Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 36: Inexplicable affection

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With a picture of his hair pale and pale, he hurried towards his apartment outside the school. He found that as long as he was involved in things related to Ma Yuan, he would become very unlucky. Last time he was banned from talking by Ma Yuan himself. Now Bai Jing was blown up and smoked all over again.

But the figure knows that if you don't even hold your strength, you may not be as simple as being blown up and smoked. For such a thing, the first thing he thought of was to warn the remaining ones, don't mess with Ma Yuan.

Bai Jing finds that there are always some strange people around him. This is after the market. Bai Jing has never forgotten what happened that day. Although reason tells herself that it is not true, it feels like telling her something that is also false from time to time.

Slightly distraught on the way to the schoolroom, today is the day to settle the wages of work-study programs. Bai Jing has already thought about it, he can use the money to rent a single room outside the school. Then find more out-of-school rent as rent.

"I'm sorry, this school affair is no longer. After a while, she will come and I will let her settle the bill with you." A fat female teacher in the schoolroom said to Bai Jing while eating an apple.

"Yes, but just now other students finished the settlement." Bai Jing was a little angry at this moment. The classmates who just passed by themselves are all settled, but you said you can't settle it? !

"Something is said, but it's not that you will not be settled. Wait until next week. Come now. There is no time," the teacher said with a light glance at Bai Jing.

"Why can anyone else why I can't?" Bai Jing shouted at the fat man out of control.

"Cut," the fat female teacher ignored Bai Jing and just sat there eating her own apple. Bai Jing bit his lip and finally didn't speak again. Turned around and left the schoolroom.

Some powerless Bai Jing was suddenly discouraged, and she suddenly realized that as long as she didn't agree to Dong Ran's request, she would work harder in school and struggle. Is there no way?

Don't say that she doesn't like Dong Ran at all. It's Dong Ran who didn't know how many girls slept and abandoned her previous conviction, so she would not get too close. She knew that she was just like Dong Ran's girl before.

"Yo, our college flowers are back." Li Li said, sitting back in the dormitory, taunting while sitting on the upper berth eating snacks. Bai Jing ignored her thoughts at this moment.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'ssssahs, what kind of difficulty did the adults encounter? We are all in a dormitory, as long as you say, how about I go to Dong Ran to help you right away?” Li Li will not let Bai Jing naturally, she Just to watch Bai Jing move towards Dong Ran to soften, to prove that the woman in front of him is not stronger than himself to go there.

Bai Jing was a little distracted. Li Li, who was too lazy to continue to chatter, walked out of the dormitory and squatted down to a place where there was no one in the small garden, holding her knees, like a little girl who was lost and helpless. Cry out.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m afraid of what others see or not. She tried hard not to cry, but just shivered. Such grief, she can only bear on her own. But she still insisted, even if she didn't know when she would insist. When can I stick to it?

"Don't cry, promise, give it." Ma Yuan didn't know when to squat beside Bai Jing. He took a tissue from his pants pocket and placed it in front of Bai Jing, poking her shoulder.

Bai Jing stopped shaking as soon as he heard someone talking, as if struck by lightning. Raised his head and slowly looked at Ma Yuan.

At the moment when he saw Ma Yuan's smiling face, Bai Jing finally couldn't help crying wow. Incidentally, Ma Yuan who kept one side. The smile on Ma Yuan's face suddenly froze. He, who hadn't coaxed the girl too much, was somewhat at a loss for this scene.

"Don't cry, cry, good boy." Helplessly, patting Bai Jing's twitching back, comforting softly.

After crying for a while, Bai Jing finally stopped crying, but without raising his head, he stood up and ran out. I don't know if it was because of shyness or because of his most embarrassed appearance that Ma Yuan saw it. Several times in a hurry, I almost fell.

Ma Yuan didn't stop it, just looked at the staggering Bai Jing that was a little funny. This is the stupid girl who rushed up to take the stab for herself.

Bai Jing didn't have time to wash his face when he returned to the dormitory. With a face full of tear stains and red like a red apple, he lay on his stomach and covered his head with a quilt. Li Li saw that she ran in and began to ridicule, but Bai Jing didn't listen to anything. All that is in her mind is the look and voice of Ma Yuan comforting her.

At this moment, Bai Jing feels that all his perseverance and grievances are worth it. From time to time because of Ma Yuan, but because of herself.

The next day Bai Jing met Ma Yuan again on the way to the cafeteria. Bai Jing wanted to run away, but Ma Yuan held his arm and handed a string to Bai Jing.

"Don't get me wrong, it's just that there is a vacant room, and it's empty. It's better to move in. If you rent, you will tidy up the room." Ma Yuan finished and left without waiting for Bai Jing to refuse.

If he held it, Bai Jing was a little trance, but he didn't say anything, just looked at Ma Yuan's back with an inexplicable glance in his eyes.

A small iron plate hung on the key, which is the size of the key, with an address engraved on it. When he entered Chaohai University from Ma Yuan, Bai Jing knew everything from Dong Ran’s coercion and Li Li’s ridicule, and Tang Yaoyao’s inconsolable comfort, and finally to Bai Jing’s insistence.

It's just that he didn't want to participate too much. When he came here, it was also a peep for Bai Jing's current wave-like power. Until Bai Jing wept there alone. He finally appeared. As for what kind of mood it is, only Ma Yuan himself can't handle it.

The house was prepared by Ma Yuan after he knew about Dong Ran. The house is the same decoration design as Ma Yuan in Qingshui Qingcheng. This is also where Ma Yuan lived when she was at Chaohai University. Basically the same layout, a four-bedroom design with a loft and three rooms.

Bai Jing didn't move directly, but carried his schoolbag and looked for it according to the address on the iron plate. Very close to the school, less than five minutes walk.

At the door of the community, Bai Jing was stopped by the security guard at the door. They didn't let Bai Jing in until Bai Jing took out the key in his hand. The third floor of the fifth building. At the moment of opening the door, Bai Jing froze in place.

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