Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 145: pretender

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What the **** is that...

Ma Yuan was stunned for an instant. The black knife had never seen it before, and he had no idea whether it could be regarded as a "weapon".

Anyway, that knife can’t seem to fight, let alone cut things.

However, it was such a knife that made Ma Yuan suddenly feel cold in his heart. It seemed that the kind of magical trace he had felt before started from this knife.

That is a special knife.

Even if you can't cut things, you can see that the knife has some magical ability, which may be the general existence of some magic guide.

"Really... Originally thought that it could be carried out smoothly, but I didn't expect to mess you up."

The other party frowned.

"It's a mistake, actually let the body run out."

It seems that this Haiyuan classmate is the pretender in his mouth, but what Ma Yuan can know is that he does not rely on any super ability to disguise.

Instead, he transformed himself into another person through his own magic.

All this makes sense. The pretender in front of him is just to get close to Misaka Miqin, so he will use the image of a good old man like Haiyuan. Because it is an acquaintance, Misaka Miqin has no way to refuse.


If it were not for this reason, Ma Yuan could not imagine that one person was paranoid towards another person. It would actually be like this pretender in front of him. Everything is too good, but it is like a fairy tale.

Almost touched Ma Yuan.

"What is the purpose of your approach to Misaka Misaka..."

" don't need to know about this matter."

The pretender danced with a knife in his hand and said.

Under the pretender's dance, the black dagger began to shine, and the light fell on the ground, converging into a circle.

Magic circle? !

Ma Yuanzheng a moment, any magic circle will have a circle, representing the earth, representing the circle of the atmosphere-magic circle.

Although it is just a reflection of light, this circle, no matter how it looks, is a magic circle composed of that magic dagger!

How is this going?

Ma Yuan has not yet figured this out, but the magic circle quickly approached Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan stepped back two steps, even if he thought with his knee, this magic circle is definitely not just a decoration.

His retreat moved him away from the magic circle, as well as the explosion afterwards.

On this magic circle formed by light, an explosion immediately appeared, and then the crowd surged.

"What was that just now?"


"where is it?"

"Hurry up and inform the security team."

"A terrorist attack?"

Some small voices began to come out from the crowd. Ma Yuan looked around, and he was in a busy city. Fighting here was indeed not good.

The pretender seems not to care about these things, but still continues to attack Mayuan.

His carelessness caused Ma Yuan to frown, and it seemed impossible to subdue the other party in the shortest possible time, that is, before causing the disturbance.

So Ma Yuan took a few steps back.

There seemed to be an open space near here, and he wanted to lead the pretender there.

At least we must lead Misaka's side. Although Misaka is said to be a superpower (lv5), it may not have a chance to fight against magic.

"Are you going to run...?"

When Ma Yuan retreated, a smile appeared on the face of the pretender. Although Ma Yuan didn't really like the word used by the pretender, but only this time, he didn't say a word.

Who is the other party?

Ma Yuan is more concerned about this matter, and there seems to be an existence in his home that can help him solve this doubt.

Ma Yuan dialed the phone at his home.

"Hello here is the Amano family...ah? It's Ma Yuan."

It was Inticus who answered the phone.

Inticus, who has absolute memory, as a member of the necessary evil church, naturally has some knowledge of magical associations.

"Oh, you mean you can pretend to be someone else's, and the black weapon you use... I know, you should be a member of the Aztec association."

Inticus naturally told Ma Yuan the answer.


However, Ma Yuan has no concept of this word at all.

Although I also have some magical knowledge, it is a pity that I became a monk halfway, of course, there is no such thing as Inticus.

"Ah, a **** who can transform himself into another person's appearance through some kind of ritual or magic. Generally speaking, it is necessary to peel off the other person's skin, but if it is only for disguise, as long as the other person has a little Organizational structure is enough."

"Hey, do they think it's painted skin?"

Ma Yuan couldn't help saying.

After all, is it not the same as painting the skin after peeling off the skin and pretending to be like someone else?

However, this can also let Ma Yuan know why the real Haiyuan classmate has a bandage on his right hand, probably his skin tissue was cut off from his right hand.

"what is that?!"

Hearing Ma Yuan's vomiting, Indix asked instead.

Although as an Inticus with absolute memory, there are still some things that Inticus did not know about, such as some Chinese ghost stories.

After all, to remember something, she had to touch those things.

"Um... I'll go back and tell you later."

When Ma Yuan was about to hang up, Inticus stopped him again.

"The dagger you encountered... is black, right?"


"That's not an ordinary dagger. If I remember correctly, it's based on obsidian."

Inticus said.

Although she used the phrase "I remember correctly", Ma Yuan knew that the memory of Inticus would never be wrong.

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