Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 33: Go to the evolution house

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"Huh, it's really naive. Do you think you can get involved in the evolution house by overthrowing the king? That's impossible. The king's strength is ranked third, and the second beast king is enough for you. I’m sorry, if I offend the big monster in Evolution’s house, I’m afraid it will die miserably."

At this time, the steel monster was lying on the corner of the wall, said weakly, very hard-mouthed, refused to say anything. Now its helmet is missing, revealing the face of its gorilla with blood on his face, very embarrassed.

"Hey, are you talking about the beast king? This kind of strength can also rank second, really."

At this time, Saitama brought the big lion's head over and threw it at the steel gorilla, disdainfully.

"Er... Senior, Ben Wang... No no no! I take back what I just said, you want to ask what you want to ask, I must answer truthfully! Please let me go!"

When the gorilla saw the head of the big lion, he was startled. He thought he could rely on the big lion to make a comeback, but he didn't know that he was killed now. He smiled and grinned at Saitama and Genos: "Our host is a young scientist. He is very smart and praised as a genius, but some of the things he does are outrageous. Be optimistic about people."

"What's the matter?" Saitama asked curiously.

"He wholeheartedly wanted to change humans, trying to mechanically transform humans to make them more powerful, so he created the research institute of "Evolution House", which has many transformed creatures, all kinds, and I am one of them One, after years of hard work, he has created new species, trying to use their power to fight for the world!"

The gorilla was very excited when he said it, and he was also eager to dominate the world.

"Transform species and become robots?!"

Janos was shocked, and he began to conclude that the devastating disaster of that year was produced by this scientist in 9 out of 10 cases! At this point, the hatred and anger in his heart rushed to the heart, grabbing the head of the gorilla, and the flame shock wave in the palm of the palm had begun to accumulate, aiming at the head of the gorilla, and said: "Hurry, the scientist this time What is the main purpose of this?!"

"Well, seniors don’t get excited, I said, I said! Actually, the mosquito girl before was also released from our evolutionary home, but it was quickly wiped out, so our master, the scientist, he just I found this senior and was interested in the senior's body, so I ordered us to come out and grab the senior back, know the things behind."

The gorilla was frustrated, very afraid of Janos' flame blast, and quickly confessed it, not daring to hide it.

"Interest? My sexual orientation is normal. I don't do that!"

When Saitama heard the gorilla's words, she immediately became furious, and even punched the gorilla's chest with a punch, smashing most of the gorilla's body.

"Ah!" the gorilla screamed. Only the upper body was still alive, but the wires in the body were short-circuited, and it was "crackling" and mars out.

"Er...Teacher, you misunderstood its meaning. He meant to use the powerful physical genes of the teacher to conduct research, try to create or clone many puppets as powerful as the teacher, in order to achieve the ambition to dominate the world."

Janos explained.

"Oh, it's like this, why don't you say it early! Really, I'm sorry. Hee hee!"

Saitama is embarrassed and is embarrassed to say that she has aroused the shame of Ma Yuan. Although Saitama's talent in combat is very powerful, his emotional intelligence is terrible.

"I have one last question to ask you, you must recruit truthfully! Otherwise..."

Then, Janos raised the mechanical arm again, opened his fingers, and pointed his palm at the gorilla, threatening.

"Yes yes, I must answer, I dare not be a little false!" said the gorilla, afraid.

"Did Evolution House invent a failed product, a malfunctioning combat robot, four years ago? Was it sent to make trouble? Or what cities were destroyed?"

Janos still did not forget to question this question to the gorilla, his eyes were full of killing, watching the gorilla, said coldly.

"Well... I don't know about this, but as far as I know, I am the only one of the evolution-type combat robots, and I don't know much about the others."

Seeing the red hot flame in Janos' palm, the gorilla was immediately frightened to explain it all.

"How could..." Genos did not get the answer he wanted, so he was very disappointed.

"Okay, Saitama, the top priority now is to go to the Evolution House. I believe there will be a lot of evil creatures after being transformed. As long as they are all beheaded, you can reap a lot of chaos!"

At this moment, Ma Yuan suddenly said, suddenly thinking of such a way to obtain the atmosphere of chaos.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it?!"

With a word that awakened the dreamer, Saitama suddenly realized that he was a little excited, patted Janos on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, Janos, the villain who destroys your town will have a chance to find it later, Don't be discouraged."

"Well, yes, teacher." Janos quickly calmed down and answered.

"Now you have to solve the current problem. If you are just letting this go...the Evolution House will do whatever it wants, maybe I will be killed by the assassins they sent that day, so... we have to take the initiative to kill him! Don't leave a piece of nails!"

Saitama suggested that the headline of the talk was eloquent, very structured, and inspiring, so that Janos was encouraged and morale was greatly boosted.

"The teacher is right! When will we leave?" Genos asked.

"What are you waiting for? Leave now! To kill him by surprise, you can't keep the armor!"

Saying it, Saitama walked step by step. Ma Yuan was so relieved to see that Saitama was so motivated. He smiled and followed Saitama.

"Now? Is it necessary to be so anxious? Isn't it possible tomorrow? Have to prepare for it anyway!"

Seeing Saitama being so hasty, Janos asked.

As everyone knows, the next moment Saitama's answer was a sudden change in style. Ma Yuan and Janos were speechless. I saw Saitama replied, "What else are you going to do? Start now, there will be activities in the supermarket tomorrow, no air!"


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