Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 146: power

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Ma Yuan remembered correctly, this is a crystal name.

Magic is prevalent in this world, that is to say, something made of crystal has some magic power, and a dagger made of crystal naturally has other abilities that are different from other daggers.

"So the dagger will shine?"

Ma Yuan asked.

"No, it's not the light of the dagger, but the light of Venus reflected by the dagger, Aztec's obsidian dagger, known as the gun of Toraviska Bonti Utoli. It is a very powerful existence , They can do targeted damage to each other by reflecting the light of Venus."

The light of Venus...

Although I don’t know why Venus shines, Ma Yuan decided to accept this setting first.

However, it was right for Indix to make a fixed-point attack. Ma Yuan could feel that as long as the place illuminated by the light of that Venus would be attacked like a fixed-point blast.

At this time, as long as you are close, is it okay?

After thinking about it, Ma Yuan lured the pretender near the park, turned around, and looked at the man in the face of the other person.

The other party seems to have the best equipment all over the body is the Toravis Kabantik Utoli gun, so Ma Yuan’s first idea was to use that gun - in fact, it is a dagger no matter how it looks , Just break first.

After all, the other party is just an ordinary magician, even if the melee skills are a little bit, it is no match for the battle-hardened Ma Yuan.

When it was said that sooner or later, Ma Yuan just turned around and started kicking towards the disguised man.

Ma Yuan's movements are very smooth, just kicked towards the man's head with just one foot.

I don’t know if this man’s reaction ability is not bad. He raised his hand and blocked the attack of Ma Yuan with the gun of Toraviska Bangtik Utoli. Obviously the blade was made of crystal, but it was not so easy to break. .

The light of Toravis Kabantik Utoli's gun shone again on Ma Yuan's leg.

It has been determined that the next place to attack is Ma Yuan's calf.

And Ma Yuan was not a vegetarian. After a little effort on his legs, he turned the whole body in mid air and attacked the man again from the other side.

At this time, the man does not have the ability to react so quickly.

The place where Venus' light shined triggered a big bang, and for this man on the other side, he could only subconsciously use his left hand to block Ma Yuan's attack.

After all, the hand is not a magic weapon. Under the attack of Ma Yuan, it seems to be unbearable. After Ma Yuan's feet fell and took two steps back, the man's hand seemed to twitch because of tingling.

"Hey, what is your purpose?"

Knowing which denomination the other party belongs to, and what weapon the other party is using, then the only problem is the purpose of the other party.

Ma Yuan didn't think Inticus could even know the purpose of the other party, so the only way was to ask the person concerned, and ask him what his purpose was.

"Do you really not know?"

Who knew this man laughed.

Because of the pain in his hand, the fact that he quickly entered the battle seemed a bit unrealistic for this man, so he chose to talk to Ma Yuan first.

Just like what Ma Yuan thought.

From the beginning, Ma Yuan planned all this.

"How could I know that a person has deliberately used the identity of another person to approach a girl? No matter how you look, you can't be considered a girl? If this girl really likes your identity, no matter It’s painful for anyone, so I’m not going to be liked this way.”

Ma Yuan whited the man and said.

"It's not a romance novel."

"It is true."

The man looked at Ma Yuan and sighed. What Ma Yuan said was not unreasonable, but it’s a pity that the man didn’t have much imagination, so he was too lazy to edit some fraudulent plots, and he just took the real situation. Tell Ma Yuan.

"It's power."


"Mitsaka Misaka is in a power, and this power is not limited to science, but also includes magic, so we must prevent the existence of this power."

The pretender said so, Ma Yuan always felt a little panicked.

I don't know why, but he feels a bit like this person is talking about himself?

"Is that force... related to Misaka Misaka?"

Ma Yuan asked.

He didn't think Misaka Misaka was a type of strange sphere of influence, after all, she was too busy with her studies and the relationship between her girlfriends, and she could not handle it.

"Of course, that force is not only related to Misaka Miki, it is even related to you."

"Amano forces, we are called this name over there."


If it were not for self-introduction, Ma Yuan hardly remembered that his surname was actually Amano, Amano Mahara, which was Ma Yuan’s full name.

And since this "force" is clearly known by its own surname, it probably exists like the underworld of group XX.

If you think about it carefully, Ma Yuan has no way to refute each other's claims. After all, there are indeed people who gather a lot of science and magic around them. Although they have not clearly become a member of their "power", they are indeed Just like what the other party said, within his sphere of influence.

It turned out that the other party was coming towards himself, but originally wanted to get close to Misaka Miyuki first, so as to disintegrate his sphere of influence from the inside, but did not expect to directly confront the party.

In a sense, this person is also quite back.

But this is probably not the place where Mr. Pretender is the most back, right. The most back place is that Ma Yuan already knows the purpose of the other party, that is, he has no reason to keep him.

It was at this time that Ma Yuan squatted a little, and then attacked the person again.

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