Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 37: move

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When he opened the door, Bai Jing felt as if he had opened a random door to the primitive forest. The living room in front of me was a piece of grass, which was stepped on softly. On a big tree, an LCD TV was set, and the sofa was soft green plants. It was just like lying in cotton.

It looks like the area in the house is much larger than it looks outside. This is of course Ma Yuan's masterpiece. After realizing some space perceptions in the world of eyebrows, Ma Yuan experimented with this newly bought house. In the end, it turned out to be exactly what Ma Yuan thought. It became three times the size before. The ceiling above is more than twice as high.

This made Bai Jing feel as if he had entered the virgin forest as soon as he entered. You can imagine it is like an indoor basketball court with green soft grass on the ground.

The walls and the roof are all Fujiman with thick adult arms, and one or two huge trees are only exposed to the stem and a few branches stand in the house. The roof is a chandelier that is bigger than people. It looks like a shock.

"Are you here?" Ma Yuan walked out of the attic in a casual outfit. Looked at Bai Jing with a smile.

"Um, um, I'm just here to check it out." Bai Jing's voice was almost inaudible.

"Well, how about it, do you still like it? You can choose one of the four rooms downstairs. I live in the attic, and there is a bathroom upstairs, so it's basically fine. I won't go back." Ma Yuan explained to Bai Jing.

"Hmm," Bai Jing didn't know what to say, just a hmm.

"The rent of this house must be very expensive, and there are these," finally Bai Jing finally spoke.

"It's okay, I bought the house, there is no rent. As for these, I think you should still remember what happened in the market that day. Come back, no one here can treat you." Ma Yuan was very serious when it came to the last sentence.

"Well, I know." Bai Jing finally nodded.

After returning to the dormitory in the evening, Li Li saw that Bai Jing seemed to have lost her previous worries. She had some doubts in her heart. You must know that Dong Ran sent her to explore Bai Jing here. Seeing the critical moment of success, what happened? Can drop the chain.

"Bai Jing, what are you thinking about? Tomorrow is the last day. If you don't want to be good, you will have to move out. There is also the schoolroom. I heard that your salary has not been paired with you." Li Li asked tentatively.

"Oh, I know, thank you." Obviously Bai Jing was in a good mood, and didn't care what Li Li suggested. Just casually perfunctory.

"Oh, that's good," Li Li was a little puzzled, but it was not easy to ask any more.

"Why, Bai Jing, you found a house? Can I have time to play with you? Is it a shared rent? Is there a handsome guy, Xiao Jingjing, you must take me with me." Tang Yaoyao saw Bai Jing was so relaxed and happy, and he asked at random.

Tang Yaoyao also felt a little guilty about Bai Jing's affairs. At this moment, seeing Bai Jing relaxed, it was indeed a joy to Bai Jing.

It seemed that he realized Tang Yaoyao's thoughts, and Bai Jing smiled, "You, okay, if the landlord doesn't refuse, I will beat you." This sentence made Tang Yaoyao feel relieved.

Li Li, who was sitting in the upper bunk, was also determined, and Bai Jing found his place. It seems to report the situation to Dong Ran. Li Li thought.

The next day, Bai Jing first found Ma Yuan and told him about Tang Yaoyao. With Ma Yuan's permission, he took things and Tang Yaoyao to the community. There are not many things. In Ma Yuan, every room has newly purchased bedding, as long as you move in with your luggage.

It's just that on their way to the community, they didn't find a person behind them quietly following them.

Since I had been there once yesterday and the security guard at the door was not blocked, the two went straight upstairs. At the moment of opening the door, Tang Yaoyao was worse than yesterday's Bai Jing, and he was stunned.

"You, you squeeze me, is this true?" Tang Yaoyao was obviously not quite convinced, and everything in front of him was true.

"Okay, let's move things in first." Bai Jing slapped directly on Tang Yaoyao's butt, and then walked in regardless of her carrying luggage.

Tang Yaoyao, who had reacted, suddenly chased her luggage and chased towards Bai Jing. "Ahhh, how many times have I said it, I'm not allowed to beat my ass!"

Tang Yaoyao, who was shouting, came to Bai Jing's room, and was suddenly stunned there again. The big princess bed, when lying down, the whole person would fall into the general state. There is also a bright balcony. Push the glass door to the balcony. At the foot is the green grass like the living room, which makes people feel very comfortable standing on it. Outside the balcony is the golf course of the community.

The vast scenery and the sky with white clouds make people want to float up. The beauty is not good.

"Wow, Bai Jing, how did you find it? It's okay. Let me stay with you, OK." Tang Yaoyao, stunned, no matter what his luggage was, ran directly to the balcony, pressing the fence of the balcony, deeply Take a deep breath.

"Okay, this is someone else's house. Let me live in. It's already good. Don't think about it. Come over and help me pack things." Bai Jing just didn't want to cause any trouble to Ma Yuan, refused to .

"Huh, you are too dull." Tang Yaoyao, who said wronged, still started to help Bai Jing pack things up. Bai Jing didn't have many things, but just moved all in one trip. In the afternoon, neither of them had class, but they had a lot of time to rationalize the room.

"Are you sure you read it right?" asked Dong Ran, who was sitting in the teacher's office, frowning and looking at the man in front of him.

"One hundred percent sure, I saw Bai Jing and Tang Yaoyao carrying their luggage directly into the gate of Tang An Mansion," the man said very surely. Obviously this man was the one who followed Bai Jing and others all the way.

"Tang Anfu, hehe, not everyone can move in. I want to see who is fighting for women with me!" Speaking here, Dong Ran was even more terrible.

Tang Anfu is also the community where Bai Jing moved into, where the residents are basically the most important government officials and business crocodiles in Chaohai. Ordinary local tyrants are rich, and if it doesn't matter, they don't want to live there.

At the beginning, Ma Yuan also saw the scenery inside, which was pretty good, so I chose this place. You should know that there are many classes in Tang An Mansion.

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