Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 177: decision

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This is bad...

Ma Yuan looked around and collapsed the entire small space, probably not just herself, but Shirley Cromwell would not be spared, let alone passed this magic circle, it was not what Ma Yuan, an opponent like a huge monster, has no confidence to escape from such a large-scale magic circle.

Shirley Cromwell's move is quite cruel.

However, Ma Yuan didn't panic like this. After all, any magic has its own rules and weaknesses. Once you find the weaknesses and laws, you can leave this place yourself.

It can even prevent this magic from taking effect!

Ma Yuan thought so, and then looked around.

I have seen in a book before that the magician is very important for the position of the magic circle. If it is not in the right position, then the magician may not be able to trigger the magic circle, or the effect of the magic circle. It may not take effect as the magician wants.

This is a very abnormal bug in general.

For example now.

Ma Yuan looked around, the purpose of this magic circle was to bury himself in the ruins, then the purpose of all magic circles was simply to collapse the tunnel nearby.

...... The magic array on the ceiling and twice is indeed the purpose, but what about the magic array on the ground?

Ma Yuan noticed that there is only a magic circle on the ground in front of Shirley Cromwell. The magic circle looks similar to other magic circles, but since it is on the ground, it is probably There is only one purpose.

It was a magic array made by Shirley Cromwell to protect himself from being hurt by his magic.

In other words...

Ma Yuan picked up a waste tile on the ground and ran towards the magic circle.

Just marking a line on the magic circle will not have any impact on the formation of the magic circle, so Ma Yuan did not use his own Tai Dao, but used waste tiles.

This is a game he played when he was a kid. It is possible to write words on the ground with abandoned stones.

Ma Yuan doesn't know how to stop magic, but what he knows is that as long as the magic array changes a little, it will cause a completely different effect than before, and what Ma Yuan wants is this effect.

The tile in Ma Yuan's hand wrote an old English sentence on the magic circle.

Seeing this scene, Shirley Cromwell was stunned for a moment. There is no doubt that this magic circle has no effect as Ma Yuan thought, and Shirley Cromwell's this Helen gave Ma Yuan a chance.

Because the magic was stopped and the surrounding vibrations disappeared, only the wall that had begun to break apart collapsed, and Ma principle hit Shirley Cromwell to the other side with one punch, until Shirley Clen Will hit the pillar before stopping.

"Almost you should be enough...Sherry Cromwell?!"

Ma Yuan shouted.


Shirley Cromwell froze, covering her face with a punch from Ma Yuan.

"Do you really want to hurt someone? No, you are just at a loss because your best friend died?!"

Ma Yuan said this, and Shirley Cromwell immediately felt overwhelmed. She looked at Ma Yuan, not denying Ma Yuan’s words, but instead it was very inconsistent with the “elegant” gesture of the magician, almost It was a roar to say his own words.

"Do you think I would like this?!"

"There are as many ideas in my mind as stars. In fact, I don’t want to hurt scientists or magicians at all. If they can, they can get along peacefully. But if we can’t balance the magicians and scientists, we can’t do it. at this point."

"I'm confused now, I don't even know what I want to do..."

Shirley Cromwell shouted that Ma Yuan punched her in the face without thinking.

She thinks too much.

Regardless of whether the other party really wants to destroy this world, she has affected the stability of this world, and has frightened two girls and threatened the safety of the girls.

So this fist horse was not wronged.

After punching this punch, Shirley Cromwell didn't know whether to say that he had ran away or calmed down. The chalk in her hand was shining again, and a more subtle expression appeared on her face.

With the light of the chalk on his hand, a magic circle appeared again next to Ma Yuan. It seems that Shirley Cromwell filled the entire underground passage with the magic circle for his own use.

Ma Yuan sighed. He didn't know what he should do...or he already knew what he should do, because a very sad look appeared on Shirley Cromwell's face.

Seeing this expression of Ma Yuan, there is no way to refuse Shirley Cromwell's request.

That was sent by Shirley Cromwell from the heart, and he didn't say a request.

"Stop yourself."

Shirley Cromwell's expression was like saying this.

"I know, since there are a lot of ideas you want, then there will also be such ideas, want others to stop themselves."

As Ma Yuan spoke, he pulled out his sword.

He was not afraid that he would hurt Shirley Cromwell, because the only thing he had to do at this time was hurt, and hurting Shirley Cromwell could accomplish what she wanted to do by herself.

Taiji crossed the chalk in Shirley Cromwell's hand, smashed the chalk that had turned into red, and stopped when she touched her hand.

Shirley Cromwell stepped back conditionedly, and then kicked towards Ma Yuan. Even if the magician does not have much physical energy, as an ordinary woman, kicking should still have some power.

Not to mention that even magicians have been trained to some degree.

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