Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 54: Selfish

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Ma Yun didn't care about anything outside. He wouldn't come out before sending someone with real power to the top of China. Compared with what I have done in these days, I believe it is enough for Hua Guo to weigh his weight and not to ignore him too much.

Chen Yao, who was left outside, not only reported the situation here with his boss, but also made a lot of bad things about Ma Yuan. Yeah, if Chen Yao just thinks he is very high, he won't make everyone hate it. More is his jealousy and careful eyewitnesses.

Coincidentally, in addition to contacting his head supervisor, Chen Yao also contacted his master. His master is also an old senior in the State Security Bureau of Hua Guo, and also because of his family relationship, Chen Yao put the old man as a teacher.

It is also because following this master from childhood, so regardless of the size of the matter, Chen Yao likes to go to his master to make a complaint. This is the master's over-indulgence, giving him such an annoying personality today.

Sure enough, under Chen Yao's series of complaints, this master, who is also a senior in China, was furious, saying that no matter who he was, he dared to bully his baby apprentice, so he couldn't walk around. .

Hearing his master's words, Chen Yao's eyes suddenly crossed a trace of joy and revenge. Huh, dare to despise yourself like this, no second person can be found in the whole country! How can he easily let him go!

But he didn't know that he did this, and it had no other effect than to make his end more miserable.

Ma Yuan ignored everything outside the space, staying at ease in the giant wood and realizing the laws in the world of brows and hearts. The white scene sleeping in the room still did not wake up.

The five people outside did not dare to leave, sitting directly on the floor, waiting for the people sent above to support themselves. Up to now, the five of them thought that the senior executives would definitely send masters to pick up guys like Ma Yuan. However, he did not know that in the high-level, he had long decided to appease Ma Yuan, not to cause conflicts with him.

I am willing to be without him. This is the first master in China. Qing Yan entrusted him immediately after returning from the Lingxi Exchange Meeting. Qing Yan's original saying was that he would rather fight the United States than enemies Ma Yuan. From this, Qing Yan's evaluation of Ma Yuan is very high.

Of course, in China, people who can see the situation like Qing Yan only occupy a small half. The other half advocated the fight against Ma Yuan's momentum. How could the great powers succumb to personal prestige.

This includes the master of Chen Yao.

Finally, almost in the evening, the people sent by the National Security Bureau rushed over. Three old men came, one of them was Chen Yao's master, and the other two were also seniors of similar age.

"Master!" Seeing the three people coming, Chen Yao went directly to his master. From this point alone, it can be seen how Chen Yao ignored the overall situation. Disgusting. Although the remaining two old men were a bit unhappy, they did not show it.

"The three seniors have worked hard." Compared with Chen Yao, the remaining four are very polite.

"Well, you guys have worked hard too." The three also reassured.

"What about Ma Yuan's children?" Chen Yao's master asked directly.

"Uh, back to seniors, he has already returned to that strange tree, and he hasn't come out yet." The remaining four answered truthfully.

"Huh! I don't know the junior, I should press him back to the headquarters as I said, and then deal with it, that is, the old guy of Qing Yan is timid." This master of Chen Yao seems to be quite big. Yes, even people like Qing Yan are casually mentioned.

The other two old people are a little unhappy, don't you just feel a little bit older in terms of strength, don't know the strength to go there with others, really what kind of apprentice there is like a master.

"Master, you sit down first, and I will call out the arrogant." Obviously now there is a backer behind him, and Chen Yao immediately forgets that Ma Yuan just broke his magical power. Please take the initiative.

"I think it's still us two who have called Ma Yuanxiao to friendship." The other two originally belonged to the Qingyan faction, and they didn't want to have a bad relationship with Ma Yuan, so they said.

However, Chen Yao managed these things, and even the two who ignored the words directly got up and ran to the side of the giant tree, exerting their abilities to force Ma Yuan out.

Suddenly, the two old men were unhappy. Fortunately, we are also the same person as your master. You have no one in your eyes. Before, you have only heard of these wonderful masters and disciples. Suddenly looking at Chen Yao's eyes was also extremely disgusting.

"Oh, I'm a little bit anxious now, don't blame the two." The master of Chen Yao also saw that they were unhappy and explained, but there was no slight apology.

"It doesn't matter, this is true of young people." The two also said casually with no expression.

Looking at Chen Yao again, with the master sitting in his seat, he was naturally full of energy. He took a deep breath and recruited a stone giant from the ground and walked towards the giant tree. This is to revenge.

However, he obviously overestimated his ability. The giant tree was still just a random vine, and the stone giant was torn apart.

Although Chen Yao was a little unwilling, there was no other way. It was originally planned to tear down the giant tree to force the horse to appear, but at this time it seemed that his behavior was unintentionally like a clown, and people didn't even look at it.

"Ma Yuan didn't come out quickly. My senior in China has something to see you!" Some blushing Chen Yao gritted his teeth and shouted towards the giant tree.

Ma Yuan naturally heard the movement outside. If they didn't do it, they first asked him to go out, and he would naturally go out, but at this time, he would first speak and then say when he was who Ma Yuan was. Just sit down and ignore the movement outside.

"Master, my predecessors, this Ma Yuan is also very ignorant, I think it is more appropriate to shoot him directly and then say other things." Just now everyone saw his movements. If you don’t do it first, people can ignore you. Well, now we are required to take action to capture others, and your private vengeance should not be too obvious.

"It's wrong, it's better that I come and shout again." The other two old men frowned and said.

"What else to shout, this junior can't see the coffin without tears, and looks at me." After talking about Chen Yao's master, he got up and flew out. The remaining two wanted to block, but didn't stop.

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