This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 393 Hongjun's plan! The Qilin tribe's choice!

Yujing Mountain.

Hongjun looked at the sky with an expressionless face, but his slightly furrowed brows revealed his restlessness.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the human way is sprouting, what a great emperor, the Daluo can be expected!" At some point, Yangmei's figure was approaching.

Hongjun glanced at him lightly, "The human way is destined to be born, I am not surprised."

Daluo reversed the cause and effect, the past and the future exist forever, and the three ways of heaven, earth and man will be complete in the future, so the birth of the human way is already a destined thing and cannot be changed.

The difference may be how and when it is born, which is the so-called small situation can be changed, but the big situation cannot be changed.

What surprised him was that the human way would be so fast, shouldn't this be? !

Yangmei smiled lightly. As a Daluo, Hongjun could perceive it, so how could he not know it.

It has only been a short time since the birth of the Heavenly Way, and the Earthly Way is still being developed, but the human way has begun to sprout so quickly.

It must be said that this surprised Yangmei.

Otherwise, he would not have such a high evaluation of Yuanlian.

He looked at Hongjun with interest, and said: "The tunnel is about to be born, and the human path is beginning to sprout. Now the witch clan is blocking the fortune of Xuanmen. What is your way to deal with it?"

Whether it is the opening of the tunnel or the sprout of human path, it is not a big impact for him, but for Hongjun, it is very different.

Hongjun glared at Yangmei, who seemed to be gloating, and said in a deep voice:

"I have my own ideas about this matter, but I have no time to take care of the affairs of Xuanmen for a while, so I need you to take care of it."

Yangmei nodded slightly, said no more, and left directly.

In a moment, Hongjun was the only one left in the huge hall.

His eyes were dim, "The will of Heaven has become even stronger... The fusion of Heaven is urgent!"

Even Yang Mei could not detect the changes in Heaven, but Hongjun created Heaven, and he almost controlled it directly. He understood Heaven better than anyone in the prehistoric world.

As the prehistoric world developed, the order of Heaven was in operation, and the will of Heaven was growing all the time.

It was just that in the past, it was like thousands of rivers returning to the sea, accumulating and growing bit by bit.

But this time, the sprout of humanity was like a mighty river directly pouring into the sea, which greatly enhanced the will of Heaven.

If he let it go, Heaven would become stronger to a certain extent, and his plan to fusion with Heaven would be in vain.

After all, fusion has risks!


The crystal jade disc appeared in front of him, shining with brilliant light. Hongjun's eyes fell on the jade disc of creation, and he was silent.

How Hongjun planned, the prehistoric gods naturally did not know, and they came back to their senses from the shock of this immeasurable merit at this moment.

The merits bestowed by heaven will surely make the Heaven Court grow stronger, which will have a profound impact on the situation in the prehistoric world. Many forces, big and small, must seriously plan and calculate how to deal with the Heaven Court.

Prehistoric world, Buzhou Mountains.

In the ancestral land of Qilin, Wu Rui, dressed in a gorgeous robe, sits on top.

Below, Mo Qilin elder Mo Xuan sits on the left, and there are also several newly appointed elders of each branch who have just broken through the initial stage of Taiyi.

Thanks to the care of the Wu clan, the overall strength of the Qilin clan has been rapidly growing since these Yuanhui. It has already walked out of Qilin Cliff and rebuilt and collected its former ancestral land.

After Jin Lin returned from the Heaven Court, he also officially passed the position of clan leader to Wu Rui, who broke through the Taiyi Jinxian, and he himself was in seclusion in Qilin Cliff.

Wu Rui looked so happy that he looked around and said solemnly, "I have a proposal to gather all the elders today. I want to hear your opinions."

Mo Xuan stood up and bowed, chuckled, "Please speak frankly, clan leader."

Although Wu Rui was only in the early stage of Taiyi, Mo Xuan had watched him step by step and took the position of clan leader. Moreover, because of the blood of the ancestor, he would not be underestimated because of his strength.

The elders also echoed.

Wu Rui smiled slightly when he saw this, "In this case, I will say it directly. I intend to join the Qilin tribe to the Heavenly Court. What do you think, elders?"

Joining the power of the Heavenly Court is something Wu Rui has been thinking about.

Although the Qilin tribe now has a close relationship with the Yuanchu Temple and Yuanlian, it is only due to some special reasons.

Now that the prehistoric storm is rising again, it is obviously not peaceful. The Qilin tribe has been silent for millions of years. If they don't take advantage of the situation now, when will they rise?

Joining the Heavenly Court is undoubtedly an excellent choice.

First of all, whether it is the origin of the Qilin Clan and the Yuanchu Temple, or the relationship between himself and Uncle Yuanlian, the Qilin Clan will be safe if they join the Heavenly Court camp.

Secondly, the Heavenly Court is now prosperous and unrivaled in the prehistoric world. In addition to the power of the Yuanchu Temple and the power of the Wu Clan, it is undoubtedly one of the most powerful forces in the prehistoric world.

If the Qilin Clan firmly joins the Heavenly Court camp, the Qilin Clan may be able to restore its former glory or even go to a higher level.

When Wu Rui said this, all the elders looked at each other in silence.

After a short silence, Mo Xuan coughed twice and stood up and said, "Clan leader, this matter is of great importance and needs to be considered in the long run."

Mo Xuan is also close to the Yuanchu Temple, but this matter is of great importance and concerns the fate of hundreds of millions of Qilin Clan members, so he dare not be careless.

Seeing the most powerful elder Mo speak, the elders of the other branches also advised.

"Yes, clan leader, this matter is of great importance, I hope you will think twice!"

"Although the Heavenly Court is strong, our Qilin clan is also a great clan that once dominated the prehistoric world. Why should we be inferior to others?"

"Yes, think about it billions of years ago, the Qilin tribe dominated the Buzhou Mountains, with overwhelming power and commanding billions of lives. Now they are under the command of others, how is it different from the dragon tribe?"

"Please think twice, clan leader!"

All the elders of the Qilin tribe objected verbally.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that although the Qilin tribe is lonely, they are elders of the Qilin tribe, with noble status, and each of them commands billions of people in their own lineage. How glorious it is.

But if the entire Qilin tribe is under the command of the Heavenly Court, then it will naturally be inferior and controlled by others.

They are all tribesmen who have come from the most glorious era of the Qilin tribe. How can they accept it?

Wu Rui's face sank, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

These elders are still immersed in the glory of the past and cannot extricate themselves.

But times change, the wheel of history rolls forward, and the era that once belonged to the Qilin tribe has long passed.

Don't you see how powerful the dragon tribe was at the beginning, faintly suppressing the Qilin and Phoenix tribes.

But one wrong step, then another. Now the Dragon Clan is struggling to survive in the East China Sea, and no longer has the glory of the past.

In a peaceful era, perhaps they could still protect themselves.

But now the chaos of the prehistoric times is coming, and in an era of great strife, how can the Qilin Clan's fortune be strengthened without strife?

But all the elders disagreed. Even if he wanted to, he could do nothing.

In an instant, the huge hall was dead silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

But suddenly, a powerful voice came from outside the hall.

"I think the clan leader's proposal makes sense."

As the words floated, Jin Lin walked in the void, and in a blink of an eye he stepped into the hall.

"Old clan leader!" Wu Rui saw the visitor and hurriedly stood up, a little excited.

"Hello, old clan leader!"

Mo Xuan and others also greeted him.

Although Jin Lin had abdicated at this time, he was once the clan leader of the Qilin Clan, and he had been protecting the Qilin Clan in distress alone until now, so his prestige was not low.

Jin Lin nodded to Wu Rui first, then looked around at everyone and said solemnly:

"I think the clan leader's proposal is very good. The Qilin clan should not indulge in the glory of the past."

"The world today is a world of great contention. If the Qilin clan does not fight for the destiny of the world, and if there are powerful enemies coveting it in the future, will they have to go through the disaster again?"

"Or do you think you have completely ignored the Qilin clan and only care about enjoying the comfort in this ancestral land without making progress?"

"We dare not! Old clan leader, calm down!"

"Mo Xuan knows his mistake."

The elders trembled when they heard this, and even Mo Xuan lowered his head in shame.

Only Wu Rui smiled, and was very excited. When he was about to speak, he saw Jin Lin looking at him and shook his head slightly.

Wu Rui immediately understood, suppressed his excitement, and kept silent.

As expected, Jin Lin continued, "In that case, we will follow the arrangements of the clan leader. Who is in favor of the Qilin clan joining the Heavenly Court? Who is against it?"

Mo Xuan took a deep breath and said solemnly, "We will obey the clan leader's orders."

The Qilin elders had no choice but to stand up and said in unison, "We will obey the clan leader's orders."

Wu Rui immediately stood up, looked at everyone with a firm gaze, and said firmly:

"Wu Rui thanks the old clan leader and the elders for their trust. I guarantee with my bloodline that joining the Heavenly Court will never bring shame to the Qilin clan."

"Moreover, I promise to all the elders that the Qilin clan will take advantage of the opportunity and regain its glory!" (End of this chapter)

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