Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 34: School Grass Scandal

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Looking at the picture slowly walking towards himself, Ma Yuan showed a strange playfulness in his eyes. He could naturally see the smiling boy in front of him, possessing strength that was not weaker than death. Arguably the strongest human being he has seen so far.

But it is just not weaker than the strength of Death, which is still far from enough for Ma Yuan. You know, at the beginning, Rucker wasn't even dare to gasp beside him.

"Hello, my name is Tu. Please take care of me in the future." Tu lowered his schoolbag and extended his hand, still smiling toward Ma Yuan.

And Ma Yuan just looked at the guy in front of him strangely, without making a sound, and he didn't mean to extend his hand. The figure saw Ma Yuan ignored him, but only smiled, and took his hand very calmly. The eyes are very clean, there is no trace of hypocrisy or resentment. As if it should be so.

When Ma Yuan saw such an angry man, he immediately thought of L classmates who were far away from Japan Island. The temperament of the two people was more than similar, it was exactly the same. And Ma Yuan is too lazy to fight against such a guy. Ma Yuan, who has the strength, also has such a qualification.

Feeling boring, Ma Yuan had to pretend to be lying on the table and sleeping, and the soul entered the world of eyebrows. Even without the provision of resources and energy, the speed of falling off the barriers of the world of eyebrows is accelerating. This is the benefit of the perfect world. As long as the world is perfected to a certain degree, it will automatically perfect things that do not require you to worry too much.

And if it is a small world, you need to fill it with massive resources. It is impossible for a person to conceive into shape.

In the sea somewhere in the eyebrow world, the Wang brothers are still training them. In the gravity blessing of Ma Yuan, the two people endured a hundred times the gravity of the shuttle in the sea.

Although the time is not very long, the progress speed of the two is very fast. Wang Da’s stealth and Wang Xiao’s speed abilities actually extend, which is actually space and time abilities. At first, Ma Yuan valued them because of Both of them have potential in this regard.

Of course, if the character and morality of the two are not good enough, Ma Yuan will still not help them train.

After instructing them personally for a while, Ma Yuan went back directly. The moment the eyes were opened, the picture next to Faxian was staring at himself.

Ha ha, there is no scruples, Ma Yuan thought a little speechless. Also, both of them are aware of it, and pretending to be here is completely redundant.

But don’t be so brazen. Ma Yuan suddenly wanted to throw this guy directly into the sea.

"Are you cultivating?" The figure asks towards Ma Yuan with his head tilted slightly.

"Are you going to cover it up a little bit?" Ma Yuan said helplessly as he looked at each other's eyes without a trace of impurities.

"I don't think it's necessary," Tu said, smiling at Ma Yuan again with a signature smile.

Ma Yuan patted his forehead, did not speak at all, and got up and walked out. Seen Ma Yuan went out and followed him out.

Each school will have a dating site dedicated to couples. There is no shortage of such places in Chaohai University. And if two handsome and handsome men walk here, it is estimated that there will be countless girls who will feel helpless and regretful.

And now the girls who see Ma Yuan and Tu are undoubtedly the kind of helpless regret.

"Aren't you curious about who I am?" Tu asked, biting his finger.

",,,,,,,," Ma Yuan was just a black line on his forehead, and he didn't want to take the look of this guy at all.

"Why don't you talk? But I'm curious. Was it you who shot that night?" Seeing Ma Yuan not talking and ignoring him, Zhou Zui continued to ask.

"Also, if you are really the one who shot that day, then your strength should be above me. If you are up, I can't guess." The picture did not disappoint because of Ma Yuan's disregard, but instead I am very excited to list all these possible answers.

The two people, one after the other, the smiling picture and the cold Ma Yuan look like a pair. It may be that Ma Yuan finally found the strange look of the past forehead girl, Ma Yuan, who understood what he did, immediately glared at the picture, and then quickly fled the scene.

The figure stretched out his hand to say something, but found that his mouth could not be opened. But as if he found something interesting again, he bowed his head and began to think about it. There is no trace of panic and fear.

On the afternoon of the same day, there was a scandal involving the original new school grass and the first new school grass throughout Chaohai University. As long as everyone in the school saw Ma Yuan's classmates, they all showed a pitiful and strange look.

That is to say, Ma Yuan and Tu became the focal point of the whole school again.

"Hey, what a pity, you don't know, how shocked I was when I came back from the engineering class that day, that Ma Yuan wouldn't say that but that picture is also beautiful like a man. That smile is simply too charming! "

"Yaoyao, do you want to be so infatuated." Bai Jing looked at Tang Yaoyao who was lying on the bed and kept rolling, shaking his head and said a little speechless.

"Really, Xiao Jingjing, you didn't go to see it. If you go, you will be sure to open your eyes. Hey, it's a pity." Tang Yaoyao seemed to think of something and sighed.

"What a pity? What a pity?" Bai Jing asked curiously.

"Come here and let me tell you," Tang Yaoyao seemed to have found the object of gossip, and his eyes glowed toward Bai Jing.

The two gathered together and whispered something. Bai Jing seemed to have suddenly heard something terrible, pushing Tang Yaoyao away with a red face.

"What nonsense do you believe in this kind of thing?" Bai Jing's blushing whispered.

"I don't believe it, but someone saw them walking in the small park with their own eyes, and one of them smiled very sweetly, and the other had a stretched face that seemed very shy." Yaoyao said excitedly.

If Ma Yuan were to hear these words from Tang Yaoyao, he would not know how wonderful his facial expression would be.

"Well, that's not necessarily, maybe people are friends." Bai Jing retorted softly.

"Huh, ah, haha, then I'm going to take another look, maybe I can catch up with one." After hearing Bai Jing's words, Tang Yaoyao's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, and got up and ran out again.

Soon after Tang Yaoyao went out, a woman like a female teacher walked into the place where Bai Jing was.

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