

The five pine needles are flourishing, and the branches and leaves are swaying in response:

"La la la la la... la la la la la..."

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