Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 147: fighting

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The pretender was frightened by the sudden surprise of Ma Yuan.

He took a few steps back, but did not withdraw from Ma Yuan's attack range. Instead, he stayed within Ma Yuan's attack range, making him hit his chest with a punch.

Of course, when Ma Yuan was boxing, the pretender pointed at Ma Yuan with his dagger. If it wasn't for Ma Yuan who discovered the light that reflected Venus, he must have been involved in the explosion.

But because of the close relationship, Ma Yuan was still shocked by the aftermath of the explosion. That kind of aftermath let Ma Yuan know the operating principle of the entire dagger.

It's not just as simple as Inticus said.

However, Ma Yuan deliberately used his real body to approach the dagger. He just wanted to see to what extent this dagger could do it. And now Ma Yuan will know.

The length of the distance can determine the dagger reaction time. Of course, if it is an emergency, the other party will directly use the dagger to attack without any adjustment.

What's more, Ma Yuan didn't plan to use illusion at all. If he had to use illusion in the face of enemies of this level, Ma Yuan would start to doubt his ability.

Just think of it as a warm-up exercise that hasn't happened in a long time.

Ma Yuan thought so, and calculated the distance between himself and the pretender.

It can be seen from Ma Yuan's earlier attack that the pretender's reaction ability is also very fast, at least the adaptability is a good level, compared with Steele, it is higher than I don't know where to go.

I just don’t know if he praises an opponent so much, whether it will make Steele uncomfortable.

Magical power...but much weaker than Steele, except for the more troublesome ritual magic-that is, the magic that he disguised as Haiyuan classmates, all attacks rely on the obsidian in his hand Magic props.

Probably this person doesn't understand combat magic, Ma Yuan speculated.

As long as the opponent does not understand combat magic, everything is easy to manage.

Ma Yuan began to attack the man again.

In this attack, Ma Yuan directly attacked the man’s stomach. He attacked the man’s hand and chest before, but those places are considered to be relatively hard parts of the human body, but they do not have much effect. Dudu has not yet attacked.

The next three ways have always been a relatively abnormal attack method, but they are also the most effective.

The pretender quickly responded to Ma Yuan's ideas. He resisted Ma Yuan's attack on his stomach, and then attacked Ma Yuan again.

The light of Venus once again passed through the dagger of the pretender, bursting toward Ma Yuan.

Only this time, Ma Yuanke was not attacked by it.

I saw Ma Yuan jumped up and turned directly behind the pretender. However, because the attack was not only very close to Ma Yuan, but also close to this pretender, after Ma Yuan left the attack area of ​​the pretender, He pushed the pretender slightly behind the pretender.

Only this time, the pretender stumbled for two steps, and it just happened to hit the explosion that he created, but was implicated by his own attack.

The pretender is not vegetarian, and he is slightly prepared for this situation. Although there is no fighting magic, the defense magic does not seem to be prepared.

Soon he came out of the explosion, but he did not suffer any injuries, but the "painted skin" on his face was eliminated.

It seems that the time limit has come.

Pretending to be a person is not more convenient than directly becoming that person, and it uses only a little skin tissue, so it is also time-sensitive.

It was the face that the pretender showed that surprised Ma Yuan.

Because that face is a very scary face.


Probably only these four words can be used to describe. There are no particularly exaggerated burn marks on this face, but the strange scars covered with the whole face make this face a person. Such a weird feeling.

However, when Ma Yuan slightly removed his attention from this face, he found that he couldn't remember exactly what this face looked like.

Is this the price?

Ma Yuan knew that using different magic requires different costs and mediums, such as the type of Steele, which simply consumes its own "magic power" and is also a kind of cost.

But the kind in front of him has become more paranoid.

Because the entire magic is changed into the appearance of other people by changing their own appearance, so the person who uses magic has no appearance of his own.

That's why this person must use other people's appearance to get close to others.

Not only because the acquaintance is closer, but also because he does not have his own appearance, so he cannot use his appearance to approach anyone.

This is a strange look, but it will be forgotten for the first time when Ma Yuan sees it.

"You see my face..."

Through Ma Yuan's expression, the pretender knew that the "painted skin" on his face had disappeared. But instead of shaking, he laughed.

"This face won't be liked by anyone, but it doesn't matter, then I can use Misaka Miqin's face...or just use your face."

Although there is a smile on his face, it is obvious that the pretender has already suffered some mental breakdown. After all, this face is not a good face.

Maybe he didn't like other people to see his true face.

Obviously from the beginning it was the path he chose.

"By the way, otherwise I will use your face directly, after all, what I want to destroy is the forces of Amano."

Suddenly, the pretender pointed his finger at Ma Yuan. He pointed the knife in his hand to Ma Yuan, and then approached Ma Yuan quickly with a surprising speed.

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