Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 100: Fierce battle

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The so-called undead freak was eventually wiped out.

Everyone looked at the pieces of flesh and blood on the ground and turned into a pool of blood. They were all relieved. They slowly laid down their suspended hearts and lay directly on the ground one by one, closing their eyes and closing their eyes.

After a long battle, the heroes, who had been exhausted long ago, can finally take a break at this time. They also don't care about what the shells are about to launch.

Because at this time, they can only do it here, the rest, entrust to other heroes...


On the other hand, on the side of Janos, after a long battle, the Underground King was still very sharp and sharp at the beginning of the battle, but the later he was, the more the potential of Janos was stimulated, and at the beginning, Janos had always fallen into the wind. It began to catch up gradually, at this time it was entangled with the underground king, and it was inseparable.

"How did this guy get stronger and stronger?!"

The Underworld King was secretly surprised, and was particularly shocked by the outbreak of Genos's power.

At this time, he overdrawn his inner potential to fight the underground king. At this time, he was already a little bit powerless, breathing heavily, sweating, and a very tired look.

"How? If it doesn't work, give it to me, you're a waste of time."

As soon as the tornado floating in midair fought, it was already somewhat impatient, so he hurriedly hurriedly said.

"..." Janos did not reply, still panting.

"Ten seconds before the shells fire."

"Ten seconds before the shells fire."

At this moment, such a voice suddenly resounded in the sky.

The King of the Earth heard the words and was shocked. He turned his gaze to Janos and waved the great sword in his hand. He said fiercely: "Damn guy, since you want to die, let this king solve you!"

The Underworld King knew that time was pressing now, so he was in vain and tried his best to kill Genos!

"Ahhh!" Janos snorted, and spun out, rushing towards the underground king.


The king of the ground raised and lowered his sword, directly slashing the giant sword, and immediately cut off Janos!


The moment when Janos separated from his lower body, his lower body exploded suddenly, sweeping a smoke of smoke and spreading out.

"Hey!" The tornado could no longer calm down at this time, screaming in surprise.

"Jin Jie!"

The underground king was proud of himself and laughed loudly.

"You laugh so hard..."

At the next moment, a familiar voice resounded in vain.


Seeing the tornado, he screamed again, but on the other hand, the King of the Earth was a pig liver-colored face, and he was shocked.

When the king of the ground noticed that there was something abnormal behind him, he quickly turned around, but when he turned around, the half body of Janos had already lifted the mechanical arm, and his palm was aimed at it, and a beam of light was dazzling. .

The incinerator is ready and ready to go!


The light mass in the palm of Janos burst out suddenly, turned into a fierce light wave, and quickly submerged the underground king.



The screams of the King of the Earth killing the pigs resounded through the clouds, and disappeared with the roaring explosion.

"Hoo, finally solved."

After a long time, Janos's half-mechanical body landed slowly, lying in the rubble pile, immediately relieved.

"Miss Dragon Roll, the shells are about to fire, aren't you going to escape?"

For a moment, Janos said, closing his eyes.

"Cut! Every cannonball just scared you like that. Look at your decadent look. Are you really going to give up?"

The tornado still disdain, proudly said.

"What can I do now? I also want to stop the shells from landing, but... hehe."

After Janos finished speaking, he slowly opened his eyes and smiled, seemingly very comfortable.

boom! boom! boom!


The light masses at the bottom of the spacecraft suddenly splashed, a series of blasting sounds rang one by one, and I saw a huge cannonball descending at the positive speed, and was about to reach the ground.

The heroes of silver fangs, **** prisoners, atomic warriors, and metal baseballs seemed to have been expected for a long time. They all closed their eyes and looked comfortable. There was no trace of fear in their faces.

Heroes everywhere in City A heard the movements and looked up. They cast their eyes into the air. The shells in the air fell like a meteor shower. They quickly fell and looked very beautiful.

But behind this beauty is a horrifying destructive power, and everyone understands that this is a devastating disaster!


Inside the spaceship, Saitama, who was in a fierce battle, also heard the movement. At this time, he had no intention of fighting, and he was distracted by the moment, so he was seized by Poros. He took the opportunity to hit and hit the jaws of Saitama. .

"Uh!" Saitama felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, so her body unconsciously stepped back until it hit a stone column and was cushioned, which stopped.


Nevertheless, Poros's powerful force caused Saitama to hit the stone pillar, and the stone pillar cracked quickly. In this way, Saitama suffered a heavy blow due to a momentary negligence, and was then nailed to the stone pillar, making it difficult to move.

But Poros didn't stop there, only to see him kick in his legs, but he came to Saitama quickly, bent his legs, aimed at Saitama, and kicked hard!


The pedal of Poros was directly kicked on Saitama's chest, so that the stone pillar immediately broke apart, and Saitama's body passed through the stone pillar, and Poros's foot has not left Saitama's chest. , Has been pushing Saitama all the way, rushing all the way, constantly hitting those steel sandwiches, penetrating the past.


Until the end, Saitama was kicked to the top, passed through the last steel plate, came to the top of the spacecraft, swept to the sky, and then fell heavily and fell on the surface of the spacecraft.

"Damn...for a while..."

After a while, Saitama lay on the ship's surface, struggling for a while, then stood up quite slowly and slowly.

"Well, it's a very strong body that can carry such a big shock and it's still alive. It's nice."

Looking at Saitama, Poros exclaimed heartily and said, "You can be the first to fight Poros, even of course... except for the guy just now."

At this moment, Ma Luo suddenly appeared in Poros's mind, and he was still a little worried.

"Huh, you bastard... I just took care of it for a while, and dared to fire shells to destroy the earth. I, Saitama will never spare you!"

Saitama said fiercely, glaring at Poros.

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