Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 170: The strong do what the rules

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"She, she is an employee in our shop."

The man desperately answered in a voice out of tune because of fear.

"I ask you what is she. And is your answer "employee"?"

The man thinks if he said something wrong. However, in this situation, this should be the closest to the correct answer. The man's eyes were big and he kept turning like a timid little animal.

"It's nothing. It's just that some of my companions also see humans as things. So I thought you also viewed people as things. Because if you think this way, it means you don't think you are doing bad things. But yours The answer is "employee." That is to say, when you do this, you treat her as an adult, right? Then let me ask questions again. How do you plan to deal with her next?"

The man thought for a moment. however--

As if to hear a crushing voice.

Ma Yuan twitched a little, and the man suddenly became breathless, groaning strangely.

"We don't have much time, you better say it quickly."

"She, she is sick, so I want to take her to the temple--"

"--I don't like to hear lies."


The strength of Ma Yuan's arm was strengthened again, the man's entire face flushed red, and a strange wailing leaked. Even if he gave in a hundred steps and tolerated the act of putting people in a bag and carrying it, the man's act of throwing the bag in the alley would not feel the tenderness of taking the patient to the temple for treatment. It was simply throwing garbage.


A man who has difficulty breathing and his life begins to fall into danger, kicks and kicks desperately.

Ma Yuan easily blocked the fist flying towards his face with one hand. The kicking and kicking feet hit Ma Yuan's body and soiled his clothes. But Ma Yuan's body did not move.

Even if he was kicked with a thick leg, Ma Yuan still had a good time, as if he felt no pain at all and continued:

"I advise you to be honest."


Looking up at the man who had become completely unable to breathe, his face flushed with blood, Ma Yuan narrowed his eyes. He looked at the moment when the man was about to lose consciousness completely and released his hand.

With a loud bang, the man rolled down on the alley.

"Uh eh ah!"

The man spit out the last air in his lungs as a scream, and then sucked in oxygen greedily, making a thud. Ma Yuan looked down at him without saying a word. Then he extended his hand to his throat again.

"Wait... beg, beg you to wait!"

The man who had experienced the fear of hypoxia experienced pain and rolled his hand away from Ma Yuan.

"God... yes! I was going to take her to the temple!"

Still lying. I can't think of such a strong spirit...

He thought that men afraid of suffering or death would immediately recruit from the real. However, men are just afraid, but they do not seem to tell the truth immediately. In other words, the danger of leaking intelligence is enough to match Ma Yuan's intimidation.

Sebass considered whether to change the means of attack. In a sense, this is the enemy's position. The man did not ask for help behind the door, which means that he did not expect someone to come to rescue him immediately. Having said that, staying here for a long time will only cause more trouble.

The master did not order himself to cause trouble. He only instructed himself to join the social crowd and quietly collect intelligence.

What Ma Yuan said in his ear just now is that he can do all the attacks on human beings, so that he doesn't have to worry about anything. But is this really no problem, if there is any big trouble.

Ma Yuan also saw his concerns.

"If you want to take her to the temple, let's take her. It's up to us to protect her safety."

The man was shocked and his eyes were shaking. Then he desperately tried to excuse himself.

"... No one can guarantee that you will really take her."

"Then you can follow along."

"I can't go now because of something. So I will take her later."

The man saw something from Sebastian’s expression, and then anxiously continued: “That one belongs to us legally. If you want to intervene, you will violate the laws of this country! Bring her if you dare Go, you are kidnapping like this!"

Sebass frowned, and the man poked his biggest pain.

Although the host has said that he can make some conspicuous actions when he is in a bad mood, but that is to say that it is necessary to pretend to be Miss Qianjin and the housekeeper.

Violation of the law will be subject to judicial investigation and may even expose the disguise. In other words, doing so may directly cause serious disturbances, leading to obvious actions that the owner does not like.

Sebass doesn't think much of this rude man's knowledge, but he speaks with confidence. In this way, someone should have taught him a little legal knowledge. Thinking this way, his plausible words may well have its basis.

There are no witnesses now, and the problem is simple. As long as the violence is resolved. But here is a corpse with a broken neck.

However, that is the last resort. It is the last resort that can be exercised only to achieve the purpose of your own master. You can't do it easily for this woman who meets in the same water.

In this case, is it the correct behavior to see this woman to death?

The men's indecent laughter annoyed the indecisive Sebastian.

At this time, Ma Yuan coldly kicked him to the ground: "The provision of this kind of thing is for the strong, but it is used to violate it?"

The man seemed to have the bottom of his heart, showing a flinch in a moment, but immediately regained his confidence.

"... Then you try it, eh?"

Ma Yuan snorted coldly, who was afraid of anyone if he talked about it.

"It turns out that. It is indeed legally troublesome. However, there is also a law that stipulates that the client can be rescued from punishment only when the client seeks help. We just help her based on this point. First, she Now that my consciousness is unclear, I must go to the temple for treatment, right?"

"Um... no... this..."

The man read the words sadly.

The mask peeled off.

The poor performance of the man and the slow reaction made Sebastian relieved.

Sebas drove the man out of sight and lifted the woman's head.

"Do you want me to save you?"

Sebastian asked her. Then put her ear close to the woman's chapped lips.

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