Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 56: Sea Treasure

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After entering the giant tree space, Qing Yan was also stunned. In his view, even for a thousand-meter-high giant tree, the internal space will not hit where, but I did not expect that it was actually a space. It's like another world.

If Qing Yan came in and watched it earlier, it wouldn't be like this. It just formed from this strange tree. Even if Ma Yuan didn't care about him, the space inside was increasing day by day, and kept expanding. Although the degree of majesty cannot be compared with Ma Yuan's eyebrow world, there is also a trend towards a small world.

Suddenly for a while, Qing Yan's face was a bit unnatural. In his view, as long as he carried the general trend, as long as Ma Yuan wanted to gain a foothold in China, there would be scruples. I won't tear my face with myself, and now it seems that I think it's naive.

It is just such a world, he has only heard of it from some ancient book rumors, and he has never seen it. And people who can sit in this space, I am afraid that their strength and energy are not measurable, and even if others can’t beat you, hiding in the small world, at least they won’t be afraid of you, let alone they abuse themselves. .

Walking in the small world, looking at the various Fujiman plants, Qing Yan only felt cold all over. The plants here are like living creatures, twirling non-stop. Some even have big mouths of blood basins, a look that can be eaten by people at any time, but it is not terrifying.

This is not the most important thing. The key is that a random plant here seems to have the strength to shoot itself to death. Finally, in a terrified heart for not knowing how long, Qing Yan came to Ma Yuan.

"Sit down," Ma Yuan said with a finger pointing at a wooden pier without looking at Qing Yan.

"It's not necessary to sit, but Qing Yan wants to know, why did Mr. wanton massacre in China!" Qing Yan, who hadn't settled the matter, would have the mood to sit down. If you know that Ma Yuan is an enemy of China, if you don’t know how many people will die. Some anxious young people simply asked directly.

"If I want to kill someone, it's just that someone ran over to die." Ma Yuan was too lazy to explain so much. I believe that if they investigate carefully, they will naturally know the truth.

"Well, this tree?" Qing Yan's meaning is also very obvious. This strange tree in China will naturally make people worry.

"Why? Disgust?" Ma Yuan said, looking at Qing Yan with some playfulness.

"Don't dare, it's just that this strange tree hurts people at random,," Qing Yan didn't finish, but the meaning is obvious, that is, you put this strange thing here and casually hurt people, and people in Chaohai City will still How to live a life is not.

"It's okay, this Tang'an House is a good place. I will occupy it in the future, and this tree will not hurt people at will in the future. And if there is any offense at the National Lantern Festival, it will naturally shoot." Ma Yuan naturally understands what Qing Yan wants. , Very casual opening promise.

"Really?!" Qing Yan was agitated suddenly, no way. Ma Yuan said, it means that he has found a super thug for China. Originally thought it was a big trouble, but it turned into a surprise in a blink of an eye, how could he not be excited.

"What's the point of cheating you?" Ma Yuan said dismissively without looking at him.

In fact, this is also Ma Yuan's long-term plan. This big tree, no matter what it will look like in the future, will stay here steadily and securely. It will be regarded as its own home or palace.

And since you want to stay here, you naturally need to get the consent of others. After all, it is still your own country, and Ma Yuan is also willing to help in times of crisis. And this tree is also a super invincible protector for China.

"Then I have thanked Mr. here first. As for Tang Anfu, I will immediately send someone to clean it up to make room for Mr." Qing Yan said with a happy face.

Tang Anfu was not what Ma Yuanfei wanted, but it was such a big tree. It is estimated that a Tangan Mansion would be enough to choke it. But I don’t know how many thousand years later, now Ma Yuan has cut off the support of the giant tree world. Its growth depends entirely on itself. Although it will still grow, its speed is not known how much slower than before. Times.

"Well, just go out if it's okay. In the future, Tang Anfu will not allow anyone to come and go at will!" Ma Yuan waved his hand, and the old **** was instructed.

"Understood, there is only one more thing. I don't know if I can discuss it with my husband." Qing Yan hesitated, but said.

"Speak," Ma Yuan was also addicted to his current generation, and he looked like an old man.

"Not long ago, a large number of spirits were found in the seas of our country, just deep in the seabed, and there were a lot of unknown monsters. There were a lot of people. Although the abilities of all countries have deep, but they can come back. There is no one." Qing Yan said solemnly at this time, slowly speaking.

Ma principle listened to Qing Yan quietly. Hearing this, Ma Yuan probably understood the course of things. It was originally a fisherman who got a piece of pure energy crystal when he went fishing. Then by chance, he was discovered by the people under Qing Yan's hands, and then he asked the fishermen where to get the crystallization.

Afterwards, I did not know who had leaked the crystallization, which made the whole world known, but Qing Yan did not expect it, but instead saved their lives. Because as long as the abilities who hurriedly searched the sea, all died, saying that there is no one in the world, in fact, no one is alive at all.

Only from time to time there will be human bodies and some riding strange monster bodies floating up. At this time, no one dared to dive into the sea easily, looking for treasures.

The sea area was also blocked. In fact, there is no blockade, and no one dares to pass. And Qing Yan means that you are so powerful, why not go down and look at it, but if you eat meat, let us try the soup. We will be satisfied with the benefits we just share.

"Okay, I'll check it out when I have time." Ma Yuan didn't urgently lack spiritual resources at this time, he answered casually. After Ma arrived in the world of death notes, there were too many things that surprised him except for the world of death and death in this world script. Naturally, Ma Yun is also full of expectations for this world.

Qing Yan should have said everything. Naturally, she didn't stay here and got up and left. If you have time before leaving, please ask Mahara to sit in Kyoto.

This is obviously the heart of the people who want to buy and buy Ma Yuan. But for people like Ma Yuan, these things don't care anymore. It just responded casually.

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