Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 169: stir up trouble

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They spent some time nearby, and no one spoke in the middle.

"...I think we should go back, Mr. Ma Yuan." Finally Sebastian stopped.

To be honest, he would like to take a step back a bit, but it is not commendable to spend time on this kind of behavior that is half of interest.

Ma Yuan saw a slight reluctance from Sebastian's expression and empathized: "Look at what's ahead, it seems that something interesting is going to happen."

Sebastian froze slightly, smiled, and accepted his offer. In fact, he doesn't think anything will happen in the front, but it will not be broken.

They continued to walk towards the narrow alleys.

In front-a seemingly heavy iron door fifteen meters away, a sudden rolling sound slowly opened, leaking out the light inside. Sebass stopped and looked slightly at Ma Yuan. He didn't respond very much, but watched quietly what was going on.

After the door was fully opened, someone showed his face. The backlight allows Sebas to only see the silhouette of the man, but it should be a man. The man looked around. However, he didn't seem to be able to find Sebastian and retracted into the door without any response.

With a thud, a rather large bag was thrown out. Under the light of the light leaking from the door, the soft object in the bag can be seen deformed.

Although the door is open, it seems that the person who threw the bag out of the garbage has entered the house for a while, and has no further action.

Sebass frowned for only a moment, hesitating whether to move forward or go in another direction. It would be troublesome to intervene in this matter.

As soon as he turned around, Ma Yuan looked at him with a smile. Sebastian suddenly felt like he was being seen through whatever he wanted.

He just touched his white beard, and after a short period of hesitation, he went straight into the quiet, narrow and dark alleyway.

"--Go ahead."

The mouth of the big bag loosened.

Sebastian's leather shoes made a prowling sound in the alley, and soon approached the bag.

He was about to pass directly, but his steps stopped.

Sebastian trousers came with a slight touch that caught something. Sebastian looked down and found the expected object.

He saw a thin twig-like hand sticking out of the bag and grabbed the trousers. There are also semi-naked women who emerge from the bag-

The mouth of the bag is now wide open, and the female upper body is exposed.

The pupils of the blue eyes are weak and opaque. The hair that grows to the shoulders is chaotic and becomes dry and broken due to malnutrition. The face was beaten and swollen like a ball. The dry tree-like skin is covered with countless nail-sized red spots.

The dry, thin body didn't even have a drop of anger.

That is already a dead body. No, of course she hasn't died yet. The hand holding Sebastian's trousers is the best evidence. However, the existence of only breathing can really be said to be alive.

"...Can you please let go?"

The woman did not respond to what Sebass said. One can see at a glance that she was not pretending not to hear. Because the eyelid was swollen, only one line was opened, as if looking at the cloudy eye pupil in the air, nothing was seen.

Sebastian can easily shake off his fingers that are worse than dead branches by just moving his feet. But instead of doing so, he continued to ask:

"...Are you in trouble? If that's the case--"

"--Hey, old man. Where did you come from?"

A low, fierce voice interrupted Sebastian.

The man appeared from behind the door. With a swollen chest and thick arms, the man with the old wound on his face showed obvious hostility, staring fiercely at Sebass. He carried a lantern in his hand. The lantern emits red light.

"Hey, hello, old man. What are you looking at?"

The man deliberately gave Sebastian a look and raised his chin.

"Come on, old man. Now I can let you go."

Seeing Sebastian not moving, the man took a step. The door closed with a heavy noise behind the man. The man threatened and deliberately slowly put the lantern to his feet.

"Hello, old man. Are you deaf?"

He gently turned his shoulders, then turned his thick neck. I saw him slowly raise his right hand and clenched his fists. It is obvious that he will not be weak in exercising violence.

Ma Yuan looked at all this and went straight up to say something to Sebastian, the other party smiled.

"Hey, who are you?" The man looked at the young man in a black trench coat who suddenly appeared in the dark, his breath suddenly rushed. The young man looked not strong, but he looked like a carnivorous beast. .

"It doesn't matter who I am."-Because you haven't lived long. Ma Yuan looked at him with a smile.

Then he took only one step, correctly shortened the distance from the man, and reached out his hand. The man couldn't even react to the movement. The outstretched hand grabbed the man's front, and then—lifted the man's body easily.

If someone witnessed the scene on the spot, it would be assumed that this was a joke.

Judging from the characteristics of appearance, Ma Yuan has no chance to compare with men. On the chest muscles, thick arms, height, weight, and violent breath.

—No, it’s not. If you saw it on the spot, you might be able to feel the "difference" between the two. Although human beings have poor biological instincts—wild instincts, they must still be able to feel the difference in the face of unequivocal differences.

The "difference" between Ma Yuan and men. That is--

The difference between an absolute strong and an absolute weak.

The man lifted to the ground completely swayed his feet and twisted his body. Then when he wanted to grab Sebastian's arms with both arms, he seemed to realize what he was feeling, and fear began to hide in his eyes.

The man finally realized it. The person in front of him is very different from his appearance. Useless resistance will only make the monster in front of you even more annoyed.

Ma Yuan held him like this and turned back to Sebastian: "Ask what you want to ask?"

"What is she?"

A calm voice broke into the ear of a man who was gradually stiffened by fear.

The voice was like a quiet, flowing stream of clear water. It is completely incompatible with the situation of easily lifting a man with one hand, which makes people more afraid.

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