Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 165: Eight fingers

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"Clem, Miss Tina and Miss Tia are twins, and their hair length is almost the same."

"So just look at one of them."

Clem feels that the problem is not okay, but he understands for the time being.

However, Tina looked at her sight unreservedly, which confused Clem. Clem wanted to endure it, but thought that the other party might have found something wrong, so he decided to ask directly.

"Any questions?"

"It's too big."


Did you understand? Seeing several question marks appear on Clem's head, La Qius interjected to apologize.

"Nothing, our own business. Don't worry about it, Clem. No, really don't worry about it. Really."


"...What's going on, Rajus?"

Clem asked himself not to have more rooms, but Lana seemed unacceptable and interjected. Rajuz looked at Lana, showing a nasty expression.

"Really, when it comes to Clem..."

"Ah, I--"

"—Shut up. I didn't bring Tia because she would instill some of it with Lana. So please understand, can you say a little less?"

"Okay, the devil leader."

"...Rajus. What's going on?"

Rajus was questioned by Lana, his expression really started to twitch. It even showed a depressed expression.

When Clem was about to intervene, Rajuz looked away.

"Uh... Clem, it looks like you like this armor."

"Yes, this is a pretty armor. Thank you very much."

Although the topic was too hard to be harder, Clem didn't want to disgrace the guests, so he immediately answered and touched the snow-white body armor Lana gave him. This piece uses a lot of Mithril-and also uses part of the mountain bronze-the armor created by applying a variety of magic, surprisingly light and hard, which is conducive to action.

In order to make such exquisite armor, members of Cang Rose provided Mithril for free. No matter how Cram bowed his thanks, it was not enough to express his gratitude.

Clem was about to bow his thanks and was stopped by La Qiusi.

"Don't worry about it. We just give you the leftover materials for making Mithril Armor."

Although it is leftover, Mithril is a very expensive material. Mountain bronze-level adventurers must have the money to make Mithril full body armor. Mithril-level adventurers may also have a Mithril weapon. But there are probably only steel-level strongmen who can give away without paying a dime.

"Besides Lana please, how can I refuse it."

"--At that time, you refused to accept my money. I clearly had pocket money..."

"...Isn't it a bit wrong for the princess to spend pocket money?"

"I have saved the income of the territory separately. I want to use my pocket money to make Clem's armor."

"Also. You must want to use your own money to send Clem a brand new armor--"

"...Since you all understand why you have to give it to me for free. Rajus the fool."

"Generally speaking, I shouldn't say I am a fool..."

Angrily Lana and grinning Rajus began to squabble that could not be quarreled.

Looking at this scene, Clem just tightened his face so that no expression would appear on his face.

To be able to see this kind of scene-this kind of smooth and warm scene, all have to thank the master for picking himself back. However, this sentiment is not allowed to overflow the book.

It’s okay if it’s just thanks, it’s okay to show it, but only Clem is hidden under thanks, and the strong feelings for Lana can never be revealed.


Clem shattered his feelings hard, hiding his heart. Instead, the line was repeated several times.

"Thank you very much, Master Lana."

Seeing his attitude clearing the line between the two sides—clearly suggesting the different positions of the master and the servants—Lana had some—only Clem, who looked at her every day, longer than anyone else. , To be able to detect a little degree-smiling lonely.

"You're welcome. The topic is a bit far away. Go back to the topic just now."

"Are you saying eight fingers? We just mentioned that we broke into the three villages where we cultivated drugs and burned the farmland. I don't need to repeat it here?"

Hearing the name, Clem frowned under the iron mask he had put on.

The eight-finger illegal organization in the dark of the kingdom. The beloved master is taking action to punish them.

Once the drugs cultivated in the village are burned, it is not difficult to guess what kind of misfortune the village will survive in the future. However, in order to exterminate the drugs that erode the kingdom, the villagers had to sacrifice their lives.

If you have supreme power, you may be able to take other different means. However, although Lana is a queen, she has no backing and can only make a ruthless choice to save those who can save.

If Lana petitioned her father, she might be able to strike at the place she requested with power or force. However, due to the fact that the eight fingers are closely related to some nobles, it is certain that the information will be leaked and the other party will be the first to annihilate the evidence.

To this end, Lana adopted the method of directly entrusting her friend La Qiusi.

Clem knew that this was a very dangerous act. Generally speaking, risk takers will accept commissioned actions through unions and will not allow clients to accept commissions directly. This is against the rules.

Indeed, he remembered that the union could not punish the highest-ranking steel-risk adventurers, nor could it banish them. Having said that, doing so will still reduce the evaluation of adventurers within the union, and it will certainly cause losses in the future. However, Cang Qiangwei accepted the commission because they were patriotic and regarded Lana as a friend.

Clem has a stronger sense of gratitude for La Russe who would rather sacrifice the ego and complete the ego.

Rajuth thought that it was almost time to mention it, so he opened the bag Tina had brought and took out a piece of parchment.

This is a document that La Qiusi and their members cannot understand. But as far as the most wise Lana she knows, some clues may be visible.

"We found this piece of parchment when we burned the drugs in the village. I guess it should be some kind of written instruction, and I brought it back... can you see what?"

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