Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 174: Monster's determination

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After hearing Ma Yuan's words, Feng Jianbinghua instantly blushed.

He had no way of determining things himself, and it turned out to be a natural situation in front of Ma Yuan at this time, but this was unexpected by Feng Shuibing.

For Feng Shuibing, his current situation is very subtle, and this subtlety, just a moment ago, let Ma Yuan eliminate it.


It was at this time that Ma Yuan suddenly realized that something was coming.

Shirley Cromwell left the underground street, perhaps not simply wanting to hide and wait for the next attack.

Shirley Cromwell used to seem to claim to be a British Puritan. At first, Ma Yuan thought it was just because he planned to fight against the academy city in the name of the Holy See, but now it seems to me This means deeper.

after all……

If it is said that as long as Shirley Cromwell meets the goal requirements, even if her main goal is to cut off the ice at the beginning, it can also be regarded as a goal.

For example Ma Yuan...for example...Inticus!

Ma Yuan shook at the thought of Inticus.

Inticus is now taking refuge with Misaka Misaka and Misaka Misaka. It seems that there is no danger, but the captain just said that the blockade caused by terrorists will also be solved in a while. Not open, so they are trapped inside this.

The most difficult person is Ma Yuan.

As long as Ma Yuan is trapped, then Shirley Cromwell can start with anyone.

"what happened?"

Feeling that Ma Yuan had some wrong wind, Chai Binghua asked quickly.

Her intuition tells herself that since Ma Yuan feels bad, then there is nothing wrong with it.

"It's Inticus. I suspect that her goal afterwards is Inticus."

Ma Yuan said, looking around.

"You have to find a way to go out, and the magic doll seems to be a bit troublesome. If you destroy one and you can make it indefinitely, you have to think of a once and for all method...Do you want to attack the master directly? As a magician, there should be no point. The ability to protect yourself..."

"in fact……"

Looking at Ma Yuan's tangled look, Feng Shui Binghua poked Ma Yuan and said as timidly as before.

"Actually, you don't have to be so entangled...because even if you can't find the one to control that...figures? It doesn't matter if you can't find a way to solve them."

Hearing Feng Shuibing's words, Ma Yuan froze, looking at Feng Shuangbinghua with her head tilted, not knowing why she had such a conclusion.

"If you deal with monsters, can you just let me do it?"

As Feng Fengbinghua said, Ma Yuan's face instantly pulled down.

Obviously, she just said to Feng Shui Binghua that no matter what her true identity is, she thinks that she is an ordinary girl, just an ordinary girl.

In front of Ma Yuan is still a very ordinary girl. This is not a problem in itself.

"Why did you say that..."

Looking at Ma Yuan's unhappy look, Feng Shuibing quickly waved his hand to show that he didn't mean what Ma Yuan wanted.

"I mean... I'm not an ordinary human after all, as you saw just now, although there is no power, but no matter how many times it is destroyed, it can be restored to its original let me be this monster Just deal with monsters."

"No one will be injured, and it can also be used as a lead, but then Ma Yuan will only need to attack the master of the devil... and also allow Inticus to find the right time to escape..."

Feng Shuibing said with his head down.

"Your kindness is ours, but Shirley Cromwell, I will find a way to deal with it. It doesn't matter if you don't have to do this...

After listening to Feng Shuibing's words, Su Yi knew why Feng Shuibing would say that he was a monster.

In this case, being a monster is a good thing for her, right? It can help other people, but this method of self-defeating attack, if it is his own, Ma Yuan would not hesitate.

And Feng Shuibinghua is just an ordinary girl, which may be a bit unusual, but Ma Yuan can't do it for girls to do such dangerous things.

"It's not like this! Even if it's me, I don't have any ability. I can only serve as the key to the imaginary mathematics zone. As a clockwork, I want to do something for someone I think is important!"

"Ma Yuan, you have been protecting me and helping me, so this time I also want to do something for someone I think is important!"

The wind that had been talking softly and quietly broke out at this moment, and suddenly burst out at this moment, directly shouting out what he wanted to say, but instead attracted the attention of the guards.

"Okay... please come to you if necessary, and calm down..."

Ma Yuan touched the wind and cut the head of Binghua. The other party said that he could not refuse at this point. He could only hope that when she met Shirley Cromwell, it would not happen that you must let the wind cut Binghua. The situation is.


Ma Yuan seemed to have overlooked a place just now, and after Feng Shuibing calmed down, he noticed again.

Feng Shuibing said that he is the key to the imaginary mathematics zone and decides all the clockwork?

At first, Feng Shui Binghua thought he was just an ordinary student. Is it true that Yue Yong Xiaomeng and his own guess were wrong?

Feng Shui Binghua is not an ordinary human being. This has been known by Feng Shui Binghua from the beginning, so she would say such words?

"Speaking of...what exactly does the virtual mathematics zone exist...Why does Shirley Cromwell want to destroy the key to the virtual mathematics I can't get to where?"

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