Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 70: The sea monster is coming

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"Not good! General Squid sacrificed!"

As soon as the big squid fell, the sea immediately became noisy.


"Who?! Who killed the big squid?!"

Under a roar, the sea suddenly turned up a thousand waves, and then a huge fish head surfaced. After a while, the waves receded, and under the fish head was a burly body.

This is a monster with a fish head and a steel fork in hand. After seeing Ma Yuan in front of him, he stabs violently, and his shot is decisive and merciless.

However, Ma Yuan was also unwilling to show his weakness. He directly reached out and grabbed the steel fork with a firm grip. The steel fork that had been traveling all the way was suddenly stopped, unable to move forward, and stopped in front of Ma Yuan.

The sea monster that shot was horrified. He looked fishy and looked at Ma Yuan in shock. Then he looked at the steel fork in his hand and tried to use force to move it, but he still couldn't shake it.


Ma Yuan shouted, twirling his arms, and lifting the whole body of the sea monster holding the steel fork directly, lifting it in mid-air. After drawing an arc in the air, the sea monster let go. At this time, the steel fork was driven by Ma Yuan Then, Ma Yuan threw the steel fork and shot at the sea monster.


The steel fork passed directly through the sea monster, lifted with a splash of blood, sprayed thinly in the air, and then stained the local sea surface.

Then, with a "snap" sound, the sea monster's body hit the surface of the sea, splashing a wave, and then sinking to the bottom of the sea.


After a wave of waves, several fish heads appeared again on the surface of the sea. The white fangs were exposed on the outside of the fish mouth, which was very grim. Staring at Ma Yuan badly.

"Well, this wave is all catastrophic tiger-level monsters, which is fun."

Ma Yuan played with two black beads in his hand, funny to say.


More than a dozen monsters launched an offensive together, waved the steel fork in their hands, and pierced Ma Yuan.


More than a dozen steel forks collided with each other, a dull metallic sound sounded, and Mars splashed, and at the same time, Ma Yuan had already vacated, and a turn over was smoother than those sharp steel forks, and stood on the number handle steel Above the fork, standing proudly as a group demons.


Then, the sea monsters roared again, their arms shuddered, and they lifted the steel fork hard, making Ma Yuan have to follow the upward trend and jump into the air, but the moment Ma Yuan stayed in the air, a trace of flaws was exposed. Then, those monsters took the opportunity to attack and aimed at Ma Yuan's abdomen to stab them!

"Wuhe people also want to hurt me, drink!"

As Ma Yuan screamed and looked at the sharp steel forks that stabbed at him, Ma Yuan directly reached out and hugged the steel forks in a group, clasped them tightly with ten fingers.

Those sea monsters couldn't imagine that Ma Yuan had such a terrifying power, and he was shocked, but how could Ma Yuan allow these sea monsters to be violent and fierce, only to see Ma Yuan tumbling and turning the steel The fork is twisted as much as possible, and then it is broken.

Under Ma Yuan's impetus, those sea monsters holding steel forks staggered, and then they did not care about the shock, and immediately ran away with their legs, facing the fierce **** Ma Yuan, they dare not offend again.

But would Ma Yuan let these sea monsters run away, and finally caught the opportunity to collect the gas of chaos, and under the great opportunity, Ma Yuan quickly threw out the broken steel fork in his hand, and the sharp blade shot Come out and point directly at those sea monsters!


Several dull sounds sounded, and the black shadows directly penetrated the bodies of those sea monsters, splashed with a splash of blood, and then all fell down and sank to the bottom of the sea.


At the moment when the corpses sank, Ma Yuan turned into a residual image and flew out. When he appeared again and stabilized his body, there were already some black beads in his hand.

"These are good things and cannot be wasted."

Ma Yuan's eyes flashed with light, and he licked his mouth and said.

"Monster! Everyone run away!!!"

This cry was not made by human beings, but also by the fierce sea monsters. When the other sea monsters saw that their chiefs were all killed by Ma Yuan, they were frightened, so they chose to escape.

With a shout, the sea monsters fled from the sea, rushing towards the shore, and Ma Yuan saw it, and quickly collected the black beads, and he was chasing after him.

So this wonderful scene appeared, a black and crushed sea monster fled with a helmet and abandoned armour, and behind them, followed by a human man. This human man opened his teeth and danced claws, very fierce, running all the way, raising his hand At that time, a splash of blood was brought out, and the black beads were collected by him at that moment.

All in all, Ma Yuan is killing freely, harvesting hugely, and very excited.


"Wow, what's going on? A lot of monsters..."

On the beach, Saitama looked at the scene in front of him, and it was shocking. He seemed a little unbelievable, but he rubbed his eyes and looked closely. There was a large number of teams on the seashore. Coming here, like rushing to the beach and landing, you pull me and scramble.

"What the **** is going on?" The Hell Devil Dog on the side was also surprised, not knowing why.

"Hey, sea monsters! Don't run!!"

Then, not far away, a familiar voice came. Those sea monsters heard the words in vain, shuddered all over them, and even clenched their teeth to speed up the pace and tried to escape.

"Brother Ma Yuan!"

Saitama and the Hell Demon Dog share the same voice, and they look at each other. It's hard to believe that the scene was actually made by Ma Yuan alone.


Ma Yuan's voice resembled the death-strike's life-changer, frightening the sea monsters to yell and cry for help.


After seeing this scene, Saitama and Hell Devil were speechless. Who is the wicked one?


A ray of light rose into the sky and swept toward the shore. All the areas where the light reached were flat all the way. Those sea monsters were torn by the light at that moment, and there was no whole body at all, only the rest. Only black beads were suspended in mid-air.

"Get down!"

Seeing the light blade blasting towards the shore, both Saitama and the Hell Devil were shocked. They didn't need to be reminded, and they crawled down immediately, because they knew what they were from the moment the light blade was about to fire. What horror is the destructive power contained.


Those black beads were all shot towards Ma Yuan, Ma Yuan grinned and stretched his hands to embrace those black beads, a satisfied look.

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