Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 46: Golden seed

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Ma Yuan let go of the soul and continued to search. The unfolding spirit was very powerful. After a while, Ma Yuan had already exchanged all the spirits with obvious light in the surroundings. These spirits are placed in the space, except for two very brightly colored stones that turned into stars like the purple spirits before.

Others are all turned into sacred energy and used to advance the improvement of the world. Ma Yuan exchanged with pleasure, but someone was already staring at him.

"Qi Shao, this is the guy." In the distance, a little old man with a mustache and a small star stared at Ma Yuan.

"Oh, if you call him, you will say that Master Ben had a deal to discuss with him." And the one named Qi Shao sat in a gazebo and drank without looking at it while drinking tea.

"Okay, Qi Shao, please wait a moment. I'll call the kid over here." The little old man, bent over and fart, ran to Ma Yuan's side.

For the conversation between Qi Shao and the old man, Ma Yuan's spirit has long been exposed. But Shuang Mayuan, who was exchanging, was in a mood to clean up such a short-eyed guy, but just waved his hand. Will ignore it.

The stall owner who was communicating with Ma Yuan saw Ma Yuan's inexplicable wave, and thought, staring at Ma Yuan.

"What's wrong? Feel less? But there's no more, don't count." Ma Yuan saw that the stall owner was stunned, and then he bargained.

"A lot, a lot, a lot." Just kidding, this unsuitable spirit is a bad-looking stone at home, and I still have to worry that someone will **** it. It's a pity to throw it away, at this moment someone came to exchange the ready-to-use spirit essence, and the fool didn't change it. The man said quickly.

"That's it, give it." Ma Yuan threw the glass bottle over. The man took the bottle nervously and quickly hid it. There is an advantage to exchange here, as long as people who have exchanged their useful things will basically go back and hurry up and refine. Even if he thinks that Ma has good things, he can only think of him as a guy with many pieces of good luck.

It does not expose the existence of the spirit, so that at least Ma Yuan can exchange the spirit at the lowest price, and there is no need to use the world origin of chopsticks.

At this moment, the wretched little old man standing behind Ma Yuan stood at this moment with a hand outstretched standing at a distance of less than ten meters from Ma Yuan. The next move can't move. Qi Shao, who was sitting in the gazebo, also maintained the appearance of drinking tea, which looked like a sculpture.

At this moment, Ma Yuan just wanted to have a good and happy Soro. For these guys who do not know what to do, wait until he has finished collecting and then dispose of it. Of course, it depends on whether they are really so ignorant.

Ma Yuan secretly threw the spirit essence he just got into the space, and then continued to run towards the next place he had chosen.

This thing, like a seed, is the only thing in Ma Yuan's scene that is unclear. It is completely different from other things. All other spirits are like a luminous body, with a hazy glow around them, like a light bulb. Very dazzling.

But it is completely different, it is more convergent, and all the rays are converging to a little bit, although not how shining. But it is more refined than other spirits. It's like a piece of gold placed in a stone.

"I don't know if this stone was exchanged." Ma Yuan cooked and asked.

"Oh, it depends on what you have." The man looked like he was lacking in interest. Obviously, many people had come over, but he didn't touch him.

"You see how this is." As usual, Ma Yuan asked out a bottle of a few strands of hair as a source of world origin.

"This is okay, isn't it a little bit. If it's a bit thick, it can be considered." The man's eyes exuded a different kind of brilliance, but his mouth was not as fast as the previous ones promised.

"Oh~ Okay, since friends don't like it, then forget it." Ma Yuan was about to leave. Playing the routine with him is still a bit tender.

"Well, wait, I think you really want to change, just call a friend and give it to you!" Although the man couldn't bear to grind his teeth, his eyes never left Ma Yuan holding it World origin of that bottle.

And just when Ma Yuan had given the bottle to the man and reached for the piece of gold-like spirit, he suddenly stretched out his hand and tried to **** it away.

Ma Yuan frowned. It seemed that this was the rhythm of grabbing things with him. Although the hand seemed to be holding the stone in his hand soon, he was suddenly unable to move when he was about to touch the stone.

Ma Yuan slowly picked up the stone and turned to leave.

"Stop!" The guy who wanted to **** Ma Yuanshizi shouted angrily towards Mayuan after recovering.

"Oh? Are you okay?" Ma Yuan swept coldly.

"You, the stone in your hand, I will exchange it with you for the spirit!" The person who wanted to **** the stone turned out to be a woman, wearing a beautiful black skirt and long black hair, which can be said to be a Both temperament and appearance are superior women. At this time, Ma Yuan was obviously scared, but still said unwillingly.

"Oh, I'm sorry I won't change." Ma Yuan was too lazy to take care of him, and he would leave when he turned around.

"You, you stop!" The girl in black dress was obviously irritated by Ma Yuan's disregard. To know that she arrived since childhood, I don’t know how many boys pursued her. Even the elders in the family and the seniors in the circle regarded her as a treasure in the palm. Suddenly shouted with a flushed face. Obviously, Ma Yuanqi is not light.

"Are you still in trouble!" Ma Yuan was impatient.

"You, you wait for me." It can't be said that you have to change it for me, the girl suddenly has nothing to say. Then he threatened angrily.

"Oh." Ma Yuan turned around and walked towards another goal, not afraid or trying to talk to her.

"You, you!" The girl was suddenly speechless. When did she ever be ignored? You know, she always ignores others. Just now that she saw that this stone made her eyebrows feel a little hot, she knew she had encountered a spiritual material suitable for her.

Seeing that Ma Yuan was about to exchange, I was anxious immediately, so I immediately wanted to get it first, and then exchanged for the spirit. But she had never been rejected by anyone, but she didn't think that she didn't know how she was about to get the stone and her hand suddenly froze. Then the guy in front of her didn't give her face at all, even blocking her rejection.

Suddenly let her burst. But there was nothing but help.

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