Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 33: Mysterious organization

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The recent Chaohai city can be said to be turbulent. Since the strange night of that day, all the powers have been shocked. Hundreds of manpower accounted for almost one-tenth of the entire Chaohai urban area. Except for the bald man who crawled out of a cemetery in the city, there was no news.

And the bald man who crawled out of the graveyard was also wounded and could not be hurt anymore. The miserable appearance all reminded everyone how terrifying that night was.

The remaining more than one hundred people were also scared to be afraid of any movement overnight. What kind of character can this be done? For a time, the leadership of Chaohai City has taken it seriously. You must know that they are responsible for the security of the Chaohai exhibition. If such a strong man came out to make trouble that day, the consequences would not be what they could bear.

It's just that our original student, Ma Yuan, is still very chic in the library of Chaohai University, humming a little song, looking at the book. The brutality and cruelty of that night were completely absent.

Originally according to Ma Yuan's expectations, the more than two hundred people here at least want to stay here at least, but this group of people is too timid to dare to rush forward and kill only the very few twenty. Just a few elites. Everyone else hides on the roof like a turtle and dare not come out.

In view of the principle of staying in the front line, Ma Yuan didn't feel embarrassed to start these people. And the bald man, Ma Yuan also had to admire him a little. The space that the crowd broke into was actually the small space created by Ma Yuan with the chakra eyes and reincarnation eyes.

This may be difficult for the former Ma Yuan, but for Ma Yuan who already has a world of brows, it is completely trivial.

The only thing that surprises Ma Yuan is that the bald man actually stayed up until dawn. Our great fellow student Ma Yuan no longer embarrassed him and sent him directly to a graveyard. Just don't care about him.

The bald man is called Sima Zhu, the eldest son and grandson of the Sima family. He was born with divine power and was recognized as a martial arts wizard from his birth. At the age of fifteen, he far surpassed those of his peers, and at the age of twenty-five, he practiced the Sima family's law to the extreme.

Man looks reckless and rash, but in fact it is medium and small. People who dare to play with him are basically gone. It is also the only one of the younger generation who is comparable to the S-class.

I didn't expect it to be so miserable. When I returned to the Sima family, the entire Sima family was shocked. You should know that Sima Zhu, who is comparable to the S-class strongman, will never be injured like this unless he is facing a national weapon.

"Are you saying that this school is really so scary? But how do people think it is bluff?" A charming woman wearing a cheongsam and wearing a cheongsam was sitting on the eaves and said charmingly. The woman's long hair shawl, melon seeds face, big eyes like a crescent moon smile.

But such a weak woman is playing with a woman's dead head. The woman seemed to have been terrified in her life, her eyes widened, and her facial features were distorted.

"Qiyue, you are playing with that dead man's head, believe it or not, I pinch you to death!" An urging voice came from beside the cheongsam woman.

If Sima Zhu more than two meters can be called a humanoid monster, then this person can be called a prehistoric beast. The figure of more than five meters is much higher than the eaves where the cheongsam woman is. It is more appropriate to say that he is a human than a monster. The whole person seems to be carved out of rock. There is no trace of people.

"Oh heh~ why is the little stone in our family angry? Come on, let your sister hurt you well and be good." The woman in Qipao named Qiyue doesn't seem to be afraid of the stone monsters around her, but instead teases her.

"Boom!" The stone monster next to him didn't speak. He punched Qiqi directly, and only heard a loud noise. The whole attic half collapsed. It seemed that he felt incomprehensible. The stone man stepped on it again. In the past, the entire two-story loft instantly became a ruin.

"Ah, little brother is angry again, come to the slave house to rub your shoulders for you." Qiyue, holding an oil-paper umbrella, flirting into the air, wondering when she covered her small mouth. I saw that the last word hadn't finished yet, and Qiyue disappeared. I saw Qiyue seemed to be like a dragonfly, and the foot was gently on the shoulder of the stone man. Then one floated and stopped in the air again.

The stone man seemed to be pushed into the soil by giant force, and the whole person was pressed into the soil.

"Ahhh!" The stone man seemed to be stimulated, and suddenly broke free from the ground. For a time, it seemed to be an earthquake, and the whole ground began to shake.

"You are enough." The voice was not loud, but it was very majestic, and I saw a foreigner covered with flames and naked upper body who did not know when to stand over the stone man.

"The boss said that the fourth will go to Chaohai University first, and you are all here to be on standby quietly. You know the boss's temper." After that, the guy covered in flames took off.

"Hum, you are lucky, Qiyue!" The huge stone man also left slowly.

"Fourthest? Huh, isn't it just that the old lady is rushing over you." Qiyue now lacked the charm just now, and said to herself like a grudge. After speaking, he floated away gently.

Since Ma Yuan's warning that night, almost all the people lurking at Chaohai University have been withdrawn. No one will care about their own lives. If Ma Yuan stood up, then these people would not be so scared, but Ma Yuan cleaned them up without even coming out, which made them more afraid. Know that the unknown is the most frightening.

But there are exceptions to everything. On the third day after this, there was another transfer student wearing glasses. Ma was afraid of Bai Jing recognizing himself, so he moved into other classes, and the class that the boy wearing glasses inserted was Ma Yuan’s class.

Boys don’t look very big, they are only about twenty-one or two. They are tall, and their skin is very white. The handsome and elegant boys always have a smile on their faces.

It was only the first time he was near the class that ordinary girls screamed. But he was still smiling, and he seemed to glance in the direction of Ma Yuan.

"Hello everyone, my name is Tu. I am an exchange student from the United States. Please give me some advice." It was a very simple introduction, but it received a crazy cry.

The picture just pushed the glasses with those slender fingers and walked toward the position beside Ma Yuan with a smile.

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