Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 55: Self-improvement

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"Children Ma Yuan, come out to see me quickly!" Chen Yao's master, Han Li, was in the air and shouted loudly. In his view, what only hacks the mountain with hands is nothing but those who have no knowledge to erroneously erroneously spoof. Such a powerful person will not necessarily have one or two in the world, how can it be a child with a yellow mouth.

Ma Yuan will naturally not respond to his shouting. In Ma Yuan's view, the three masters of Chen Yao are nothing but a few larger ants. If his attitude is better, he may give Hua Guo a face out.

But now, it is already magnanimous not to leave all three people here as fertilizer. As for the master Chen Yao who was shouting at the door, it was natural to slap and fly.

Seeing that there was still no response in the strange tree, Master Chen Yao's extremely good-looking face instantly looked ugly. When you wave your hand, you can see the sky is dusty, the scene is not grand. Just a moment saw a lot of rock and mud, gathered together to form five rock giants that were several times larger than Chen Yao.

Two of them took a stone axe formed by a stone in one hand, and one took a large knife formed by a boulder, and cut it toward a strange tree that didn't look very tall.

The five giants looked tens of meters high, standing underneath them, like five small ten-story buildings, very tall. But before the five giants approached, the whole ground began to shake, as if something under the ground wanted to rise.

The five giants suddenly turned upside down, but there was no damage. The people of the National Security Bureau also quickly retreated, fearing that they would be implicated in this unexplained shock.

The crowd was shocked before they even backed off much. I saw that the roots of Fujiman were rising from the ground, and the thinnest among them were two giants condensed by Master Chen Yao.

Just in a blink of an eye, a strange tree that was only a dozen meters high turned into a giant tree thousands of meters in height. Although it is far less than the giant tree in Ma Yuan’s eyebrows, I don’t know how many million meters high, but it is enough to shock all here. Human teeth.

At this time, the five stone men were like rats standing under the tree. The tree stood still, but letting them cut down would have no effect at all.

Chen Yao, who saw this scene, was also shocked. Originally thinking to force the boy out, and then take away the uniform, but who knew he hadn't even knocked on the door.

Some unwilling eyes suddenly turned hard, first he made the same determination, sitting on the spot or condensing strength. And the other two old men recovered from the shock at this time, and they saw Master Chen Yao sitting on the floor, as if he understood what he was going to do, his face changed so much that he could not shout!

But obviously it was too late. There was a shock in the earth. At this time, a stone giant slightly smaller than the larger giant wood stood on the ground. The giant axe in his hand would be cut towards the strange tree.

Obviously, the strange tree is not a vegetarian. The vines flying all over the sky, the giant who directly smoked is covered with cracks, and finally, the giant stopped and the strange tree five hundred your distance was pumped into a pile of stones.

The distance of 500 meters is far, but in the eyes of these two behemoths it is only a step away.

Master Chen Yao suddenly burst into anger and spit out blood. Sitting directly on the ground to meditate to recover. Chen Yao was pale, and all his reliance came from his strong master. Now, when people don’t come out, he vomits blood from his master. This is the gap. He is arrogant, at least not Silly.

The other two old men looked at each other, but did not expect that things would develop to such a degree. After looking at Master Chen Yao sitting on the ground, he only sighed that the original Ma Yuan did not have a killer.

But what he didn't know was that Ma Yuan didn't look at the things outside. At this time, he was experiencing the rules in the eyebrow world. All of this is just the act of blaming Shutengman himself.

If Chen Yao and others knew it, I wouldn't know if he would vomit blood again, and he worked hard for a long time without even attracting the attention of others.

This is how much face to face actinium. At this moment, the two elders knew that Ma Yuan would definitely not come back and had to send a message to the headquarters to let the headquarters decide.

This scene is very similar to the beginning. Isn't Chen Yao like this? He was forced to help but ask the headquarters for help.

While secretly paying attention to the gates of other powers here, when I saw this scene, I couldn't help but licked my mouth. It is worthy of being a cow with a hand on the mountain. The three masters of the family didn't even see the face of others. The gap between this person and the person is so big. When can I get to this step, then it is death without regret.

But finally, shortly after the summons, fifteen people flew straight into the sky, among which the leader was awe-inspiring.

Qing Yan can be said to be a legend of China. He single-handedly ran out of the only pursuit of the United States and other twelve countries without any harm. At that time, it was also a shocked world. Know that Qing Yan at that time was only 20 Many years old,

And one person has singled out six of them, including their mysterious boss. It can be said that if there is no Ma Yuan, well-deserved first person in the world.

But in Ma Yuan's eyes, it was nothing more than the strength between Death King and Death. You have to know that Ma Yuan and the King of Abuse are just one-handed things.

The fifteen people are all gray-haired old guys except Qingyan. Looking at the huge strange tree that constantly danced the Fujiman, everyone could not help but take a breath.

And Qing Yan just coldly looked at Master Chen Yao who was healing, and did not speak.

"Please adults please take charge of my master." Chen Yao, who was crying with a snot and tears, ran over and shouted.

"Humph!" Qing Yan only snorted coldly, so that he no longer dared to make a sound.

"I was so presumptuous before, please ask for atonement. I just wanted to have a discussion with my friends. I don't know if I could see it." Qing Yan went to the giant tree and stood out of thin air, shouting loudly.

Looking at the giant tree in front of him, it was green face, and his eyelids were also involuntarily picked. He is not the lack of attention of Chen Yao and Master Chen Yao. Naturally, he can see how terrible the strength of this giant tree is. people. From this, I thought of the fierce man who only split a mountain with one hand, and Qing Yan also murmured in her heart.

It seemed that he heard Qing Yan's shouting, and then suddenly a door flashed from the position of the giant tree trunk, obviously letting Qing Yan go in to speak. Qing Yan didn't hesitate, she flew in with her teeth clenched.

It wasn't that he was courageous, but he also saw that people wanted to clean him up just by waving his hand, and naturally he didn't have to be hypocritical outside or inside the tree.

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