Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 7 Chapter 10: ccg's horrible plan

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Seeing that Mr. Fangcun hurried to Miss Ryoko's house, Ma Yuancai believed that Mr. Fangcun loved these seeds.

As soon as Mr. Fangcun decided, he gave the coordinates of Miss Ryoko's house to Ma Yuan, let him go first, and then he and Miss Ryoko arrived later, Ma Yuan was also welcome, and used a teleport at will, and the person arrived at Ryoko Miss's home.

Leaving Ms. Ryoko still surprised at the same place, Mr. Fangcun signaled that he didn't have to panic. Such a thing, just get used to it, and then immediately set off with Ms. Ryoko.

Ma Yuan just stood firm and felt that the house in front of him was being watched.

Not because he saw something unusual, he had never been here before, but because of his keen intuition.

Ma Yuan once did an experiment on himself to see what his decision about an unknown phenomenon would look like.

He made people prepare twenty boxes, each of which put different things in it, and sent another fifty people to fight with himself, and after fully attracting his attention, let him choose the box for him. I tried more than ninety times for the things that caused the least damage or were beneficial to myself, and none of them failed, so Ma Yuan fully believed his instincts. He felt that he was being monitored here, and it must be being monitored here!

Ma Yuan approached the room quietly, and was frightened by the depressed atmosphere in the room.

At this time, it was still daytime, but the room was completely dark. It didn't look like a ward at all. Miss Ryoko really married a doctor instead of an artist?

Lifting the hand to open the curtain, but was suddenly rushed to miss Ryoko, "Do not open!"

Ma Yuan was surprised that they had come so fast, but stopped, and asked, "Why? This is very bad for the patient!"

"I know, but when I found my husband, he put a note on the neckline of his jacket, saying that my husband could not see the light, and would kill him!" Miss Ryoko said, crying again, a pair of good-looking Eyes are crying and swollen.

Seeing light dying...Is this surely transformed into a vampire? Ma Yuan was very skeptical.

"What about the note? Show it to me." Ma Yuan didn't believe this evil, did he just plant it, didn't he see that one that was afraid of light?

Originally, Ma Yuan didn't think much about it, but just wanted to look for clues on the note, but when he saw Miss Ryoko, he was very hesitant and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

"The note... After I read it, the note burned up and turned to ashes in my hands..." Miss Ryoko said with a terrified look.

It's really evil, so Miss Ryoko will not follow her medical knowledge but according to what is stated on the note, so as not to let the doctor see the light.

But for Ma Yuan, it was really nothing. I saw that he had taken a piece of paper and did not know where to get a pen. He wrote a sentence on the note: "This is all fake."

Then she showed it to Miss Ryoko.

As soon as Miss Ryoko finished reading, the note began to burn from the place where the words were written. Miss Ryoko's eyes widened. The scene just now was exactly the same as that day. Miss Ryoko felt incredible: "This... how could this..."

"I wrote with white phosphorous. The burning temperature of white phosphorous is very low. As long as it exceeds forty degrees, it will ignite. The temperature of humans is generally 37 degrees Celsius, and the temperature of the kind will be three to four higher when emotionally excited. Celsius, I think, you must be very excited when you find your husband, just like you did before, so the white phosphorus will ignite." Ma Yuan explained the truth, he never believed anything deeply strange. [I forgot whether white phosphorus is easy to burn or red phosphorus, so this is it]

Although he always travels in various worlds, he also believes that there are ghosts, but he believes that ghosts are human souls. This has been experimentally proven. A person loses 17 grams of weight at the moment of death-the weight of the soul. He only believes in this, and he never believes anything strange and chaotic.

"So, they put this note just to scare you." Ma Yuan concluded, the purpose of the note is this, what is the purpose of taking the doctor away and putting it back? Ma Yuan thought that only when he saw the doctor would he know, "Now, can I open the curtains?"

"Yes, you pull it!" Miss Ryoko was calmed by the hand that Ma Yuan had just revealed. It is estimated that what Ma Yuan said now is what.

After Ma Yuan opened the curtains, there was a breath of cold air in the room, and Ma Yuan hurriedly looked down—

Where is this like a person!

The doctor, who was supposed to be thin, was swollen all over his body at this time, as if he had been soaked in water for three days and had just recovered from the water.

"Ms. Ryoko, haven't you seen your husband in recent days?" Ma Yuan was very suspicious, and it became like this. What means did CCG use?

"I... I don’t know why this happened. We [referred to Miss Ryoko and the young girl] were in other rooms, because he couldn’t see the light, so I didn’t dare to bring the young girl, the young girl was afraid black……"

So Miss Ryoko didn't know when the doctor started to swell?

"You go out first." Ma Yuandao lowered his voice again. "You whispered when you went out. This place has been monitored."

"...!" Ms. Ryoko just covered her mouth when she was about to exclaim, and Mr. Fangcun quietly took it out. When she came to the door, Mr. Fangcun stopped and said, "Let me take Ms. Ryoko back to Anding District Bring Mr. Doctor over."

Anything in the Anding District is safer than here, Ma Yuan nodded.

When they went out, Ma Yuan seriously looked at this...the individual, let's just call it a person. The whole body was swollen and swollen. Even the eyeballs were swollen, like an explosion at any time.

and many more. explosion! !

Ma Yuan thought of something suddenly, waved his hands to control the loss of time around the doctor, and reached out to touch his stomach.

Sure enough, it is not the doctor who sees the light, but the thing in his stomach. The doctor is regarded as a container, and there is a thing in his body exactly like him, but the thought of that thing should be controlled by the person on the CCG side. .

Looking at it, as long as two days later, that thing can be bred successfully, right? The people of CCG are really cruel and don't take their lives for granted.

What do they need a puppet doctor for? Ma Yuan involuntarily thought of the plan to change the seed, is this their first step?

Ma principle cleared his mind, and he couldn't help but hate CCG. Can they still be called humans? Can such a disgusting method be figured out?

Next, what Ma Yuan wants to do is to separate the doctor, that is, the husband of Ms. Ryoko, from the puppet doctor in his body. This is something Ma Yuan has never done before, what should I do?

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