Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 168: Stroll around

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The gray-haired gentleman, Sebastian, is an existence obsessed with him just by looking at it. Not only is the facial features correct, but the temperament is also striking. Walking on the street, 90% of women, regardless of age, will look back at him. The waitress sitting at the counter was no exception to see Sebastian seeing ecstasy, and it was normal.

Sebass felt understandable, and then his eyes fell on the book again. He stopped again on one of the pages and asked the youth:

"Can you tell me more about this magic-"floating board"?"

"Okay." The youth began to introduce smoothly.

""Floating board" is the first order magic, which can create a translucent floating board. The size and maximum loading weight of the floating board will be affected by the magic of the caster, but if it is launched by the reel, the maximum limit is one square Meters, with a loading weight of 50 kilograms. The manufactured floating board will follow the caster’s back, as far as five meters away. Since this floating board will only follow the caster, it cannot be executed. Move to the front and other operations, if the caster turns 180 degrees in place, the floating board will slowly move to the back of the caster. Basically this is the magic used to carry items, which can sometimes be seen on the civil engineering site To."

"It turns out so." Sebass nodded. "Then I will buy this magic scroll."


The young man was not a little surprised that Sebass chose the magic that was not very easy to sell. Because the magic scrolls purchased by Sebastian are almost all such unpopular magic. Besides, being able to clear the remaining inventory is also a very good thing for the Wizards’ Union.

"Is it just a scroll?"

"Yes, please."

The young man made a slight gesture to the man sitting next to him.

The man who had been listening to the conversation between the two stood up immediately, opened the door leading to the room on the wall behind the counter, and walked inside. Reels are also expensive goods. Even if there are security guards, it is not good to pile up in the counter.

After about five minutes, the man who had just left returned. He held a roll of parchment in his hand.

"This is your scroll."

Sebastian looked at the parchment on the counter. The rolled parchment paper is exquisitely made, and the paper that can be bought everywhere just looks different. The magic name was written in black ink on it. Sebass confirmed that the name was the same as the magic name he wanted to buy, and then took off his glasses.

"It's true. I bought it."

"Thank you for your patronage." The young man bowed his head politely. "This scroll is the first order magic. It will charge you one gold coin and ten silver coins."

The potion of the same level and only made magically is worth two gold coins, so this is relatively cheap. This is because, in general, scrolls can only be used by people who can use the same system of magic. In other words, the potion that anyone can use is relatively expensive, which is self-evident.

"Did you buy it?" Ma Yuan poked his head from behind Sebastian. He had just used the method of concealing breath and successfully avoided the sight in the hall.

"Well, we can leave." Sebastian also understood Ma Yuan's trouble very well, because he would feel a little uncomfortable in these eyes.

Sebass, who walked out of the Wizards’ Union, looked up slightly at the sky.

As the old lady was sent home halfway, the sky was slowly dyed dark red after the scheduled time. Looking at the watch I took out of my arms, it's time to return to my residence. However, the things scheduled to be handled today are not finished. It doesn't matter if these things are done tomorrow, shouldn't they be done tomorrow? Or should it be done according to the schedule, even if the time is over, it should be completed within today?

He asked Ma Yuan's opinion.

"Today's thing was that I was adept at advocating and wasted time. I think it should be done. Mr. Ma Yuan can go back to the hotel if he is tired."

Ma Yuan said he didn't care, just act with him.

"--Shadow Demon."

The shadow of Sebastian came from a crawling stupid breath.

"Please tell Sorelline that I will go back later. Above."

Although there was no answer, the breath began to move, moving away from the shadow to another shadow.

"Okay." Sebass murmured and moved.

There is no special destination. The next thing Sebass has to do is to have a complete grasp of the geographical environment within the capital. The owner did not specifically order him to do so, it was his spontaneous action, as a part of gathering intelligence.

And what Ma Yuan wanted to do coincided with him, the same is to collect intelligence, one is for the development of Nasari, the other is to destroy this place.

"So, just go there today."

Sebastian said, after smoothing his beard, he turned the scroll with one hand. That look also looks like a happy child.

They continued to move forward, gradually away from the central area of ​​the Wangdu with good security.

After a few corners along the aisle, the alley started to brew a dirty feeling, and there was a little smell. It is the smell of food waste or excrement. Sebasi walked silently in this air that seemed to pollute his clothes.

Stopped inadvertently and looked around. They seemed to have walked into a very hidden back alley, which was narrow enough to barely pass by.

In the narrow alleys of the setting sun, there are tall and uninhabited tall buildings on the left and right to block the light, making people hard to walk. However, there is no problem for Sebastian and Ma Yuan. They walked silently as if they were falling into the night, without making a sound of footsteps.

After turning around for several corners, they continued to walk in the direction of less people, and the steps without confusion suddenly stopped.

Randomly aimlessly swaying with interest, he came here all the way and found himself quite far away from the residence as a stronghold. Sebastian roughly grasped where he is now by intuition, and connected the two points of the current location and the stronghold in his brain with a line.

With regard to the physical fitness of Sebastian, this distance is almost within reach, but that is to say that it has been going straight. If you walk back in the usual way, it will take some time. Thinking that night had come, perhaps it was almost time to return.

He was not worried about the safety of Soleusian living together.

Even if extremely powerful enemies appear, as the shadow demon lurks in the shadow of Sebastian, the monster also lurks in the shadow of Soliuxiang. As long as the monster is used as a meat shield, it should be enough to fight for the time to escape.

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