Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 90: Table and Lane

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Ma Yuan walked to the armor and found out that it was not ordinary armor.

The person wearing this armor is lifeless no matter how he looks. With the blood stains under his feet, Ma Yuan can be clearly informed that this person is dead.

And it was very painful to die.

However, his death seemed unexpectedly out of place in this Misawa, and often playful students ran in front of him, bypassing the body directly for some reason, but found no difference.


Ma Yuan whispered.

These students are not "invisible" to them, but completely "unable to notice" them. Even if you see it, the subconscious will avoid it, but it will not filter this situation directly into your brain to form a certain consciousness. In this way, even if someone dies in front of them, the presence of a corpse in front of them will not attract their attention.

"No way, this is the life of people like us who live on the back of the coin. People on the front will never notice our existence, but we cannot but exist."

Still said that he had drawn a cross on his body.

Ma Yuan glanced at Steele. He likes this description of Steele. The front and back of the coin are just the best words to describe them.

But he also saw that the person wearing the armor, Steele knew. It is impossible for Stir's "priests" who don't have sharp borders to draw a cross for an unknown person.

"Are you acquaintances?"

"It's not an acquaintance, but this is probably the victim of the Thirteen Knights. The Thirteen Knights of the church are also colleagues in a certain sense."

Steele said blankly, his sympathy was probably only this cross.

"It is."

Ma Yuan also bowed to the dead body, and then began to climb the stairs with Steele.

Originally there was an elevator, but because the two of them were on the back of the coin, they could not touch the surface of the coin, which made the elevator useless, and if they were in a hurry, it was impossible to wait for someone to take the elevator. They hid again.

On the stairs, Ma Yuan suddenly remembered a strange thing.

"The division between the front and the back of the coin should only be found in this building. That is to say, if our "back" person calls someone outside, will it come true?"

Ma Yuan asked.

After all, his concept of illusion will not come true, but after all, it is not a world of illusion but a world of magic, so he still wants to figure it out.

"you can try."

Steele sighed.

Ma Yuan then called Inticus. After all, it's too late now. If Inticus really went back as Stir said, he probably wouldn't worry about seeing himself again.

"Hey, this is the original home of Amano, may I ask you..."

"It's me, Indix, have you gone home yet?"

Ma Yuan asked.

"Ma Yuan, who did I think it was, and suddenly this thing sounded, but I'm sorry, I ran out to chase a signal, but where are you?"

"Me, I may have to go back later. You can eat the jelly and cake in the refrigerator first, and I will go home with sushi at night."

Ma Yuan said this, he does not seem to be going back too early, and he is not a home-like male, it is completely impossible to do something to eat. Fortunately, there are quite a few scholarships.

Even if you take out food every day, you may not be able to use it.


Ma Yuan sighed when he heard some hesitating voices on the phone.

"I know, you're all done, right? Then there is no way. You can just stay there until I go back."

Ma Yuan said that the phone hung up.

Seeing this scene, Steele laughed involuntarily, which made Ma Yuan a little unhappy.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?"

Ma Yuan protested.

"It's nothing. I just think that you still have the intention to call on the battlefield. I'm convinced of you."

Steele spoke while leaving the stairs.

This is the seventh floor.

Although I don’t know why Steele would deliberately choose this floor for investigation, Ma Yuan knew that if it was magic, Steele must have something better than himself, so he didn’t ask much. It's just that if there is magic content in the future, just ask him.

The most lively place on the seventh floor is the cafeteria.

Seeing those students eating very rich food in the cafeteria, completely ignorant of what was going on outside, Ma Yuan couldn't help feeling a lot.

Of course, he is more curious.

"Isn't this a scientific religion? Why didn't you hang out the faith?"

Ma Yuan asked.

Religion must hang pictures, and there is no doubt about what to worship. There is nothing here.

"No, even religion is something in the world inside, these are just pretense."

Still said, he wanted to leave from here.

However, at this moment, the entire cafeteria people began to look at the door, they seemed to be looking at the two monsters.

Admittedly, if he and Steele ran into a school canteen in ordinary times, Ma Yuan wouldn't be surprised that he would be surrounded by others.

But now it is not normal, because these people are separated from themselves.

It is impossible for the superficial world to see the inner world. This has been decided when Ma Yuan stepped into this building. He glanced at Steele, and his expression also solidified, as if he saw something incredible.

My guess is right.

Ma Yuan guessed from Steele's expression. It seems that the man who built Misawachi did not just separate the two worlds. He also planted a guard here.

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