Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 47: ridicule

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They came to the ancestral hall in the deepest part of the cemetery, and saw several suspicious figures posing in a circle in front of the ancestral hall, as if performing some ritual.

The black robe covering the whole body is uneven in color and rough in texture, and the color of each place is different. The head was also covered with a black triangle scarf covering the eyelids and only showing the eyes. The front of the wooden staff was decorated with strange patterns.

Their stature is short, and they should all be male from the outline of their bodies.

Only the man standing in the middle of the seemingly undead showed his face, and his dress was quite impressive. Holding a black stone in his hand, the man seemed to be very attentive.

The ups and downs of whispers spread into the ears of everyone. The sound is quite harmonious from high to low, and it also sounds like a prayer. But the feeling is not a solemn prayer dedicated to the deceased. It is more like an evil ceremony of blasphemy.

"Do you want a surprise attack?" Lilith asked.

"It's useless, the other party seems to be aware of us." Ma Yuan pulled the brim down.

They walked past with great light. Although you avoid the lights of the cemetery when you travel, as long as the other party uses "night vision", you can probably see it like in the daytime. And according to their experience, there is a spiritual connection between the summoned monster and the summoner. Since so many undeads have been defeated, the other party should have noticed their proximity through spiritual connections.

In fact, several people have watched Andre and others.

They did not launch an attack, they may have something to say.

As they approached, the suspicious group immediately took the posture, and one of them spoke to the man standing in the center: "Master Karjit, they are here."

"Oh, what a beautiful night. Don't you think it's wasteful to perform boring rituals?" Andrei mocked.

"Hum... I decide whether or not to perform the ritual. After all, what the **** are you? How can you break through the group of undead?"

The man standing in the middle of the circle-if not false, this man named Kajit really has the highest status-asked Andre on behalf of everyone.

"We are commissioned adventurers and are looking for the missing boy... I don't need to say the name, do you know it?"

The group took a slight stance, which made Andre in his heart affirm that they could not be implicated as innocent.

"Is it only you? What about the others?"

"Only us. Do we still need to send an army to deal with such a group of lower creatures." Andre disdain. Ma Yuan found out again that André's habit of being forced all the time, but he also listened to it very well.

"It's impossible to lie."

Andre felt some meaning from the opponent's resolute words, so he asked:

"Believe it or not, it's up to you, as long as the teenager goes home safely, I can spare you not to die? Kajit."

Cajit glanced at the stupid disciple who called his name.

"Is there anyone other than you on your side?" Ma Yuan asked rhetorically.

Cajit looked at them coldly:

"Only us--"

"───It's not just you? There should be a guy with a spear weapon... Want to be surprised? Or are you afraid that we will hide?"

"Oh, did you investigate the bodies-there is still a whole set of -"

The woman's voice rang from the direction of the ancestral hall.

The woman appeared slowly, and every step of the walk came the sound of a metal crash.

"Oh ─ ─ already exposed ─ ─ it is not a way to continue hiding. Having said that-I just hid it quietly because I would not use "hidden life"-""

The woman smiled bitterly and replied with a bit fierce voice.

Even if he talked hard, he still didn’t use the hostage of Enfreia – maybe Enfrea was already killed, and when Andrea thought so, the woman asked: “Relevant information about the high-level adventurers in this city I have both, and I haven’t seen anyone like you. In other words, how did you find this place? The information left behind is obviously the sewer."

Ma Yuan said with a smile: "It's curious to lift your cloak and let us see how it looks."

Clementine's face became distorted. I laughed so much that my mouth was about to crack into my ears:

"Just kidding-are you saying this?"

Klein Dou Ting lifted the windbreaker, underneath it seemed that each scale had a different scale armor. But Anz's superior vision immediately saw the truth through the scale armor. That metal plate that is definitely not scale armor.

There are metal cards of countless adventurers. Platinum, gold, silver, iron, copper, and even the colors of mythril and mountain bronze. That's the proof that Clementine has always killed adventurers, the spoils of hunting. The sound of metal collision is like countless whining noises.

"It's your loot... tell me this place."

Clementine's expression was unpredictable, and Ma Yuan did not intend to continue explaining.

"How to divide the work?" Ma Yuan asked with a knife in his arms. In fact, from the beginning, he didn't want to involve Anz in this matter, he and his companions dealt with these individuals is more than enough.

Anz seems to know Ma Yuan’s thoughts, and said first: “Me and Nabe dealt with that woman, and you dealt with the rest. We will solve it soon to help you.”

Lilith sneered, "Who helps who is not always necessary!"

Naberal glared at her: "You lowly human!"

"Don't quarrel, don't quarrel." Anz had a headache.

"Did you despise us like that?" Clementine--that is, the woman smiled dangerously. "Can the person I killed in that shop be your companion? Shouldn't you be angry because your companion was killed? Right--? But I don’t think such a weak person should know you guys."

Anz shrugged without explanation.

Clementine narrowed his eyes, and for the first time showed an unpleasant expression: "According to the information heard by those guys in Fenghua, only five people in this country can play well with me. Geoff Storonov, The grande of the green rose, the lucent Berger Abelion of the vermilion, and Bryce Angraus and the retired Wischi Clover. Di Luo Fang... . But they won’t win me even with all their strength. Even after I throw away the magic items from the state.”

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