Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 7 Chapter 11: Crush the puppet

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Ma Yuan took out his mobile phone and searched for various types of body structure-this is CCG's disclosure to all citizens. It was naturally found on the Internet, and Ma Yuan read it and remembered it in his mind.

Then, when he grabbed his hand into the void, there was an extra scalpel in his hand, and the largest scalpel.

Of course, Ma Yuan was not going to have an operation, he just started to separate the puppets.

Later, maybe the puppet was stimulated by the light and exploded directly from the doctor's body, then it would smash Ma Yuan's brand.

Moreover, Ma Yuan’s purpose is not simply to separate the puppets, he also has to maintain the connection between the puppets and the CCG headquarters, so that he can know the movements of the CCG side for the first time.

This time, Ma Yuan not only froze the time around the doctor, but also the space. Even if the same Saiyan people saw it, they had to admire Ma Yuan's ability to use his abilities.

Ma Yuan finally put away his cynicism and began to take things seriously.

I saw his eyes fixed on the doctor's inflated body. The knife in his hand meticulously cut the doctor's skin. If Mr. Fangcun stayed here, he would be surprised to find that although Ma Yuan kept the knife edge The doctor's body, but all cleverly avoided the key points of the body, even the doctor himself is not necessarily so skilled.

Then he will definitely doubt Ma Yuan's identity, not to say no trust, but there will always be investigations, and in the end, nothing will be found, then Ma Yuan will no longer be trusted.

This is also one of the reasons why Ma Yuan wanted them to go first. He did not like others to doubt his identity.

Ma Yuan is a knife starting from the head. When the knife is gone, you can see the strong pus, which looks very disgusting. Fortunately, Ma Yuan freezes the time and space in advance, otherwise the pus that comes out will splash. Ma Yuan was alone.

It's just that Fairy Ma Yuan now has no time to think about these insignificant things. The knife in his hand has divided most of his energy. The rest is naturally used to maintain the freeze of time and space.

In such a high-intensity working state, Ma Yuan's forehead was already covered with sweat beads in a moment, but most of the tasks in his hand were not completed?

Is Ma Yuan going to give up? of course not! If you give up, it is not Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan bit his jaw tightly and did not dare to relax. He didn’t want to use his money to **** the doctor, but also spent a part of his energy to find the puppet line.

I don't know how long it has passed, Ma Yuan looks relaxed, and the line is found!

The next step is much easier, but Ma Yuan has been exhausted a bit, but when did Ma Yuan have been afraid of difficulties? Even if he tried to exhaust all his qi, Ma Yuan planned to take the doctor to the stable area intact.

It didn’t take long for Ma Yuan to finish the rest of the work, and he still had the power to heal all the wounds on the doctor. If Miss Ryoko saw it, she might not believe that her husband had become that pair What does it look like?

Ma Yuan was really weak at this time, intending to take a break, just walked away, and suddenly found a warm current in his body, Ma Yuan bowed his head in surprise, watching the changes in his body-every muscle changed It's full, but it doesn't look abrupt. When you put on your clothes, you can't tell that Ma Yuan is a man with beautiful muscles.

Ma Yuan only felt that he was now full of power, as if his exhaustion was just his own illusion.

Ma Yuan did not expect that she decided to help Ms. Ryoko and the doctor, and in the end it was absolutely beneficial to herself, not to mention that her body was even better than before!

Now that his body has recovered, Ma Yuan did not take unnecessary rest, and took the doctor himself and the puppet that had not been fully formed back to the stable area.

This time, the plan was mainly aimed at the seed, so Ma Yuan believed that how to deal with this puppet needs to be decided by the seed door headed by Mr. Fangcun. Of course, Ma Yuan did not intend to hide the matter of that line, but left it alone. Just one piece.

"This... how could it be..." Such a thing is obviously what Mr. Fangcun has never seen and heard, so he has always been calm.

Ma Yuan told them his thoughts, and picked out the thin lines in the puppet's head: "They probably control the puppet through these things. If they don't find it, it is your husband. The doctor does something that we can't think of for now. Things, I think we should count them, leave these lines, and see what they want to do next."

" it also to stay?" Miss Ryoko looked at the puppet that had been a little bit like her husband's, and was frightened.

"Of course not." Ma Yuan handed the thread to Mr. Fangcun. With his right hand, the puppet turned into powder in front of Miss Ryoko-Ma Yuan was afraid of contaminating the floor here, waved again, and the puppet left only powder Without a trace.

Mr. Fangcun had already seen it before, so it did not show any incredible appearance, and Ms. Ryoko, it is estimated that the nerves had been paralyzed. At this time, she did not feel strange to see Ma Yuan doing anything.

Sure enough, isn't it strange?

Ma Yuan felt no surprise. But this does not affect his good mood. Would he tell them to clean up the debris near Miss Ryoko's house when he just returned?

For this, the flowers inside the CCG have already exploded. The original orderly interior of the CCG headquarters has been messed up at this time. Everyone does not know what happened in the moment of the black screen, only the person sent to monitor, there The contact was lost in an instant, and after that, it could no longer be contacted.

They also sent people to look for it, but there was nothing. Those people seemed to have evaporated.

It is indeed the world evaporating. How does Ma Yuan do things, how can he leave any clues to the other party?

It was even more upsetting for them at this time. The puppets that were being raised suddenly showed that they were no longer in the state of being raised. They were really not able to grasp the mind of the monk, and it was completely unclear what happened.

The only thing that gratified them was that their connection with the puppet was still there.

In this regard, the explanation given by the experts is that there is a little problem with the puppet, because the puppet has not yet been mature, so the puppet will be a little out of control, but the general direction will not change.

"What is the puppet called uncontrolled puppet?!" someone murmured.

Of course it is not a puppet anymore, because your puppets have evaporated on earth!

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