This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 392 The beginning of humanity! A blessing from heaven!

The fall of a powerful late Taiyi saint completely announced that the prehistoric world had entered a chaotic era again!

The domineering and powerful Wu clan also made many saints feel uneasy.

Only two ancestor witches could kill a late Taiyi saint, but the Wu clan had twelve ancestor witches!

Such a terrible force now showed its rejection of the Xuanmen Dao.

They either gave up spreading the Xuanmen Dao, gave up the ticket for the next Daluo lecture, and practiced in the temple safely.

Or they took a risk and took advantage of the Wu clan's failure to react to give a lecture first, harvesting the Xuanmen luck for the ticket.

As for whether they would be caught by the Wu clan, or whether they would settle accounts later, it all depended on fate!

Moreover, more importantly, they suddenly realized that there were still many ancestor witches wandering in the prehistoric world, heading straight for the temples.

Obviously, the spirit wood was just the beginning, and such things were likely to happen one after another.

For a time, everyone was in danger. Many Taiyi gods who were preaching stopped preaching, hurriedly dispersed the creatures, and opened the defense array to be on the safe side.

Just as many gods were thinking and calculating, a message in the secret of heaven attracted the attention of all gods.

That was a secret left by Jieyin and Zhunti, inviting fellow Taoists from the Xuanmen to gather in the Jieyin Divine Court in the west to discuss major events.

The Wu clan did not cultivate the Yuanshen, so they could not understand the secret of heaven, and Jieyin and Zhunti used the Xuanmen method to fiddle with the secret of heaven in an obscure way to avoid being investigated by other gods.

Many gods were moved and headed towards the Jieyin Divine Court.

On the other hand, when the prehistoric land was in turmoil again, the starry sky was thriving.

As time passed, the traces of the heavenly court covered every corner of the sky.

On each star, a starry sky transmission array was built, and a special person was sent to be responsible for preaching.

From the moment a creature is born, the grassroots forces under the command of the Star Lord register it, test its qualifications, and baptize it.

When they are children, they are taught and taught, starting from the most basic techniques, and gradually strengthening their foundation and accumulating their heritage.

When they are teenagers, if their foundation is sufficient and their heritage is sufficient, they can go further and study the fundamental techniques passed down by the Emperor of Heaven, and move towards a more magnificent world.

Of course, the countless number of sentient beings does not mean that they can all learn and achieve success, but after all, a path has been opened, a path for upward development.

After the test, the creatures who have achieved success in cultivation will be absorbed by the Star Lord of this star. If they have achieved the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit, they can go to the Heavenly Court to serve and pursue the more powerful Taiyi Dao Fruit.

And the name of the Emperor of Heaven Yuanlian has also spread throughout the starry sky, reaching far and wide.

In the Heavenly Court, in the highest hall, a mighty torrent of luck is surging, surrounding Yuanlian.

Under the rush of the torrent of luck, the palace was filled with endless brilliance, and the brilliant light flowed along with the long river, and circulated endlessly.

In the endless brilliance, a figure sat cross-legged in the void, with his eyes closed.

As the emperor of heaven, Yuan Lian only needed to set the direction and give specific instructions. The rest of the time he practiced seriously, wandering in the beauty of the avenue, unable to extricate himself.

"This step was indeed not wrong..." Yuan Lian slowly opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, "The luck analyzes the foundation of heaven and earth, allowing me to see through the essence of order."

"If this continues, Daluo can be expected!"

Yuan Lian's eyes bloomed with brilliant light, and he sighed from the heart.

With the practice of his own way, his way became more and more perfect, and in a stable and comfortable environment, the number of human beings multiplied in a big explosion, and the more time passed, the more huge the luck gathered.

Yuan Lian fully enjoyed the benefits brought by the luck, and felt the explosive improvement of his cultivation. The gains from one Yuanhui were better than hundreds of Yuanhui in the past.

With a thought, the long river of luck gradually disappeared, and Yuan Lian went straight out of the hall.

But just as he stepped out of the hall, suddenly, the sky and the earth changed color.

Boom! !

A magnificent will descended on the starry sky.

"This... Heavenly Dao!" Yuan Lian was stunned and raised his head slightly.

And such a huge movement naturally alarmed many sacred stars in the heavenly court.

In an instant, the void shook endlessly, and figures crossed the void and emerged.

Just as Yuan Lian was stunned, Yao Chi appeared beside him with Qinglian, and Xihe and Changxi also came together.

The next moment, Emperor Ziwei walked out of the void, followed by Changgeng Star Lord, Jingxuan Star Lord and many other star gods also gathered outside the hall.

But before they could speak, the world shook, a pillar of light fell from the sky, and the dazzling golden light illuminated billions of miles, falling towards the Heavenly Court.


The long river of luck appeared again, and the long river surged and rushed, setting off endless waves.

Among them, the luck belonging to the Heavenly Court was growing wildly, increasing several times in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the golden light like the vast pillar of heaven, feeling the growth of surging luck.

At this moment, not only the star gods such as Yao Chi, Ziwei, Xihe and Changxi in the starry sky, but also the Taiyi sacred gods on the prehistoric land also widened their eyes and lost their voices collectively.

"Merit! How can there be so much merit!"

"What did the Heavenly Court do?"

"How can there be so much merit?"


After a period of silence, countless divine thoughts roared and rushed, and countless sacred eyes were filled with heat, wishing to replace it at this moment.

They had seen this kind of golden light. The last time Hongjun opened up the way of heaven, merit had been sent down.

Although this time is only as vast as Hongjun's, judging from the volume, it is nearly one-third as much.

In this prehistoric era, merit is not so easy to get.

Since the opening of the Heavenly Dao, except for Hongjun, this is the second time that such a large amount of merit has been descended.

Ignoring the eyes and thoughts of others, Yuanlian looked at the brilliant golden light of merit and virtue falling, thinking.

The column of merit and virtue fell, and suddenly split in the void, turning into hundreds of clouds of merit and virtue of different sizes.

Among them, the largest group, about half of it fell on Yuanlian, and the rest fell on Ziwei, Xihe, Changxi and many star gods present.

In addition, in various parts of the starry sky, the law enforcement gods wandering around suddenly stopped, and the golden light of merit and virtue crossed the space, ignored time, and fell directly on everyone.

"It is so!" Yuanlian's eyes flashed with a trace of realization.

The sudden drop of merit and virtue made Yuanlian a little stunned for a while, but he soon guessed.

Perhaps this merit is related to what the Heavenly Court has done in recent days. Now seeing this merit being distributed to every Heavenly Court Star Lord, I feel that it is almost certain.

In fact, it is indeed as Yuanlian thought, this vast merit is due to this.

But it is not because of the Heavenly Court, but because of humanity.

Since these Yuanhui, the Heavenly Court has defined the starry sky and established order, allowing the creatures in the starry sky to multiply exponentially, and invisibly germinating the will of humanity.

Although these Yuanlians do not know, and the Star Lords do not know.

But the heavens and the earth know, as the guardian of the order of the prehistoric world, the Heavenly Dao naturally bestows infinite merit.

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