Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 173: Burrow

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Just now there is no such magic circle. ,

Just at the moment of General Ma Yuan’s drawing of this magic array, and it’s also an unusual standard. Ma Yuan didn’t even know what kind of training Shirley Cromwell had been trained to achieve. at this point.

In other words, from the beginning when I was a magician who fried rice cakes, Shirley Cromwell had completely transformed her body?

It's just that the transformation of ordinary people uses science and machinery. The transformation of magicians is done by magic?

Ma Yuan looked at this magic circle, and instinctively took a step back. Intuition tells him that standing in the magic circle is definitely not good.

After all, what if it explodes.

However, Shirley Cromwell controlled the earth element, and the explosion was impossible.

Then there is only one situation...that is.

"Could there be another Alice?"

Ma Yuan froze for a moment. In this narrow underground street, there is only one Alice enough to choke. If another one comes, Ma Yuan doesn't know what to say.

Probably crowded?

At that time, even if Alice didn't attack, it was simply the feeling that they could be smashed to death by being shattered in this underground street.

"do not think too much."

Who knew this time, Shirley Cromwell actually laughed.

The pain in Shirley Cromwell's body had not disappeared, so Shirley Cromwell's smile was a bit stiff, but she still laughed.

"Even if it is me, it is impossible to manipulate two Alice at the same time."

Shirley Cromwell said with a smile, no matter how you look at this word, it seems like something that can be said with a smile, unless Shirley Cromwell still has a move.

"It's not like your science to know the magic, it is flexible. And as long as the method of use changes a little, you can get unexpected results."

Shirley Cromwell said as he lit the chalk on the ground again and again.

When the chalk was on the magic circle on the ground, the magic circle began to emit a strange light. It was a very pale light. There was no exaggeration from any other magic circle. Instead, Ma Yuan thought himself for a moment. You read it wrong.

The next second, Shirley Cromwell disappeared in front of Ma Yuan.

There was only one huge hole left on the ground when Shirley Cromwell disappeared.

Escape... Escape? !

Ma Yuan froze.

Just now, a pair of dead-hearted and easy-going faces made Ma Yuan think that he might encounter troublesome things in an instant, plus a magical array that looks terrible, is it just to escape? !

Ma Yuan looked at the huge hole created by Shirley Cromwell on the ground, and he was already dumbfounded.

But... this hole is very powerful.

Ma Yuan stood inside the cave and looked inside. The feeling of being bottomless seemed to be connected to the ground and the center of the ground at once.

The sound of the shooting still didn't stop. I don't know if it was because the owner's position was too far away, and Alice didn't have much movement. Instead, she stopped like a real doll and stood in Mayuan Around.

The shooting also began to work on the demon, and soon he turned into broken tiles and rolled on the ground.


After resolving these, the captain of the security team ran to Ma Yuan and looked at the hole on the ground.

Anyway, there is no such superpower in her memory, and magic is very rare in the superpower world. Even if it is regarded as the behavior of superpowers, it may not be possible to reach the level of superpowers (lv5).

"It's better to send the wind to the ice first."

Ma Yuan looked to the side and said to Feng Binghua.

"That's right, but the entire underground street has been blocked. It's not something that can be done in a moment and a half to touch the blockade... And, the whole thing is up because of her?"

After thinking for a while, the captain of the security gave this answer.

After all, it is a full blockade. If the former Misaka Miyuki and Inticus were not because of Shiraoi Kuroko, there is no way to move out and take refuge.

The problem is that the wind is slashing...

Rather than sending the wind to cut the ice out, she watched her directly, not letting Shirley Cromwell take advantage of it.

After all, even a magician knows what it means to be outnumbered. Ma Yuan thinks the reason why Shirley Cromwell will retreat is that there are too many people here and it is troublesome.

After all, it is underground, and underground is the most convenient place for earth element magicians to fight.


Feng Shuibing walked to Ma Yuan's side, lowering his head in embarrassment.

After all, since being stared at by Shirley Cromwell, Feng Shuibing has been trailing behind, even Feng Shuangbinghua has a very ashamed feeling about this matter.

"This is no way, anyone who encounters this situation will treat you like you..."

Ma Yuan touched the wind and cut Binghua's head.


The wind was stunned, even if the guards might not find it, but Ma Yuan was on the scene when his head was smashed. If it is normal, Ma Yuan is the least likely to say this sentence People.

Because the wind cuts the ice is not human.

As long as it is a bit of a scene that the brain sees, you can get this conclusion, but Ma Yuan didn't mind it at all, which surprised Feng Jianbinghua.

"Yeah, anyone."

Ma Yuan continued to touch the wind and cut Binghua's head.

"Not for other reasons, no matter what happened, Binghua is Binghua, an ordinary transfer student little girl. If a little girl like this is hurt to cry, I will definitely not Stand by and watch."

Ma Yuan said with a smile.

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