Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 49: Giant tree

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This is the gap between people. Smart people will always follow the trend, and the big gains will be made in the end regardless of the gains and losses in front of them, and some people will have to work against them, which can only be abandoned by this world.

"Enough?" Ma Yuan asked, looking at the ecstatic Sima Zhu.

"Enough is enough, but if there are too many seniors, the juniors will naturally not be dismissed." Sima Zhu didn't seem to have responded yet, he lowered his head and played with the glass bottle, and replied casually.

"No, it's not," the smile on his face froze just after he finished speaking. Raising his head, he looked sadly at Ma Yuan to explain, but he didn't know what to say.

"Huh, you give it away, but next time you play smart and watch out for me to clean up you." Ma Yuan scolded angry.

"Hey, don't dare, don't dare." Sima Zhu saw Ma Yuan was not really angry, and quickly promised.

"Well, go, if there are spirits, get me here and I will change it for you." After that, I stopped looking at Sima Zhu and turned away.

"Yes, senior." Sima Zhu heard this, and he was even more happy.

Ma Yuan didn't have any idea, but it seemed that Sima Zhu looked sturdy, but in fact he was shrewd. If anyone takes him down for a loss, he will eventually be himself. Plus this guy was the only one who survived that night. Suddenly let Ma have some ideas to cultivate and cultivate him. Who made this guy know how to advance and retreat, and know how to please people.

Ma Yuan didn't go to the stalls anymore, the rest are basically the essence of the repetitive attributes, and the light is too small to be small. Ma Yuan directly found a remote place to sit on the ground within the ban.

When the stone was put into the eyebrow world before, Ma Yuan did not immediately let the power of the world touch it, because in these days Ma Yuan found that if he could watch it while the world power decomposed these spirits, then yes It is good for you to realize the power of the world.

If you encounter a purple stone like the previous one, you may be able to appreciate the higher world rules in the world if you are lucky. When Ma Yuan fully realizes the rules of the world, he can reach the realm of speaking with the law.

At the instant of release, I saw that the stone flew directly into the underground of the eyebrow world. Under the observation of Ma Yuan, this stone drilled directly to the depth of nearly five kilometers underground, and then stopped.

The stone shell on the surface of the stone instantly shattered into a powder, exposing a bit of green inside like a substance, and it looked alive. People can't wait to swallow. Even Ma Yuan standing in the air can smell a very fresh fragrance through thousands of layers. If it is not useful for the world of eyebrows, Ma Yuan wonders if he will directly eat it.

This green dot is different from other spirits. After the stone shell was broken, the greenness began to overflow slowly, and the original dark brown land became green under its rendering. For a time, the positive ground was like a field after the spring rain, and there were continuous buds drilling out of the ground.

With which point of green as the center, the buds and existing trees on the ground of tens of thousands of square meters began to skyrocket. The most boastful is that directly above that point of green, a bud grows directly into a giant tree, and then in the square circle Tens of thousands of miles of green vegetation is constantly growing larger and higher. Straight into the sky. Turned into a giant tree.

Of course, this is also the birth of the world's origin in Ma Yuan's world. When the world was first established, all things were growing at an extraordinary speed. The first is that the origin of the world and the second is the beginning of the world. The aura in the air can almost be compared with the aura in the spirit.

The place where the giant tree is located is a green forest that grows in just a moment. With the giant wood as the center, tens of thousands of kilometers around are all green. It looks spectacular.

Magnificent and magnificent, Ma Yuan standing under the tree only felt like a little ant. Standing up to this growing tree, looking at the whole world, a mountain and river sunset appeared in Ma Yuan's eyes. Ma Yuan couldn't help but roar loudly.

What followed was the harmony of various birds and beasts. The whole world was full of vitality at one time.

When Ma Yuan got up from the tree, he suddenly found that the huge tree had a flower bud, and thousands of them were all struggling to bloom.

However, he hasn't grown up yet, and can only shake with the wind.

Under the shelter of giant trees, the surrounding forests are also constantly forming strange, the whole process is very complicated, long, Ma Yuan did not continue to stay here, just got up and left.

Opening the closed eyes, I saw a flash of greenery passing through Ma Yuan's eyes.

"I thought I had to wait until dawn." The picture on the side leaned against a big tree, holding a lollipop in his mouth, and saw Ma Yuan woke up, very boring.

"Uh, when did you arrive?" All the spirits before Ma Yuan entered the eyebrow space, and did not notice the arrival of the picture.

"When you make such a big move." The figure pointed at one hand, beckoning Ma Yuan to see for himself.

Ma Yuan only saw this, I don't know when, his side was already covered with giant trees that the two hugged a little, and the bare hillside had become green at this moment. Whether it is as small as a grass or as a tree, it has become extraordinarily green.

It turned out that when Ma Yuan Shen Soul entered the world of eyebrows, it was probably because Ma Yuan absorbed the stone, and because of the leakage of energy, the entire ban was turned into a green sea. The ban is not affected at all.

But only the figure noticed Ma Yuan hidden in the corner. I hadn't suspected Ma Yuan yet. But when he woke up and opened his eyes, the green color in his eyes was seen by the sharp picture.

That's why it is said.

"Oh, you said that I was me." Ma Yuan played the rogue directly and refused to admit it.

",," Ma Yuan didn't admit that Tu really couldn't do anything. He said that it was just the whole rogue, playing, not even the opponent's opponent in front of him. Can't talk.

"I'm going out, how about you, are you together." Ma Yuan asked, not talking about the subject.

"Well, it's almost the same, let's go together." The figure said directly without hypocrisy. The purpose of this picture is actually to get a zero-attribute spirit. Now that I have it, there is naturally no reason to stay.

The two flew directly to the banned exit and tried to open the banned door to leave, but they found it was useless. It seems that the ban has lost its effect.

At this very moment, Ma Yuan ushered in the first batch of dead men.

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