Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 176: Not war

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Hearing the captain of the guard say this, Ma Yuan just scratched his head and said nothing.

After all, it is not because of which school students have such an easy-going attitude, but because he is a man with a lot of battles.

In addition to his own school... Ma Yuan didn't think it was a very worthy place to show off, but it's better not to mistake people.

So Ma Yuan smiled, then grabbed the rope and jumped into the hole.

Soon Ma Yuan reached the other end of the hole. He pulled the rope, indicating that the length was almost enough, and then walked forward.

At the other end of the cave, there is something that looks like an underground track, but there seems to be no train passing here, probably because the underground street was opened, and this line was abandoned.

After all, if this line is still in use, the above is the underground street, which will definitely cause some impact.

Ma Yuan thought so, and started walking forward along the street.

Ma Yuan did not take many steps, she saw Shirley Cromwell appeared in front of her, but this time she was not accompanied by Alice, but she was only facing Ma Yuan .

"What about your golem?"

Ma Yuan asked.

"Not here."

Shirley Cromwell looked at Ma Yuan with a smile.

"Even if I don't control her, she can still act, probably to complete one of my tasks."

Shirley Cromwell's words made Ma Yuan stunned.

Did this woman let her devil go directly to Inticus?

But if you think about it carefully, there is Misaka Misaka next to Inticus, so it’s not particularly bad, let alone there are 13,000 magic ban books in Inticus’s mind, just to avoid a devil There should be no problem.

The only problem is Shirley Cromwell.

The magician who was knocked down on the ground by his own one before, was now in front of Ma Yuan, looking at Ma Yuan naturally, as if he had any back strokes.

"Why do you want to start a war?"

Ma Yuan asked.

This is the only situation after Shirley Cromwell appeared in the academy city that Ma Yuan could not understand.

Because science and magic are now in a balanced state, and science is also a normal direction on the bright side. Ma Yuan who had contacted the British Puritanism, and even other magical associations were willing to make science the vane of the whole world, so the reason why Shirley Cromwell wanted to cause war was somewhat abnormal.

"Because it's not fair, scientists can't use magic or the like, because the physical body of those who use magic super powers will completely shatter things, don't you think it's unfair?"

Shirley Cromwell asked Ma Yuan instead.

Not to mention fairness or unfairness, why would this person know this?

Should this be a secret?

And because of this, can science and magic achieve a balance? How many superpowers in the academy city will know the existence of magic?

"I'm curious how do I know that, because twenty years ago, a group of scientists and magicians combined to create a new form of scientists and magic, and that's when we discovered this. "

"Alice, she is my companion. I taught her all the magic I know, but the damage to her is so great."

Shirley Cromwell said with a smile.

Instead, this content made Ma Yuan stunned. What he did not expect was that the name of a **** name related to the land or the earth element was originally human.

Alice is actually the name of Shirley Cromwell's partner.

"Alice is a scientist. When the last cooperation broke down, she escaped to protect me. Under the attack of the "knight", she couldn't keep her normal shape, so I turned her into being able to stay with me. The Golems together."

Shirley Cromwell said so.

Although her devil is composed of earth elements, the core soul that constitutes the whole devil is another person who has died.

This made Ma Yuan feel sad.

But the same also let Ma Yuan know another thing.

"Obviously hate the appearance of war, why must it cause war...unless..."

Ma Yuan thought for a moment, and suddenly realized what a general realization was.

"Unless your purpose is not really to cause war, but as long as you keep the whole world in a situation where "war is about to start"?"

As long as you stay in the "war is about to start" situation, you can really achieve the balance between "science" and "magic", probably what Shirley Cromwell wants to do.

"Don't look like you understand something! Imp!"

Hearing Ma Yuan say this, Shirley Cromwell suddenly ran away, as if his own ideas were known by the other party.

"What do you mean by that tone, pity me?! I don't need it?!"

Shirley Cromwell shouted, and then she waved the chalk in her hand. The chalk turned pink, and a group of pink magic circles appeared around Ma Yuan.

Looking at the pink magic circle, Ma Yuan froze for a moment. It seemed that Shirley Cromwell had already prepared all this when he first came underneath.

The ground began to shake, and Shirley Cromwell's face again showed a nearly twisted smile.

"On the earth is my site. In this small space, no one can beat me."

Shirley Cromwell's smile, plus the magic circle around him, Ma Yuan instantly knew what the other party was going to do. He wanted to collapse this place and bury Ma Yuan directly in this underground!

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