Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 35: Playground

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After entering the amusement park, Inticus recovered earlier than Ma had expected.

Just when Ma Yuan turned Inticus to a small outdoor cafe-after all, Mayuan felt that it was better to find a place to sit and let Inticus slow down. Inticus saw the rotation Immediately after the Trojan, he jumped from Ma Yuan's back, pointing at the carousel and screaming happily at Ma Yuan and Shiraoi Kuroko.

The whole looks like a real child who is only 14 or 5 years old.

Ma Yuan and Kuroko Shira glanced at each other, and some doted smiles appeared.

Seeing Ma Yuan and Shiraoi Kuroko smiling, Inticus reacted a little too excitedly, and immediately converged. Although there is no memory of the past, the common sense as a nun makes Inticus somewhat more than the maturity of the same year. Of course, this maturity will disappear from time to time.

After paying the fee at the toll booth, Inticus entered the merry-go-round, and Ma Yuan and Kuroko Kuroko didn't go up because they didn't like to play.

After all, this kind of kid's play... is still a little too reluctant for Ma Yuan.

But after Inticus rode on the carousel and slowly moved to places where Ma Yuan and Shiraoi Kuroko couldn't see, Shiraoi Kuroko suddenly talked to Ma Yuan.

"I was worried that she purposely followed you over."

The "she" in Shiraoi Kuroko's mouth refers to Inticus, and she also admitted that the encounter with Ma Yuan just now was definitely not an accident, but she did it deliberately.


Ma Yuan couldn't figure it out, Inticus wasn't a very special person, but Shirai Kuroko was very interested in her.

"After hearing what you said, I care very much. Actually, I don't have any idea about whether the two of you are brothers and sisters, but I still can see that you care about her."

As Kuroko said, he broke through the fact that Ma Yuan and Inticus were not siblings.

After all, the two people are obviously not of the same lineage. Ma was originally a standard Asian, while Inticus was a European. The difference between whites and yellows is still obvious.

"So you don't have to worry about what I will tell her about memory, I don't want to hurt her."

Kuroko Shirai looked at the time while talking, then added another sentence.

"Although the playground is closed at ten o'clock, I'll take you back after watching the fireworks. Don't go home after eight o'clock. It's not safe to go outside too late. I don't know what you think, but I will Help you, rest assured."

"Pooh, I think you have something after eight o'clock? Could it be a date with a boyfriend?"

Ma Yuan looked at Shirai Kuroko and couldn't help but smiled.

Kuroko Shirai has been talking about things just now, but it is obvious that although she is talking about good things for Ma Yuan and Inticus, she actually still has her own problems. If so, she will probably play in the sea outside.

And Ma Yuan can only think of a boyfriend.

It is normal for girls of this age to go on dates with their boyfriends.

Anyway, Ma Yuan's sentence stabbed Bai Jing Hei Zi's thunder, but she saw Ma Yuan white as if he had offended her.

"What boyfriend is enough for me to have an elder sister."

Shirako Kuroko said the same as he declared himself a lily.

"Well my fault."

Ma Yuan raised his hands and surrendered. He forgot that Shiraoi Kuroko had a paranoid love for Misaka Miki, which made Ma Yuan a little embarrassed.

However, Misaka Megumi is not like a lily like Shirai Kuroko. After all, he often says something to Shirako Kuroko, so it is impossible to date with Misaka Mizuki.

"The dormitory in Tokiwadai is curfewed at half past eight, and I have to rush back before this."

As Kuroko said, he added another sentence.

"This is the life of the academy city. Most of the students live in student dorms, few of them are with their parents. Eighty percent of the entire academy city are students, and the rest are some jobs. Staff, teachers. There are also cases where parents and students live together, but there are very few. And the discipline of Tokiwadai is the strictest among all schools."

Kuroko Shirai explained, then watched the carousel stop, and then Inticus ran from above.

Although the merry-go-round is the little girl's favorite thing like Inticus, Inticus seems to have not been satisfied yet. She glanced around, but instead pointed towards the roller coaster.

"Are you going to sit there?"

Ma Yuan felt a little unbelievable, and was just sent to Inticus, who was scared to ignorance. The proposal made Ma Yuan feel a little surprised.

What's more, Inticus doesn't look like a girl who likes to be exciting.

"Try it without losing meat!"

Inticus said this to Ma Yuan, and Ma Yuan had to take Inticus to the roller coaster.

The roller coaster is indeed very exciting, not to mention the city of the academy city. Almost all students have super powers, and daily life is enough to stimulate. This has led to the roller coaster than any previous Ma Yuan One must be stimulating.

However, I don't know if it was because I was scared by Shiraoi Kuroko in the air before. Inticus had no special feeling and no fear. Instead, he walked down the roller coaster with a smile.

"It turns out there is such a fun thing in the world, thank you Ma Yuan."

Inticus smiled and thanked Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan looked at Inticus's smile and didn't know why it was a bit sad. After all, if things didn't succeed after three days, Inticus would lose the memory of this time.

She will never remember that she has been to the playground, she will never remember to play roller coaster, and she will thank Ma Yuan because she likes roller coaster.

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