Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 48: The gap between people should not be too big

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At this moment, the girl in the black skirt suddenly felt very relieved. Are you ignoring me, are you too lazy to take care of me, and dare to openly refuse my request. You have the ability to pull another one!

"Are you sure it's five bottles?" Ma Yuan ignored the girl's eyes, but instead opened his clothes to reveal the ten bottles of spirits on his body and asked again. The look in his eyes is full of fun.

"Here," the old man with a white beard froze at the spirit of Ma Yuan. The handsome man on the side looked at Ma Yuan like a fool.

"No, no, it's ten bottles of spirits that I remembered incorrectly." The girl in the black dress changed his mouth without hesitation after biting his teeth.

"Oh, are you sure that it is ten bottles?" Ma Yuan took out ten bottles of spirit essence again, and a total of twenty bottles of chopsticks were exposed to the world.

At this time, the girl was stupid and knew Ma Yuan was really mocking her. I don’t even know how many spiritual people I have, so I’m so sorry to say here to let others return it. A girl in a black dress who was ashamed for a while just wanted to stab the abominable person in front of him with a sword.

And that fellow brother, with a fierce light on his face, is always ready to do things at any time, and wants to kill people and win treasures!

"Cough, it seems that Zhi'er was wrong, this little brother, I'm sorry," the old man with a white beard said with twinkling eyes.

"Master!" the black skirt girl and the handsome man shouted at the same time. Obviously very puzzled why such a large piece of fat had to be loosened when it reached its mouth.

"Shut up!" the old man shouted as if angry. Suddenly the two dared not speak.

"Oh, is it really wrong? But I seem to see your apprentice taking my spirit." Ma Yuan sneered.

The old man with white beard suddenly twitched his eyes. Who is robbing this? But the more this is, the more the old man is a little uncertain whether Ma was threatened or bluffed.

"Cough, then I don't know. What kind of spirit did my apprentice take away?" The old man coughed a few times and asked awkwardly.

"Oh, then it depends on what is on her. By the way, this brother seems to have taken my things carelessly." Ma Yuan buckled his ears and said very easily.

"You fart!" the handsome man suddenly couldn't stand it and shouted loudly.

"Humph!" Ma Yuan looked directly at him coldly. When the man hadn't touched Da Mayuan's eyes, he was slammed and flew out as if it were a rag bag.

For a time, the whole pavilion seemed a bit cold. The old man with a white beard winked. Cold sweat is about to come out, and it really is the same as I thought. I dare to show the spirit of the body with such fearlessness. If it is not a fool, then there must be fearlessness. I thought that I glared fiercely here and I was dumbfounded by some unbelievable girl in black dress.

"Oh, this little brother, don't be angry. My disciple is also speechless for a while. My two unscrupulous inferiors took the little brother's stuff, and I let them return it to you." Barely With two laughs, the old man with a white beard glared fiercely at the two apprentices, beckoning to take the spirit out!

The handsome man lying on the ground, with a bit of hatred in his eyes, apparently hated Ma Yuan. But even so, I still honestly handed over the essence of my body, and the black skirt girl also trembled to Ma Yuan. Apparently frightened by Ma Yuan's ferocity.

"I don't know, is the little brother satisfied?" The old man with white beard asked with a reluctant smile.

"Well," Ma Yuan just snapped, glanced coldly at the three, and turned away. If you are not looking at the old man to know the current affairs, all three people will have been killed. There will be time to chat with them here.

"Hey, you two, remember not to provoke him anymore. Especially you, don't think of revenge!" After glaring at the handsome man. Obviously know that his apprentice is the most vengeful. Remind him here.

"It's a master." Although the man promised verbally, the hatred in his eyes betrayed him. Stealing his spirit and making him ugly in front of the sister and sister, how could he swallow this breath so easily!

"Hey, it's my fault. Originally, our ancestors were only three of us, mentors and apprentices. So I love you a lot and have reached a point of arrogance. Zhi'er, I will take your temperament in the future. And you, Zong Xuan, I know you can't let this breath down, but it was originally the result of our greed for the spirit of others. Forget it, you go down and think about it yourself.

At the end, the old man with a white beard looked as if he was a little old. It is not easy to practise spiritual practice. They are only competing in this bitter red dust. Not everyone in this world is like Ma Yuan. The endless array of methods and massive resources allow him to grow and cultivate.

Most of the world is struggling with the word resource. Just like a mortal struggling for money rights is generally justified.

Ma Yuan shook his head. If it wasn't for the old man to be vigilant, he must find an excuse to wipe the three of them clean. Where would they let them go so easily.

He also saw the hatred in the eyes of the guy named Zong Xuan. He didn't want more people to come to him, but he was worried that there was no reason to shoot and collect more resources.

And when he walked towards another booth that had been secretly set long ago, he found that someone was already exchanging at the booth. Ma Yuan knew the rules here. Generally, when someone consults the transaction, others can’t disturb, they can only wait in front. After the consultation, or after the transaction, deliberately stepped forward to exchange.

"Senior?" As Ma Yuan left, the person who was trading seemed to recognize Ma Yuan. Shouted.

Ma Yuan looked back, it turned out to be the guy Sima Zhu. Since this guy recognized Ma Yuan at the ball, he respected him very much.

"It's you." Ma Yuan looked at this only interesting guy who escaped from his own space.

"Oh, um, did seniors see this spirit? Is it used by seniors? I just changed it because it looked good." Sima Zhu held the spirit in his hand and would hand it over to the horse. original.

Look, look. This is consciousness. How did the three mentors and apprentices compare with others just now, thinking consciousness is not at the same level.

"Well," Ma Yuan snapped and took it directly. The expression on Sima Zhu's face did not change at all, as if he didn't care.

"Aren't you distressed?" Ma Yuan asked with interest watching Sima Zhu.

"Hey, how come, it's an honor to give to the seniors" Sima Zhu still smiled innocently.

"Well, am I the kind of person who casually takes other people's things." Then he threw out a bottle of thick chopsticks and threw it to the smirking Sima Zhu.

"Senior Xie!" A flash of light flashed in Sima Zhu's eyes.

Ma Yuan suddenly understood that he was being fooled by this kid, but he was not angry, but was rather angry.

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