Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 34: School City

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Seeing Shirako Shirai, Indix bowed quickly, thanking him for his previous help.

"Hello, I am very happy to see you again. The previous things have been helped."

Unexpectedly, Inicus politely said so well, suddenly he didn't know what to say, he froze there, and then shifted the topic to the part that he could connect.

"Hah, it's nothing. Are you guys going to go?"

Kuroko Shirai said while glancing at Ma Yuan. Of course she didn't tell Indyx about the amnesia. After all, she was a talented student at Tokiwadai and wouldn't even understand this air. .

"...My brother said he was going to take me to the playground to see, but most of the time it was closed. I told her that it would be tomorrow, and he wouldn't listen."

Inticus has not forgotten that their previous settings were siblings.

After Shiraoi Kuroko listened, he looked at Ma Yuan again. Ma Yuan thought that Shiraoi Kuroko would blame himself or something. Who thought that Shiraoi Kuroko actually smiled at Inticus.

"It's okay, if it's usually closed, but it's summer vacation now, so it will still open until ten o'clock in the evening, and from seven o'clock, there will be fireworks, so I want to watch it."

As Shirako Kuroi said, he took off his "Feng Ji Commissioner" armband from his sleeve.

"Today, even if the work of my Commissioner for Discipline is over, I will take you there."

After seeing Shirai Kuroko's behavior, Ma Yuan froze.

Hey, is the Commissioner Feng Ji such a casual job? Can you just put it aside if you just want to play?

However, Ma Yuan didn’t really tell his words, he really needed someone to help him get to the playground, otherwise he would close even after 10 o’clock. Judging by his knowledge of the city, most of them couldn’t catch up with the fireworks. Too.

"ready or Not?"

After Kurei Kuroko put away the armband of Commissioner Feng Ji, he put his hand on the shoulders of Inticus and Ma Yuan and asked.

Before Ma Yuan had reacted to what had happened, he could only feel that his eyes were black, and when he was full of light again, he was already on a roof.

Teleport? !

Although it is said that this academy city is dominated by super powers, Ma knew it, but he felt the feeling of instant movement for the first time.

Not waiting for Ma Yuan to come back, Bai Jing Hei Zi also appeared in front of them.

"Sorry, you may be scared. I'm a space power (lv4), as long as it is something I touch, whether it is alive or inanimate, I can send it to anything I see. Go somewhere."

Looking at the two people who had been scared by what had just happened, Shirako Kurai explained quickly.

"Um... how many levels are there?"

At this time, Ma Yuan was most concerned about the level of superpowers.

If the high-powered person is at level 4, then what is the upper limit, this is what Ma Yuan cares about.

"There are six levels in total, but the sixth level absolute ability (lv6) is only theoretical. The real highest level is the super ability (lv5), and there are only seven people in the entire academy city. The Misaka you saw before Meiqin is one of them, the super power (lv5) of the nickname super electromagnetic gun."

"Of course, there are some incapable people who still have only lv0 even if they have experienced capacity development, but this is not an important thing."

"Generally, when a person’s ability level reaches the high-powered person (lv4), in fact, the level is not particularly important, although the higher the level, the wider the scope of use, of course, the more side effects and constraints Small. But if you can use your abilities correctly, even the most capable (lv4) may not be much weaker than the super capable (lv5)."

As Shirako Shirai explained, he was suggesting to Ma Yuan and Inticus that his ability was absolutely trustworthy, and they were relieved.

And Ma Yuan was still digesting the problem of the scope of his superpower use that Shirako Kuro said at this time. Before he had digested it, he felt a black again in front of his eyes.

After the reaction came, he could see himself on the ground in another place.

"There's still a distance, but... let's get some excitement next, don't you be frightened."

Shirako Kuroko said a little naughtyly.

Hearing Shiraoi Kuroko said this, Ma Yuan suddenly had an ominous premonition coming to his heart, and before he had time to refuse, he felt the darkness before him again.

Immediately after he appeared, it was in the sky.

That's right in the sky!

Without any attachments, Ma Yuan and Inticus floated in mid-air like this, as if they were sent by Shiraoi Kuroko.

In this midair, Ma Yuan and Inticus seemed to be the same in the comics. After a pause for a few seconds, they felt the call of gravity.

Of course, at the moment of gravity call, Shiraoi Kuroko also sent himself to the same place for a second teleportation.

Before Ma Yuan had recovered, they stood at the gate of the playground.

Everything just now gives the horse a sense of being in a different world.

"When you were in mid-air, because of the connection between space and space, you were not completely in another place, so there will be a pause for a few seconds. Isn't it exciting?"

White well Kuroko asked, Ma Yuan nodded. Then he looked at Inticus again.

Inticus was not as strong as Ma Yuan. She was really a little scared when she was in midair. She thought she would fall. How could she know that she would let Shirai again and again during the fall? Kuroko sent away.

Looking at Inticus, who was still in shock, Ma Yuan shrugged and took Inticus up. It seemed that she couldn't help it for a while.

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