Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 46: Graveyard battle

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"That's all I want to say. Time is running out, I'm passing now."

"Do you have a way to break through the Legion of Undead?"

Ma Yuan said with a smile: "The solution? Of course, it was directly killed. It's just some lower creatures."

Yay. About a quarter of the outer wall of Lantier, almost occupies a huge area of ​​most of the western side. It is right there. Lantier's common cemetery. There are of course cemeteries in other towns, but they are not so vast.

This is to suppress the generation of undead.

Although there are still many unknowns about the causes of the undead, there are often unclean things in the deathbed of the living. Among them, the most likely to be reincarnated from a dead person who died from death and no one hanged himself. Therefore, the battlefield and the ruins often refute the undead.

Very close to the Imperial battlefield. Lantier, in order to prevent the dead from becoming undead, a huge cemetery is needed-a place for people to hang on.

Regarding this part, the neighboring empire is also the same, and agreements will be concluded during the battle, solemnly relying on the dead to each other. Even if they fight each other, they will still agree that the undead attacking the living are the common enemy.

Not only that, the undead have a problem. That is, if left unattended, it is easy to produce stronger undead. Therefore, every night, adventurers and guards will patrol the cemetery to eliminate the weak undead as soon as possible.

There is a circle of walls around the cemetery, this wall-is the boundary between the dead and the living. Although the four-meter-high fence is not as good as the city wall, it is enough for people to walk on it. The gate is also very strong and strong, and it is absolutely impossible to break through easily.

This is all to guard against the undead born in the cemetery.

There are stairs on the left and right of the gate, and there is an observation deck next to the wall. With five people in each shift, the guards yawned alternately on the lookout to monitor the cemetery underneath.

The lamp holder of the cemetery frame facility and the magic of "sustainable light" is quite bright at night. However, there are still many shadows, and the view blocked by the tombstone is even worse.

A guard with a gun absent-mindedly looked at the cemetery, yawning to the companion who was watching together:

"It's very calm tonight."

A fierce battle between empire and kingdom. That place is also famous for frequent infested areas, where adventurers and kingdom knights entrusted by the kingdom will sweep the undead. The importance of this work even allowed the support departments of the empire and kingdom to build small towns on the ground.

As they said so, the tragedy happened.

"Hell the bell quickly! Request rescue from the guard station! You two go to notify the other door that the situation is urgent! The door was broken by the undead!"

The guards who heard the order remembered their duties and began to pierce the gun at the undead below. Like the undead masses who will drown the earth, they can be stabbed with just one shot.

Stabbed, lifted, and stabbed again.

The guards with muddy blood and corrupt stench, and noses that have been paralyzed by odor, are like the operator repeating the same action. Several undeads lose their negative lives. After falling to the ground, they are trampled by the undead behind.

The feeling of sorrow is getting stronger and stronger. The probability of supporting the reinforcements or coming out of stronger undeads is too low. As soon as the door is opened, the wave of death will flood in. I don’t know how many people will be sacrificed for it.

Just as despair was written on the faces of all the guards, the metal sound of Karakara sounded.

Everyone looked reflectively in the direction of the sound.

Several people wearing black cloaks stood at the wall, the metal flashing light in the night sky, the sword blade cut through, and dozens of undead were killed.

It was Andre and his party.

"Hey! Hello! It's dangerous here! Leave quickly—"

The guards didn't see the metal cards on them, but they didn't care much anymore at this time, as long as someone came to rescue them!

"Be careful behind!" shouted Andre.

The guards who heard the warrior's warning looked back and could only look directly at the destruction in front of them.

There is a shadow taller than the four-meter-high wall.

It was a huge undead gathered from countless corpses, a giant of undead aggregates.


Just as the crowd screamed and scrambled to escape, an amazing scene appeared in front of them.

A young man with short messy black hair, holding a pair of knives in his hand, charged at a high speed, a cross flash illuminated in the air, and it seemed almost impossible to be knocked down by a huge undead monster, as if it was hit by a bigger enemy. Generally go backwards and then fall down. A loud noise proved that the giant fell to the ground.

"It really hurts." Ma Yuan snorted.

Several people crossed the soldiers and easily jumped over the four-meter wall, and they disappeared on the other side of the wall, just like a fantasy scene. The guards couldn't believe what had just happened, and they stared at each other without looking at the space of the half-person.

Andz also waved the great sword over there, and killed a blood path with the crowd. In addition to a larger number, it was quite easy to cut it.

As long as the right hand moves, the undead will fly out, and with the left hand, the undead will be cut off in two strokes.

The number of casualties approaching immediate annihilation is too numerous to count, and even the undead with a low IQ will be taught a lesson in order to enclose such a circle.

"In this way, it will only stand still."

The plants around here are almost destroyed by the undead. Ankar can’t launch the range attack of the plant department, and can only restore their physical strength for them, becoming the weakest one here.

Anz was unable to create an undead because of the presence of André Ma. He was afraid that someone would see his identity as a non-human race. He is not the kind of elf that Ankar is more friendly to humans. He is the undead and the most A type of alien species that people are afraid of.

"Let me come." Ma Yuan changed his weapon and grabbed a bow and arrow.

The bow and arrow itself was not very big, just happened to be caught by Ma Yuan, but when he pulled the bow and set the arrow, a phantom of a bow and arrow magnified a hundred times appeared in the air and slowly pulled away. The silver light arrow shot with a huge arc behind it is not illusory, but has real damage. Just like the dense undead legion in front of it, it swept through and instantly cleared most of it.

"Let's go then," Ma Yuan said.

"...Really simple and rude."

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