Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 47: Blatant snatch

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There is nothing wrong with being spoiled, but it’s your fault that you are spoiled and you have to come out and be ashamed. No one is born with an obligation to get used to you. Some people are willing to get used to you, that is just your luck, not your unreasonable capital.

Obviously the girl did not realize this. Arrogant and arrogant, the attitude of no one is not worse than Chen Yuanyuan. The only better thing is to know that the sky is thick and thick, and he didn't shoot directly at Ma Yuan.

Otherwise, Ma Yuan must let her know why the flowers are so red. No one needs to be reasonable if he has said beauty. Here in Mayuan, it's just a slap.

Ma Yuan threw the stone into the eyebrow world while walking. And just after Ma Yuan threw the stones into the world of brows and hearts, I saw a few more people ahead, headed by a young man who looked very handsome. The girl in the black dress behind her shouted suddenly after seeing several people.

"Stop her, brother! He grabs my stuff!" When there is no one else, you might still worry about something, but when someone comes, then you don't have to be afraid of anything.

"This brother, please wait." The man headed was not aggressive, and he smiled and reached out to stop Ma Yuan.

"Senior brother, it's this guy, grab my soul!" The girl ran over and took the man's arm coquettishly. It seems very wronged.

Ma Yuan didn't speak, just looked at it all coldly. Originally, he was able to take out the spirit and exchange it, which made him a little uncomfortable. If these guys are looking for something, they don’t mind being robbers again.

"This brother, I don't know. Is my teacher's story true?" The man asked politely. However, the few people who followed him faintly surrounded Ma Yuan. There is a meaning of pulling a sword if there is a disagreement.

"Oh, does she have any evidence?" Although Ma Yuan behaved very uncomfortably, but wished they could force themselves. This is not my fault.

"Oh, I believe my sister and sister are not unreasonable, so it is better to ask you to return my sister and sister." This person who is called a brother by a black dress girl obviously did not expect that when there are many people in his own, This guy dared to be so hard.

"Oh, then you just want to grab something." Ma Yuan still didn't give him the slightest face. Debunked directly.

You should know that in the exchange meeting, the most taboo is to **** the spirit. The original meeting was to let everyone have a place where safety can be guaranteed, and take out the spirit to communicate with peace of mind. If everyone robbed by their own power, who would dare to come over in the future, who would dare to take out the spirit to exchange.

So in the exchange meeting, snatching these two words is very sensitive. It can be said that as long as there are people with such intentions, no matter how powerful your power is, how powerful you are, they will be hostilely resisted by everyone in the venue!

Unless you think you can compete against the whole meeting with one person or one force, don't **** so blatantly. Of course, by virtue of your power, you are threatening to threaten some guys with little power and no background, and generally everyone is unwilling to say so. But even in this case, it must never be so blatant.

When Ma Yuan said the word **** again, he intentionally said his voice very loudly. For a time, people around looked at Ma Yuan's position. For a time, whether it was a girl in a black dress or a girl's teacher, his face was very ugly.

Although the two men hated Ma Yuan for not knowing what to do, they still dared not take any action!

Seeing the look of the two, and then looking at the people around him, Ma Yuan suddenly said badly. It is obvious that the brother and sister have retreated. You have retreated. How good and why I rob you are not.

Ma Yuan deliberately put a few bottles of thick chopsticks under the original coat, and then seemed to be careless, stretched out his arms, and suddenly those bottles of chopsticks with thick world sources were exposed to the eyes of the two brothers and sisters.

The man's eyes suddenly turned red. And the girl in black dress was stunned. What is this? Is it my illusion? How can there be such a feeling! The two glanced at each other. It seems that the decision was made. A few winks at the people around Ma Yuan.

"We suspect that you have stolen the spirit of my sister and sister, so I would like to trouble you to come with us." He said that he was approaching a few steps with the people around him.

"You, what are you doing, so many of you, how could I possibly steal your spirits. It's clear that I want to get my spirits. You gangsters!" Ma Yuan simply acted in a complete set. Shouted loudly.

The people around suddenly seemed to know what was happening, and the look in the black skirt girl and others suddenly filled with vigilance and hostility. Several people even jumped out. Laughing sarcastically, there is no shortage of robbers.

For as long as the two people's eyes are as ugly as they can be. But there is still no intention to let go of Ma Yuan. And Ma Yuan is also very cooperative with them.

"Hey, don't do it, I can't go yet. Hey," Ma Yuan looked very sad. Following the two were surrounded by several people and walked towards a gazebo.

This pavilion is completely like a conference hall. It is very large and surrounded by screens, so that people can't see the scene inside.

"Master, it is this guy who robbed the spirit of the sister." The handsome man, after taking Ma Yuan in, said to an old man with a white beard sitting in the middle.

"Zhi'er, what is your brother saying is true?" Obviously, what kind of virtue he has for his apprentice, he knows what he knows, but he loves this little apprentice very much. So always deliberately help. It was this partiality that made the girl in black dress more and more arrogant.

"Yes, this is the guy, taking advantage of the disciple's carelessness, and walked away from the apprentice's soul!" It seemed that there was no fear. Lifting his high head, he said straightforwardly.

"Oh, I don't know if my apprentice was wrong." The old man with a white beard, casually glanced at Ma Yuan and asked lightly.

"Then I said, don't you believe it?" Ma Yuan had long seen the greasiness. What kind of apprentice there really is, like a master.

"Huh, that's not quick to give back the spirit of my apprentice!" The old man changed his face quickly, and in a blink of an eye he changed his face, said coldly.

"Then I don't know. What did I steal from your apprentice?" Ma Yuan also narrowed his eyes. There are really shameless old things in this world.

"A piece of stone spirit, and there are also five bottles of Eel spirit." The girl said with a sneer, looking at Ma Yuan.

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