Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 101: Counterattack

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"Furious, the more angry you are, the more powerful your body will be, and the stronger it will become, and this is exactly what I want."

Poros has been irritating Saitama, trying to get Saitama to break out and become stronger, so that the fighting can please him.

"Damn bastard!" Saitama roared, and a rather domineering gas wolf suddenly swept out, forming a ripple and spreading around.


At the next moment, a sound of explosion exploded beneath Saitama's feet, and the sound of the wind breaking "Woo" sounded. The body of Xuanji Saitama shot out and rushed towards Poros.

Poros was very eager for such a move as Saitama. At this time, he seemed very proud, and his mouth raised an arc, like a conspiracy, and then he also rushed forward, where he fell into Saitama. In a fierce battle.

The two tough guys are fighting each other in a pure melee.

Under the spaceship, all heroes are closing their eyes, waiting for the arrival of the shells.

In this regard, they also feel helpless. All they can do now is to wait quietly, the death is coming.


Above the sky, huge bombshells were descending sharply, swooping down, blowing a gust of strong wind and whistling down.

The shells, like meteors, pierced the sky and kept falling.

At that moment, the eyes of the heroes could not help but open, allowing the shells in their eyes to fill their pupils, and the shells in their pupils were continuously enlarged until the shells were less than a few meters away from them. Then they closed their eyes again and continued their waiting, waiting for death.

Heroes such as silver fangs, atomic warriors, **** prisoners, metal baseballs, and those who acted separately, all to prevent alien invasions, are lost at this time, facing the sudden artillery shell, they For a while, there was nothing to do, making them caught off guard.

At the moment when the shells were approaching, they could even hear clearly, the sound of the blasting wind blowing in their ears echoed in their ears.

After a long time, the heroes who had been waiting with their eyes closed did not seem to "get what they wanted" to feel the violent explosion. All this was beyond their expectations. During the waiting time, there was silence and peace. , No one said anything.

However, all of this seemed too calm, and nothing happened, but everyone thought that waiting for death was a long time, so they kept their eyes closed and continued to wait.

But after a long time, there was still no movement around, and now they began to feel strange, all frowned, but still dared not to open their eyes and stare directly at the shells.

So, a bold hero began to try to open his eyes. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was suddenly stunned. He put on an incredible look, looked around, and then looked up at the sky. Although the scene made him wonder, but a burst of excitement and joy was full of these doubts.

"Look, everyone! The shells stopped!! We are saved!!!"

Someone started to yell and shouted loudly, as if to want to pass on this joy, the whole world was celebrating.

After hearing this shout, some people began to slowly open their eyes. First, the heroes such as Tong Di, Mad Dog, Pig, Vest of the Vest, and then these heroes such as silver fangs, atomic warriors, **** prisoners opened their eyes, Look at this world again.

When they looked at the scene in front of them, there was a consternation at first, it was unbelievable, and then there was a doubt, all frowned, and finally they no longer ignored other moods, and their hearts were all happy.

"What's going on? How can these shells..."

The metal baseball murmured, wondering.

In this sky, in front of everyone's eyes, there are huge cannonballs, each of which has a volume of a strong man, so inexplicably stopped falling, floating, floating in front of everyone's eyes , Very weird.

"Did the aliens give up aggression?" The **** prisoner foolishly fantasized, causing everyone on the side to roll his eyes.

"This is the super power of the tornado, it was her shot."

The silver fang is a hero behind the tornado. Naturally, he knows the super power of the second rank of the S class, that is, the power to control nature and voluntarily evaporate.

"This kid actually saved the world. It's time to show off when he goes back. I can't bear to think about it..."

The Atomic Warrior said, with a curved arc at the corner of his mouth, looking up at the sky.

"Huh, you guys, it's true. I was just as dead as before, but now I'm so happy, I really don't understand you!"

At this moment, a familiar voice resounded through the sky and echoed in everyone's ears.

Everyone heard the words and immediately stopped their smiles, froze for a moment, they naturally knew that the master of this voice was the tornado, but now they suddenly heard this familiar voice, and it was still a bit stressful for a while.

In the direction of the tornado, Genos lying in the ruins also opened his eyes, and was a little surprised when he looked at the scene in front of him, but a moment later, a meaningful smile appeared on his face. He looked at the tornado, silent.

Until then, Genos did not know why the tornado was so calm. It turned out that he still had the power to control nature and control the gravity of the earth, causing the shell to lose gravity and float.

"This kind of little trouble also requires Miss Ben to go out in person. Simply drop all of you back to the C level and try again!"

In the sky, the voice of the tornado reprimand still echoed, but everyone heard it, with a trace of shame, it was not as good as sighing, but the heart was very happy.

At that moment, after experiencing a lot of stress in their hearts, they suddenly felt an inexplicable joy, which was a joy and excitement for the rest of the life.

"These shells... just go back!"

Suddenly, a soft drink came, and the tornado gently waved his hand. Just before her jade hand waved, an invisible powerful force swept out in vain, covering the whole sky like a sky.

At the next moment, I saw that those shells were shaking, and then they completely got rid of the gravity of the earth, turned the warhead, and rushed directly into the sky, striking towards the spaceship!

Bang Bang Bang!

At the next moment, those shells that had landed from the spacecraft returned to their homes and hit the spacecraft themselves. A series of bombardments were launched. The fire burst into the sky.

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