Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 71: Under the sea monster

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Under the ravages of the light blade, the entire beach seemed to be lifted up, the sand and stones rolled, and the sea and the shore at that moment were all cherry red, **** sky, under this devastating offensive, almost half of the sea Blame death.

"Cough cough!"

After a while, two small heads suddenly appeared on the flat sand, one was smooth and the other was fluffy. Saitama and the Hell Devil Dog struggled out of the sandstone, and they coughed repeatedly. The gray-faced man was very embarrassed.


Then the Hellhound gave a roar, and its figure rose in vain in vain, tens of meters tall, the two dog heads screamed in the sky, and their faces were grim and very powerful.

"Saitama, ready to fight!"

Hell Devil Dog excitedly said, seeing Ma Yuan like this, it was also itching in his heart, wanting to show his fists and fighting with high spirits.

"Well, always be ready!"

Saitama heard the words and responded immediately. At this time, his upper body was naked, and he was wearing a pair of beach pants.


A loud noise exploded next to Saitama and Hell Demon Dog, and immediately swept a thick sandstone, immediately burying both.

"Huh? Just heard Saitama and Xiaohei's voice just are they missing now?"

In the rolling sand and dust, Ma Yuan fell from the sky and landed heavily on the beach, following the induction to know that Saitama and Hell Devil were in this direction, but when he came to the beach, he saw no trace, which made him feel strange.

"Brother, where am I..."

At this moment, a sound familiar to Ma Yuan sounded, and then he saw that the huge body of Hell Devil Dog suddenly came out of the ground and shook the sand on his body.

"Oh, let me just say, you must be here, eh? Why don't you see Saitama?"

Ma Yuan asked Qiyu after seeing Saitama for a long time.

"Brother Ma Yuan, I'm here..." Ma Yuan's words just fell, and suddenly Sai Yu's voice sounded, but the voice was very weak and not very clear.

"Huh? I seem to hear Saitama's voice, but what about others?"

Ma Yuan only heard Saitama's voice, but couldn't see Saitama himself, so he felt a little strange.

"Brother Ma Yuan, I'm at your feet!"


Ma Yuan heard that he was suddenly taken aback and turned back quickly. After leaving the place, he saw that the place where he stepped on was agitated and fluctuated one after another, and soon a hand appeared like a spring mushroom. , Break through the barriers of sediment, see the sun again.

"Saitama, are you? How did you hide?"

Subsequently, Ma Yuan hurried forward and reached out to pull Saitama out of the sand.

"Oh, nothing, I play with Xiaohei." Saitama was helpless and perfunctory.

"..." Hellhound is also speechless, not knowing how to explain it.


Just between the conversations of several people, a wave of water suddenly stirred up on the sea at this time. The wave was very fierce, hundreds of meters high, like a wall of water, rising high.

"Look what it is?!"

Hell Devil Dog had sharp eyes and saw a black shadow on the sea floating back and forth, so he quickly shouted, Ma Yuan and Janos heard the words, and looked at the sea.


Then, I saw a shadow of green oil suddenly burst out of the water, flew into the sky, and swept away toward the distance. Everyone was shocked and disappointed. The huge green shadow was swept toward the location of the downtown area!


A moment later, a loud noise fell, and the whole beach was shocked, it seems that the green shadow has landed.

"Aooo! It's the King of the Sea who is dispatched! No need to be afraid!"

"Slaughter the human race and conquer the land!"


After the green shadow appeared, the sea monsters seemed to be stimulant-like. They immediately rose up, their morale shook, and the roar shook the world loudly, so they summoned their courage and rushed to the shore.

"Brother, what is that green shadow?"

The Hellhound was curious and asked aloud.

"I don't know, but it seems very strong..."

Ma Yuanming showed a little dignity and turned to Saitama and commanded: "Saitama, you must go to the city to meet Jenos now. The monster seems to be very strong and he can't handle it alone."

"Yes!" Saitama responded, rushing out of the beach without saying a word, but he stopped before running a few steps and became a little hesitant, saying: "But here's the situation..."

"It doesn't matter, leave it to me here."

Facing Saitama's concerns, Ma Yuan said from himself: "What's more, there is Xiao Hei here, the two of us don't have to worry about you, go quickly!"

"Well, okay!" After hearing Ma Yuan say this, Saitama also felt relieved, and immediately ran up and rushed towards the city.

He is very assured of Ma Yuan's strength. Even without the help of Hell Devil Dog, Ma Yuan alone can abuse these sea monsters.

"Little Black, ready to fight!"

"I can't wait!"


Under the loud roar of the Hell Devil Dog, Ma Yuan also rushed to the sea monster battlefield, mixed into the sea monster army, and started fighting, even the Hell Devil Dog was also awe-inspiring, and the big mouth of the blood basin was swallowed. A lot of sea monsters.

In this way, this coast has become the two killing Shura slaughterhouses of Ma Yuan and Hell Devil Dogs, **** and rainy, endlessly!


"Ah! Help!"


The crowd's shouts were very loud and noisy, and some of the sea monsters had already landed on the shore first, invading the urban area, and committed crimes.

"Humans, listen to me! From now on, this land will be ruled by the sea people!"

A sea monster whose head is an octopus, but its body is a human body, is clamoring, and a human is wrapped around each of its eight tentacles, which is very domineering.

However, the masses did not spare the sea monster and rushed to escape.

"Damn mankind, dare to ignore our honorable seamen!"

The sea monster seemed to be angry, and even the twist of the tentacles increased, but those who were entangled immediately changed color, and some were breathless.


Just then, a figure flew over the sea monster's tentacles, and then it landed steadily.

"Who are you?" the sea monster roared, looking coldly at a young man holding a weapon in front of him, and said.

"Please, please ask me my name... first care about yourself." The teenager sneered, waving his long stick weapon, quite proud.

"Huh?" The sea monster felt baffled.

But then it immediately changed color, and the eight tentacles that saw the sea monster were separated from the body and fell to the ground, and those hostages were also rescued at the same time.

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