Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 91: alarm

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At this time, Ma Yuan and Steele probably saw this kind of warning system of Sanzeyuan.

The entire cafeteria was looking at Ma Yuan and Steele, which should have belonged to the surface of this world. It is impossible to see them inside this world, staring at them both fiercely.

This made Ma Yuan wonder why there was a dim sum.

After all, dozens of people are watching him!

"Seraph's wings are brilliant."

Suddenly, a male student with glasses in the cafeteria started singing.

As the male student hid, the students in the entire cafeteria began to sing strange mantras, and this mantra, no matter how it sounded, was a bit like a verse in the Bible.

"Glory is the pure white to expose sin."

"Pure white is proof of purification."

"Proof is the result of action."

"The result is the future, the future is time, and time is the rule."

"All is everything, all is the past of creation, the past is the cause, and the cause is one."

Soon, Su Yi discovered that this verse was not exactly like the Bible, as if it had been modified.

But this kind of content still has some kind of language magic.

Although Ma Yuan couldn't see it, he could feel the energy fluctuations transmitted through the language.

Not only is the language fluctuating, because these contents are very common religious beliefs, so after hearing Ma Yuan, he felt that he was surrounded by religious believers, and he felt a deep sense of disgust, and Can't escape.

Ma Yuan did not like religion.

It's just like not to like Steele, except for Inticus. The holiness of Inticus has nothing to do with religion. She is just a lamb persecuted by religion.

"One is sin, sin is man, man is punishment by fear, and fear is sin."

"Sin is in your body, and if there is something ugly in you."

"Reveal your sins with the wings of Seraph and expel you from your body."

After the hiding ended, everyone stopped hiding. Instead, they looked at Ma Yuan and Steele, and a silver ball of light emerged from their heads, directly facing Ma Yuan and Steele, A faint glow.

The light spheres converged together, but they had a considerable feeling.

"Not good."

Still said.

Not good, indeed not good. Although Ma Yuan didn't know what it was, it was clear at a glance that it was definitely not a good thing.

Immediately after Ma Yuan patted Stil on the shoulder-because Stil was too tall, Ma Yuan's posture on the shoulder was a bit strange. Then just ran away.

That thing is undoubtedly magic.

And from the point of view of energy fluctuations, it is not the type that can deal with it. Of course, the top priority is to only apply oil on the soles of the feet.

"Hey, don't leave me alone!"

Still also quickly followed Ma Yuan's pace, he didn't want to deal with this thing by himself.

"No, no, you are a magician, you should know how to deal with this thing, and I will run quickly as a mortal."

Ma Yuan said.

"It's impossible for me to fight against this thing, after all... even if it is a counterfeit, but this is the authentic Gregorian chant team!"

"Hello... since you have said that it is a counterfeit, how can you say that it is tease me."

Ma Yuan couldn't help it because of Steele's words.

Steele gave Ma Yuan a glance, could it be time to vomit?

"However, since it is a counterfeit, then you should know that the real thing is like a horse, you use the real thing..."

"Don't be funny, the real Gregorian chant team can only be played by the 3333 monk group praying in the church."

Steele gave Ma Yuan a blank look.

Not to mention that the number of people required is 3333. Ma Yuan knew that it was impossible simply by praying in the church.

Since the holy church is called the holy church, of course, it is because it is in the holy city of the Vatican.

To pray in the Vatican to be effective, Ma Yuan immediately gave up the idea of ​​using "real goods" to defeat "fake goods". But what he couldn't understand was why the other party would use Catholic abilities.

This magic is more like the spell of the Holy See than "magic." The magician who can use the spell of the Holy See is somewhat related to the Holy See.

"Hello... don't tell me this magician you know..."


Steele corrected Ma Yuan's words, and then began to explain.

"Oreos Isad, he was not an alchemist, but a partner of Inticus. Inticus will have one or a partner with her every year, after all, she has 103,000 The contents of this magic ban book. Last year was me and the fierce fiery fierce, this year is you, then three years ago it was Oreos Isad."

"Oreos Issad, after resigning from his position as a partner of Inticus, became incognito. No one knew where he went, but when he appeared again, he became an alchemist. ..."

Stir said that, Ma Yuan shivered involuntarily.

He probably knew what had happened.

No, you can know what happened just from Stewart’s good performance, most likely because this person was stimulated and wanted to protect Inticus, so he resigned as a clergyman, Turned into an alchemist.

However, this is all a matter of fact. There is only one urgent matter now, that is how to solve the Gregorian chant team.

Those light **** seem to be hunting around Ma Yuan and Steele.

Not to mention, when Ma Yuan and Stil reached the stairwell, a lot of light **** also came up from below. Although there was no real contact, Ma Yuan could feel that this light ball was not good.

If you encounter it, you will be hurt badly. This person called Oreos Isad is not afraid to hurt others.

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