Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 32: Victory

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"Hum, since that's the case, let me see you, the power of this beastmaster!"

The lion quickly calmed down, and once again grieved, the teeth spreading his claws, said very fiercely: "Lion cuts wildly!"

Having said that, the lion raised its stout arm, and with the sound of "qiang", the claw suddenly appeared, and then slashed towards Saitama suddenly!


The claws of this big lion are very sharp, and every time it is slashed, it will form a rather fierce gang wind. Like the sword, the houses around Saitama are cut down, and the houses that are cut off The fragile, like tofu, was cut smoothly, and the cut was neat and smooth, showing its sharpness.

And this is just the grief emitted by the big lion's claws. If the claws really touch it, I am afraid it will be even more terrifying, and the consequences will be unimaginable. However, every blow of this big lion was avoided by Saitama, and his ingenious figure was like a spirit snake, which was difficult to capture at all.

"Slow, can you hurry up?"

Saitama dismissed while avoiding the fierce attack of the big lion, very relaxed.

"Aoah! Damn guy, this beastmaster wants to chop you up!"

The big lion was irritated by Saitama's disgusting appearance, so he accelerated the speed of swinging to the extreme, and the determination to kill Saitama broke out in vain.

Qiang Qiang!

Every time the claw of the big lion slashes to the ground, there will be another crack in the ground. At this time, the big lion is like crazy, waving around, locking Saitama as the target, slashing all the way, unstoppable.


"Uh... those two are your partners..."

The big lion didn't seem to notice the giant frog and the big worm in front of him. He was chopped and chopped up quickly, if not Saitama reminded, I'm afraid the big lion hadn't realized it yet.

"Roar! Damn guy, it's you who will be minced by me next!"

The big lion first froze for a moment, looking at the two corpses lying on the ground, and then quickly awakened. In its world, there was only weak meat and strong food, and no partner at all.

At this point, the big lion hated Saitama more and more. The anger in his heart erupted and reached the extreme. I saw him roaring in the sky, and the whole body bulged with muscles. The animal skin was stretched out. Here, all the green muscles emerged, and the whole body was a little taller and more burly.

At the same time, the big lion at this time is also much stronger, his eyes are reddish, and glaring at Saitama. It has regarded Saitama as a mortal prey. With a big mouth in the blood, it is thrown out!

"Wait for the Beastmaster! Can you kill him now!"

At this time, a black lacquered creature suddenly appeared in the ground, this is a creature similar to the mole, but I saw it crawling on the body, a pair of slender steel claws is very conspicuous, this creature is just the Qiyu The murderer pulled into the ground, although it has a pair of steel claws, but the battle is not as powerful as the big lion, and can only hide under the ground, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

However, when the mole saw the fierce look of the big lion who wanted to kill Saitama, the mole immediately came up and persuaded, because their actions were instructed, and the main purpose was Saitama needs to be taken back, but still alive.

As everyone knows, Saitama angered this irritable beastmaster, causing the beastmaster to suddenly run away and lose his senses. If this mission fails, the mole will be difficult to explain.

"Lion Meteor Slash! Let's die, little one!!"

However, where the big lion after the runaway heeded the Mole's advice, at this time, it wanted to kill Saitama with all his heart, and where would he take care of the task, directly slaying Xiangya with his claws, to vent his anger!

"Continuous... ordinary punches!"

Saitama was also shot at this time, double boxing, and the afterimage continued, directly isolating the big lion in the air, every punch fell, a pool of animal blood was spurted out, just a few punches, then The body of the big lion was beaten, the flesh and blood flew, and the intestines of the white flowers all fell out.

"Uh... run away!"

I tried to persuade the mole of the big lion before. I was so shocked to see such a shocking scene, so I immediately had the idea of ​​running away. For Saitama, it chose to escape.

"Brother Ma Yuan, this big lion is stronger, so there are beads of dark elements in his body!"

Saitama stepped on a puddle of flesh, holding a black bead in his hand and swayed towards the horse plain not far away. He was happy, and didn't seem to notice that the mole had escaped to the ground.

"Well, indeed, the size of this black bead is larger than the previous ones, and the chaos contained in it is also very strong. It can almost be the amount of the top three."

Seeing Ma Yuan, he was also very happy. In this way, the goal was closer.

"Huh? I remember there was a little mouse, why is it gone now?"

At this time, Saitama suddenly remembered the mole.

At the same time, the mole was hiding under the ground, using his hands and steel claws to desperately plan the soil, trying to escape from this land of right and wrong, but the mud in front of him suddenly fluctuated and was slightly creeping, the mole felt Strange, so he immediately stopped and looked closely, very puzzled.


At the next moment, the most unwilling scene of the Mole appeared, and a large light bulb-like bald head suddenly broke out of the ground. This person is undoubtedly Saitama. This sudden scene suddenly terrified the Mole and made it look immediately. White, trembling all over.

"Hey, I finally found you!"


As soon as the words fell, Saitama was punching, hitting the mole with a punch, and blasting the ground together with the mud and the mole, directly breaking through the ground to a depth of tens of meters, and the power of Saitama was still there after breaking out. Disappeared, the Mole rushed into the sky like a deflated ball and disappeared.

"Huh, it's really hard to deal with this little bead without black beads."

Later, Saitama also drilled out of the ground, disgusted and said.


"Choose one, answer the question I asked before, or die, just one."

On the other hand, Janos has completely subdued the steel monster.

When Janos saw Saitama walking out of the ground, he was relieved, so he turned his attention to dealing with the steel monster. After a fierce battle, he quickly subdued the steel monster.

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