Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 166: Replace password

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The parchment spread out is full of marks, not the words of any country. Lana only glanced at it and answered casually:

"...It's a replacement password."

The so-called replacement password is a ciphertext formed by replacing the plain text with one word or several words as a unit and replacing it with other words or symbols.

"I think so too. So I looked for the replacement watch for a long time, but unfortunately did not find it. Because the replacement watch may be silent, we captured a man who is suspected to be in charge, I think the best way should be to use confusion Magic made him go back and asked about the decoding method, but... I think you also know that the same warlock will continue to use deceptive magic on the same object, and the effect will become worse. So I want to be cautious when using it for the first time. First I have talked to you before I can cast a spell."

"It turns out that...the reason for staying on the scene...the trap...or a deeper reason? If so, it won't be replaced with too difficult. Well. I think this password should not be difficult to interpret."

Lana's speech made Rajuz's eyes wide. She couldn't help but face Tina sitting beside her.

unbelievable. But relatively, I can't help but feel "just know her".

"I think about it, in the Kingdom language, the first word of the article will only be a masculine article, a feminine article or a neutral article: wait for me..."

Lana chanted something, stood up with parchment paper, and went back with a pen and paper.

Then she wrote a series of words on the paper.

"This is a simple password with a text corresponding to a mark, so it is easy to interpret. And fortunately, the above is in Kingdom language. If you use a book such as Imperial language as a replacement table, it can hardly be solved. This... as long as you know one of the words, you can fill it in one by one again. As long as you work hard, everyone can solve it."

"No, no... it's easy to say. Then you need to know tens of thousands of words to solve it?"

"This is a written instruction written in a password. It is generally impossible to write a bite, and it is almost impossible to use difficult words. It should be written in simple words that children can understand. So there are not many options. "

Rajus was sweating inwardly.

This friend said it simply, but it was never as easy as she said.

But this girl's words should be done...I can't believe there is such a genius.

Every time she meets or talks, she always surprises her. La Qiusi had never seen a genius like Lana.

Compared to Rajus who secretly felt trembling, Lana said easily: "It's finished. But it's not just written instructions." Pass the paper to her. There are many place names in the kingdom written on the paper. There are also place names within the seven capitals.

"Does it mean that there is a hoard of drugs in these places, or an important stronghold?"

"I don't think the general production area will put such important articles... Probably bait?"

"Bait? Are you talking about traps?"

"Um... I don't think so. Let's put it this way, although the eight fingers are an organization, they are structurally divided into eight organizations, which are closer to the form of cooperation with each other, right?"

Rajus nodded.

"So this should be seven other organizations... or should it be a department? It is to deliberately provide intelligence outside the drug department to foreign enemies in order to temporarily distract the enemy from their attention."

"That is to say, they prepared the intelligence of other departments in advance... Although the drought expected that they were not united, they didn't expect it to be so outrageous..." As an adventurer, she betrayed her behavior by betraying her companions.

"Although this is something that has been known for a long time, it is necessary to act quickly, otherwise it will not be very good."

Seeing his friend nod, Rajuth asked again.

"As a result, what about the prostitute's affairs? I heard that it was a very bad prostitute. Can you experience all the services you imagined?"

La Qiusi spoke out himself, and all felt angry.

Son of a bitch. Just use the scum of the lower body to think and die quickly!

Recalling the investigation into the information about the prostitutes, she is no longer a noble daughter, but as a female adventurer who runs through the rivers and lakes, she insults in disdain in her heart.

What does "all imaginary services" mean? I don't even have to think about it. What is certain is that there must be several people-regardless of sex-killed for entertainment.

When slave trade was legal in the past, there were several such prostitutes in the underground world. However, thanks to the dedication of the friend in front of him, the slave trade became an illegal act, and the facility disappeared. The facility found this time is probably the last illegal prostitution in Wangdu or the Kingdom.

Because of this, it is not easy to order closure. It is conceivable that there will be strong resistance waiting for them. Because for people with unknowable low-level hobbies, there is their last filthy paradise.

"Nah, Lana. Since we can't exercise our power to conduct a search, why not let us force us to debunk their crimes? As long as the evidence is found, is it okay? If it is really the slave trading department that runs the prostitutes, defeating them Become a big blow, and seeing who the evidence points to should give a painful lesson to the embarrassed aristocracy."

"Maybe you're right, Rajus. But doing so will cause trouble to your home...Albein's house? So I have a hard time. It's also a matter of asking the members of Cang Qianwei to... but ask Clay It's impossible for Mu to capture there alone..."

"I'm so sorry for my subordinates."

Clem bowed his head and apologized. Lana reached out and wrapped Clem's hand, smiling softly.

"I'm sorry, Clem. I don't mean that. There is Wangdu's only illegal prostitute. No one can take it alone... Listen to me, I trust Clem the most. I know you For my best efforts. However, don't do anything that is easily involved in danger. This is not a request, it is an order? If you have three shorts and two short..."

Even La Jusi, who was watching from the side, felt as if she was moved by the tears of the peerless beauty. So, what is Clem's state of mind?

He desperately tried to pretend to be expressionless, but he couldn’t

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